Deutsch Gaming: Intel Arc A750 in Cyberpunk 2077

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Deutsch Gaming: Intel Arc A750 in Cyberpunk 2077

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Intel Arc A750
  2. System Specifications
    • H2: CPU and RAM Configuration
    • H2: Operating System and Drivers
  3. Game Settings and Configuration
    • H2: Resolution and Preset
    • H2: Post-Processing and Motion Blur
  4. Performance at Different Resolutions
    • H2: 1080p Performance
    • H3: Medium Preset
    • H3: High Preset
    • H3: Ultra Preset
    • H2: 1440p Performance
    • H3: Medium Preset
    • H3: High Preset
    • H3: Ultra Preset
    • H2: 4K Performance
    • H3: Medium Preset
    • H3: Performance Upscaling
  5. Comparative Analysis
    • H2: Comparison with Similar GPUs
    • H3: Pros of Intel Arc A750
    • H3: Cons of Intel Arc A750
  6. User Experience and Recommendations
    • H2: Gameplay Experience
    • H2: Recommendation for Settings
  7. Conclusion
    • H2: Final Thoughts
    • H2: Future Expectations

Performance at Different Resolutions

🎮 1080p Performance

testing the Intel Arc A750 in Cyberpunk 2077 at 1080p reveals robust performance metrics across various presets. With the medium preset engaged and post-processing effects disabled, the GPU maintains a commendable 80 frames per Second. However, texture detail set to high does increase VRAM usage but remains within acceptable limits for an 8GB GPU. Driving, typically more demanding, also sustains smooth gameplay, thanks to the latest beta drivers that enhance stability.

Moving to the high preset, despite slight drops below 70 frames per second in demanding scenes, the performance largely remains in the 70s and 80s range. Artifacting on road surfaces occasionally mars an otherwise stable experience. This artifacting issue appears sporadic and isn't consistently reproducible across all textures, suggesting possible game-related optimizations could further enhance performance.

At the ultra preset, without ray tracing enabled, performance still holds up reasonably well, staying close to the high preset's frame rates. However, enabling ray tracing significantly impacts performance, with frame rates dropping below 60 frames per second, making it less advisable for optimal gameplay experience on this GPU.

🎮 1440p Performance

Transitioning to 1440p, the Arc A750 continues to deliver solid performance. At the medium preset, gameplay maintains above 60 frames per second, dipping occasionally in more graphically intense scenes. The visual fidelity at this resolution strikes a good balance, offering better graphical quality than at 1080p without sacrificing smooth gameplay.

Moving to the high preset at 1440p, there is a noticeable performance hit, with frame rates dropping to the 50s in some instances. Input latency worsens slightly, impacting gameplay fluidity. Despite these drawbacks, adjusting settings or using upscaling technologies like XCSS in quality mode can mitigate these performance dips while maintaining a visually appealing gaming experience.

Ultra preset at 1440p sees further reduction in performance, with frame rates often struggling to maintain 60 frames per second consistently. This setting emphasizes visual fidelity over performance, making it less ideal for those prioritizing smooth gameplay. However, switching to XCSS in ultra quality mode surprisingly improves frame rates while maintaining a higher internal resolution than traditional upscaling technologies.

🎮 4K Performance

Testing the Intel Arc A750 at 4K native resolution presents significant challenges. Even with settings dialed down to the medium preset, the GPU struggles to achieve playable frame rates, averaging around 20 frames per second. The input latency becomes pronounced, affecting gameplay responsiveness, making it impractical for competitive or fast-paced gaming scenarios.

Performance improvements are marginal when switching to performance mode on XCSS, indicating limitations in the GPU's ability to handle higher resolutions without compromising visual quality significantly. Ray tracing exacerbates these issues, halving frame rates and further diminishing gameplay experience, highlighting the GPU's current limitations in rendering demanding visual effects at 4K resolution.

Comparative Analysis

🔍 Comparison with Similar GPUs

When compared to similar GPUs like the AMD Radeon 6600 XT, the Intel Arc A750 shows competitive performance in some titles but falls short in others due to driver maturity and stability. Priced similarly in some regions, the Radeon offers more consistent performance and broader game compatibility, making it a preferred choice for gamers seeking reliability and established support.

Pros of Intel Arc A750

  • Competitive pricing in some regions.
  • Improved stability with beta drivers.
  • Support for upscaling technologies like XCSS.

Cons of Intel Arc A750

  • Inconsistent performance across different game titles.
  • Artifacting issues in certain textures.
  • Limited ray tracing capabilities at higher resolutions.

User Experience and Recommendations

🕹️ Gameplay Experience

Overall, the Intel Arc A750 provides a satisfactory gaming experience at 1080p and 1440p resolutions, especially when paired with optimized settings and the latest drivers. While it struggles at 4K and with ray tracing enabled, adjustments such as using XCSS in quality mode can enhance performance without significant loss in visual quality.

📝 Recommendation for Settings

For optimal gameplay:

  • Stick to 1080p or 1440p resolutions.
  • Use medium to high presets depending on your preference for visual fidelity versus performance.
  • Consider enabling XCSS in quality mode for smoother gameplay at higher resolutions.


Final Thoughts

The Intel Arc A750 demonstrates potential in the mid-range GPU market, offering competitive performance in specific scenarios. With careful tuning of settings and leveraging upscaling technologies, gamers can achieve a balance between visual quality and gameplay fluidity across various resolutions. However, improvements in driver stability and optimization are necessary to fully capitalize on its capabilities.

Future Expectations

Looking ahead, future updates and optimizations could enhance the Intel Arc A750's performance and stability, making it a more compelling choice for gamers seeking affordable yet capable GPU solutions.


  • Detailed performance analysis across 1080p, 1440p, and 4K resolutions.
  • Comparison with AMD Radeon 6600 XT in terms of performance and value.
  • Recommendations for optimal gaming settings and usage of upscaling technologies.


Q: Can the Intel Arc A750 handle ray tracing effectively? A: The Intel Arc A750 struggles with ray tracing, particularly at higher resolutions like 1440p and 4K, where frame rates drop significantly. It's recommended to disable ray tracing for smoother gameplay.

Q: How does XCSS technology compare to other upscaling methods like DLSS? A: XCSS offers competitive upscaling performance, especially in quality mode, providing higher internal resolutions without significant performance penalties compared to traditional upscaling methods.

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