Question Maker for Exam

Question Maker for Exam

By Anzahl der Anrufe: 1 Added time: März 21 2024 Gpt updated time: Juli 29 2024

Make onjective and subjective exam question from GPT's knowledge or your document, Input "Help" for show fuction list.


Funktionen von Question Maker for Exam auf ChatGPT

Generate exam questions
Use GPT's knowledge or your own documents

Für wen ist Question Maker for Exam auf ChatGPT geeignet?

Question Maker for Exam on ChatGPT is a website that allows you to generate objective and subjective exam questions based on the knowledge of GPT or your own documents.

Wie verwende ich Question Maker for Exam Quickstart auf ChatGPT?

To quickly get started with Question Maker for Exam on ChatGPT, follow these steps:
1. Access the website.
2. Choose the input method: GPT's knowledge or upload your own document.
3. Provide the desired topic or upload the document.
4. Select the question type: objective or subjective.
5. Click on the 'Generate' button.
6. Review and use the generated questions for exams or practice.

Wie benutzt man Question Maker for Exam auf ChatGPT?

To use Question Maker for Exam on ChatGPT, simply input the desired topic or provide a document for the system to generate questions from. You can specify whether you want objective or subjective questions. The generated questions can be used for various educational purposes such as exams or practice.

Question Maker for Exam auf ChatGPT's Tags

exam questions

FAQ über Question Maker for Exam auf ChatGPT

Can I generate both objective and subjective exam questions?
Can I use my own documents to generate questions?
What educational purposes can I use the generated questions for?
Who can benefit from using Question Maker for Exam on ChatGPT?

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