Die Herausforderungen, GPT dazu zu bringen, ein Android-basiertes Computerspiel zu schreiben

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Die Herausforderungen, GPT dazu zu bringen, ein Android-basiertes Computerspiel zu schreiben

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Splitting the Code into Parts
  4. Optimizing the Strategy
  5. Choosing the Programming Language
  6. Designing the Game
  7. Creating Game Icons
  8. Designing the Board
  9. Implementing the Game Logic
  10. Wrapping Up and Future Steps

Exploring AI: Designing and Coding a Game for Android Devices

In this episode of Exploring AI, I will demonstrate the process of designing and coding a game for Android devices using GPT-4 (gp4). I started this project with specific questions in mind, such as the capability of GPT to design a game with realistic rules and graphical components, as well as its ability to write the necessary code. This article will cover the step-by-step process I followed, including the strategies, challenges, and outcomes.

1. Introduction

Designing and coding a game from scratch can be a complex task, especially when working with an AI-Based tool like GPT-4. In this episode, I dive into the world of game development, exploring the capabilities of GPT-4 and its potential in creating a fully functional Android game. The goal is to leverage the power of AI to automate the game design and coding process, with minimal human intervention.

2. Background

Before delving into the details of the project, it is essential to understand the challenges that arise when attempting to write software from scratch using GPT-4. The initial experiments revealed suboptimal performance when dealing with separate code files. This presented difficulties in maintaining Context and ensuring seamless integration between iterations. To overcome these challenges, a superior strategy was devised.

2.1 Splitting the Code into Parts

To streamline the coding process and maintain context, the code was structured into a single file. As sections of code were completed and not required for additional functionality, they were broken out into separate files. This approach allowed GPT-4 to focus on the Relevant code and facilitated efficient iteration. Copying and pasting the code directly into GPT-4's prompt window further enhanced the speed and efficiency of the process.

2.2 Optimizing the Strategy

Choosing the right programming language and framework is crucial for a successful game development project. After careful consideration, Kotlin was selected as the programming language, along with Jetpack Compose for designing user interface elements. This combination provided a powerful and efficient platform for game development.

3. Designing the Game

The next step in the project was to Create a concept and set the foundation for the game. GPT-4 was tasked with generating a computer game idea, and it suggested a board game with pieces that could move and fire projectiles. To help Shape the game, a set of rules was required. GPT-4 was asked to devise a set of rules and propose a name for the game. The result was "Stratagy of Valor," a unique and intriguing title.

4. Creating Game Icons

For any game, visually appealing and consistent icons are essential. GPT-4 initially suggested using Daryl 3 for creating the icons, but inconsistencies and excessive detailing made them unsuitable for the game's board display. Python programming capabilities were employed to generate simple geometric icons. Through iterative refinement and negotiation, a set of icons that met the requirements was achieved.

5. Designing the Board

A board is a fundamental component of any board game. GPT-4 was instructed to create a Diagram depicting the board layout and initial setup positions for the game. Although it took a few attempts, GPT-4 succeeded in providing a Meaningful color-keyed board diagram. Interestingly, it introduced a gap of two rows on both sides of the board and in front of each flagship piece. The reason behind this decision remains unknown but does not affect gameplay.

6. Implementing the Game Logic

With the rules, icons, and board layout finalized, it was time to translate the game's logic into code. GPT-4 was given the rules and asked to generate a skeleton Android project. While the initial expectation was low, GPT-4 surprised by successfully drawing the 8x8 board with minimal gaps between the squares. To display the icons and starting positions on the board, further code integration was required. Additionally, GPT-4 was guided to incorporate the selection of pieces and valid move ranges, including projectile firing ranges.

7. Wrapping Up and Future Steps

In this episode, we covered the Journey of designing and coding a game for Android devices using GPT-4. The project showcased the potential of leveraging AI for game development. The code for the game is available on GitHub for anyone interested in exploring further. While the game is functional with a two-player mode, future steps could involve introducing a computer AI opponent and enhancing the user experience.


  • Leveraging GPT-4 to design and code an Android game
  • Overcoming challenges with code organization and integration
  • Choosing Kotlin and Jetpack Compose for game development
  • Generating rules and a unique game concept
  • Creating visually appealing game icons
  • Designing the game board and its initial setup
  • Implementing the game logic through code integration
  • Future possibilities for enhancing the game


Q: Can GPT-4 develop games for platforms other than Android? A: Yes, GPT-4's capabilities extend beyond Android games. With appropriate guidance and code integration, it can potentially create games for various platforms.

Q: Is the game code provided on GitHub suitable for commercial use? A: While the code serves as a demonstration of the game development process, it may require further refinement and optimization for commercial use. It can serve as a starting point for developers looking to build upon the concept.

Q: Are there any limitations to the complexity of games GPT-4 can design and code? A: GPT-4's capabilities are impressive, but there are limitations to the complexity of games it can handle. Highly intricate games with advanced mechanics may require additional human intervention and expertise.

Q: Can GPT-4 create game assets other than icons, such as sounds or music? A: GPT-4's Current capabilities are focused on generating code and visual assets. For audio-related assets, it is recommended to explore other AI Tools or rely on human expertise.

Q: What future advancements can be expected in AI-driven game development? A: As AI technology continues to evolve, we can anticipate enhancements in areas such as computer AI opponents, procedural content generation, and user experience optimization. The possibilities are vast and exciting.

Q: How can developers collaborate with GPT-4 in game development projects? A: GPT-4 can serve as a valuable tool for developers, providing assistance, inspiration, and automated code generation. By understanding its limitations and optimizing collaboration processes, developers can harness its potential to create innovative games.

Q: Can GPT-4 assist developers in game testing and debugging? A: While GPT-4's primary focus is on code generation and design, it may offer insights and suggestions for testing and debugging. However, relying solely on GPT-4 for these tasks may not be sufficient, and human expertise is crucial for comprehensive testing and debugging processes.

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