Funktionen von 谁是瞎掰王 auf ChatGPT
Question and answer
Storytelling challenge
Für wen ist 谁是瞎掰王 auf ChatGPT geeignet?
Who is the BS King on ChatGPT. Players can ask questions and challenge to find true stories.
Wie verwende ich 谁是瞎掰王 Quickstart auf ChatGPT?
To quickly get started on 'Who is the BS King':
1. Create an account on ChatGPT.
2. Access the game page.
3. Follow the instructions provided to enter the game session.
4. Start asking questions and challenging stories.
Wie benutzt man 谁是瞎掰王 auf ChatGPT?
1. Enter the ChatGPT platform.
2. Join the game session titled 'Who is the BS King'.
3. Ask questions to other players to uncover true stories.
4. Challenge the stories to determine if they are genuine or made up.
5. Earn points for successfully identifying true stories.
谁是瞎掰王 auf ChatGPT's Tags