Create Your Own Autonomous AI Agent in Python

Create Your Own Autonomous AI Agent in Python

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating an Autonomous AI Agent with Python
  3. Setting up the OpenAI API
  4. Defining the OpenAI API Key
  5. Sending a Message to Chat GPT
  6. Parsing the Response
  7. Implementing Different Functions
  8. Writing Files using the AI Agent
  9. Writing to File with User Input
  10. Building a Conversational AI Agent


In today's video, we will explore how to Create your own autonomous AI agent using Python. I have previously created an AI agent called GPT Autopilot, which can perform various tasks such as writing files and generating coding projects. In this video, we will focus on the basic functionality of an AI agent using function calling with the OpenAI API. Let's dive in and get started!

Creating an Autonomous AI Agent with Python

To create an autonomous AI agent, we will first need to set up the OpenAI API. We will import the openai library, which is the official library for the OpenAI API. If You haven't installed it yet, you can run pip install openai to get the latest version. Next, we need to define the OpenAI API key. You can either paste your API key directly or Read it from an environment variable. Let's read it from the environment variable for now.

Setting up the OpenAI API

To set up the OpenAI API, we need to define the OpenAI API key. We can do this by assigning the API key to openai.api_key. If you haven't already installed the openai library, you can run pip install openai and then use the openai.api_key command to set the key. Make sure you have the latest version of the library installed. If you already have the library installed, you can simply run upgrade to update it.

Defining the OpenAI API key

To define the OpenAI API key, we can either paste it directly or read it from an environment variable. For security reasons, it is recommended to read the API key from an environment variable. You can use the os.getenv function to retrieve the API key from the environment variables. Make sure to import the os library before using this function. Once you have retrieved the API key, you can assign it to openai.api_key.

Sending a Message to Chat GPT

To send a message to Chat GPT, we will use the openai.ChatCompletion.create function. This function requires two parameters: messages and model. The messages parameter is an array of messages, and the model parameter specifies the GPT model to use. In this case, we will use the gpt-3.5-turbo model for function calling. Additionally, we can include a functions parameter to specify a specific function to call. If no specific function is specified, the AI agent will decide which function to call.

Parsing the Response

After sending a message to Chat GPT, we need to parse the response to extract the Relevant information. We can access the response using the response variable. The response will contain multiple choices and each choice will have a message along with a function call, if applicable. We can use the response.choices attribute to access the messages and function calls. To extract the message content, we can use response.choices[0].message.content.

Implementing Different Functions

To implement different functions in the AI agent, we can define functions that correspond to specific tasks. For example, we can define a write_file function that writes content to a file. The function will take two parameters: file_name and content. Within the function, we can use the with open statement to open the file and write the content to it. Finally, we can return a message confirming the successful write operation.

Writing Files using the AI Agent

To write files using the AI agent, we can prompt it to call the write_file function with the desired file name and content. The AI agent will then execute the function and return a message indicating the success of the operation. It is important to handle user input carefully when performing file operations to ensure security.

Writing to File with User Input

To enable writing to a file with user input, we can prompt the AI agent to ask the user for confirmation before performing the file writing operation. This ensures that the user is aware of the file being written and prevents unauthorized file operations. We can implement this by asking the user for input and checking their response. If the response is "yes," we proceed with the file writing operation. Otherwise, we return an error message indicating that the user is not allowed to perform the operation.

Building a Conversational AI Agent

To build a conversational AI agent, we can create a loop that allows for continuous interaction with the user. The loop will prompt the user to input their message, which will then be sent to Chat GPT for processing. The response from Chat GPT will be parsed and the appropriate actions will be taken Based on the content of the message. If the message includes a function call, the corresponding function will be executed. If the message is a regular chat response, the AI agent will provide a suitable reply and ask for the next user input.

Please note that the example code provided in this article does not cover all aspects of building a fully autonomous AI agent, but it serves as a starting point for understanding the basic concepts and implementation steps. Feel free to explore and expand upon these concepts to create your own AI agent with additional functionalities.

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