By DOMINIK JEDRO Anzahl der Anrufe: 6 Added time: April 05 2024 Gpt updated time: Februar 14 2024
Improves SEO titles with BENS Test: 1️⃣ Big: Is this a big idea? Does it make a big promise? 2️⃣ Easy: Does this sound easy? Like anyone can do it? 3️⃣ New: Does this sound new? Unique? Novel? 4️⃣ Safe: Does this sound safe; won't waste time?
ChatGPT offers 7 Compelling Headlines Generator to help users create attention-grabbing headlines for various purposes.
Lethal Sales Bullets on ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can generate captivating sales bullet points or fascinations for your product or service. It utilizes the persona of Mel Martin or Ben Settle to create compelling and persuasive copy.