Easy Guide: Installing AMD Crimson on Ubuntu 15.10

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Easy Guide: Installing AMD Crimson on Ubuntu 15.10

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Installing AMD Crimson 15.12 Drivers on Ubuntu
  • Prerequisites for Installation
    • Installing Dependencies
  • Downloading the AMD Crimson 15.12 Driver
  • Installing the Driver
    • Generating Distribution Specific Driver
    • Verifying Installation
  • Uninstalling AMD Crimson 15.12 Drivers
  • FAQs
    • Q: Can I install AMD Crimson 15.12 drivers on Ubuntu 16.04?
    • Q: What should I do if the installation fails?
    • Q: Will uninstalling the drivers affect my system's stability?
    • Q: Can I revert to open source drivers after uninstallation?

Introduction to Installing AMD Crimson 15.12 Drivers on Ubuntu

🚀 Welcome to our guide on installing AMD Crimson 15.12 drivers on Ubuntu! In this comprehensive Tutorial, we'll walk you through each step, ensuring a smooth installation process.

Prerequisites for Installation

Before diving into the installation process, let's ensure you have everything you need.

Installing Dependencies

To begin, we need to install several dependencies. Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

sudo apt-get install DKMS lib32gcc1 lib32gcc1 debhelper dh-modaliases execstack

These dependencies are crucial for a successful installation.

Downloading the AMD Crimson 15.12 Driver

Now, let's grab the AMD Crimson 15.12 driver from the official AMD website.

Ensure to choose the correct driver for your system, either Linux x86 or Linux_86_64, based on your computer's architecture.

Installing the Driver

Generating Distribution Specific Driver

After downloading the driver, navigate to the downloaded folder and execute the installation script.

sudo ./amd-driver-installer-15.302-x86.run

Follow the on-screen prompts, ensuring to select the option to generate a distribution-specific driver.

Verifying Installation

Once the installation is complete, verify that the driver is installed correctly by opening the AMD Radeon control center from the Ubuntu dash. Confirm that your GPU is detected without any issues.

Uninstalling AMD Crimson 15.12 Drivers

Uninstalling the AMD Crimson 15.12 drivers is straightforward.

Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

sudo dpkg -r fglrx fglrx-core fglrx-dev fgrlx-amdcccle

Restart your system, and you'll be back to using the default open-source drivers.


Q: Can I install AMD Crimson 15.12 drivers on Ubuntu 16.04?

Yes, the installation process remains largely the same for Ubuntu 16.04. However, always check for compatibility with your specific OS version.

Q: What should I do if the installation fails?

If the installation fails, double-check that you've followed each step correctly. If issues persist, Seek assistance from the Ubuntu community forums or AMD support.

Q: Will uninstalling the drivers affect my system's stability?

Uninstalling the drivers should not affect your system's stability. However, it's recommended to create a system backup before making significant changes.

Q: Can I revert to open-source drivers after uninstallation?

Absolutely! After uninstallation, your system will revert to using the default open-source drivers automatically.

By following this guide, you can effortlessly install and uninstall AMD Crimson 15.12 drivers on your Ubuntu system. Enjoy enhanced performance and compatibility with your AMD GPU! If you encounter any issues or have further questions, feel free to reach out. Happy computing!

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