Dateien mit ChatGPT hochladen - Einfache Anleitung

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Dateien mit ChatGPT hochladen - Einfache Anleitung

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the upload feature
  3. Creating a Chrome plugin
  4. Manifest file
  5. Content scripts
  6. Styling the upload button
  7. Adding event listeners
  8. Uploading files
  9. Disabling the button
  10. Testing and deploying the plugin
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how to Create a Chrome plugin that allows users to upload files using the "upload files" button in TGBT. We will walk through the process step by step, explaining each component and function along the way. By the end of this article, You will have a clear understanding of how to build your own Chrome plugin and customize it to suit your needs.

Overview of the upload feature

The upload feature in TGBT allows users to quickly and easily upload various types of text files. These files are then automatically displayed in the prompt for further processing. If you do not have this feature in TGBT, don't worry! We have created a Chrome plugin called "data Upload Injector" that adds this functionality. In this article, we will Show you how to build this plugin and explain how it works.

Creating a Chrome plugin

To build a Chrome plugin, you will need a manifest file that describes the plugin and its properties. We will start by creating a manifest.json file. This JSON file contains an object with various properties, including the manifest version, name, version, and description of the plugin. We will use version 3 of the manifest file in this example.

Manifest file

The manifest.json file for our plugin consists of a JSON object with several key-value pairs. We will start by defining the manifest version as 3. Next, we need to specify the name of the plugin. In this case, we have named it "data Upload Injector". We will also provide a version number of 1.0 and a description that explains the purpose and functionality of the plugin. These details will be visible in the Chrome browser.

Content scripts

One of the important parts of the manifest file is the content_scripts array. This array allows us to specify where the plugin should be used. We can provide URLs or other Patterns to match the pages where our plugin should run. In this case, we have specified "URLs" and added the location of our JavaScript files. Since we only have one file, the content_scripts array contains only one object with the property "js".

Styling the upload button

Next, we will create a function called "uploadButton" that takes a parameter called "textarea", which represents the prompt in TGBT. This function will create an input element and assign it to the variable "input". We will set the Type of input to "file" so that we can upload files. We will also give it an ID for easy access and set the label of the button for visual representation. Additionally, we will add a class for styling purposes, including a dark red background, white text, and padding. Finally, we will position the button fixed at the top-right corner of the Website.

Adding event listeners

To listen for events, we will add an event listener to the label of the upload button. This event listener will trigger a click event on the input element. Since the button is Hidden, we use this trick to simulate a click. We will then add an event listener to the input element to listen for a "change" event. If files are selected, we will store them in an array called "files". If no files are selected, we will return and no further code will be executed. If there are files, we will iterate over each file and create a new FileReader instance for each. We will also add an "onload" event to the FileReader to read the content of the file. This content will be added to the textarea in TGBT, with each file on a new line.

Uploading files

After reading the content of the files, we need to enable the upload button. We do this by removing the "disabled" attribute and the "disable" class from the button. This allows us to click the button and send the content of the files to TGBT. We then clear the textarea to avoid duplication. We also check if the button exists before adding the event listener, as this ensures the button is only added when the website has fully loaded.

Disabling the button

To disable the button after clicking it, we add a disabled attribute to the button and add the "disable" class to visually indicate that it is disabled. This prevents multiple clicks and avoids confusion for the user.

Testing and deploying the plugin

Once the code is in place, we can test the plugin by adding it to Chrome as an extension. To do this, we go to "More Tools" and then "Extensions" from the three dots in the top-right corner of Chrome. We remove any existing version of the plugin and then select the "Load unpacked" option. We choose the folder containing our plugin and click "Select Folder". If everything is correct, we should see the plugin with its details. We can then click on "Upload" to test the functionality.


In this article, we have covered the process of creating a Chrome plugin that adds an "upload files" button to TGBT. We have discussed the manifest file, content scripts, styling the button, adding event listeners, uploading files, disabling the button, and testing and deploying the plugin. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build your own customized Chrome plugin and enhance the functionality of TGBT.


Q: Can I customize the styling of the upload button?

Yes, you can customize the styling of the upload button by modifying the CSS properties in the code. For example, you can change the background color, font color, padding, and position to match your website's design.

Q: Can I upload multiple files at once?

Yes, you can upload multiple files at once by using the "multiple" attribute in the input element. This allows users to select and upload multiple files simultaneously.

Q: Can I modify the code to upload files to a different prompt in TGBT?

Yes, you can modify the code to upload files to a different prompt in TGBT. Simply change the "textarea" parameter in the uploadButton function to the ID or class of the desired prompt element.

Q: Can I add additional functionality to the plugin?

Absolutely! The code provided in this article serves as a starting point. You can add additional features and functionality to the plugin by extending the code. This could include validating file types, displaying progress bars, or adding error handling. The possibilities are endless!

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