Créez un assistant vocal pour votre site web avec Allen AI

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Créez un assistant vocal pour votre site web avec Allen AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction 1.1 What We Did in the Last Episode 1.2 Purpose of Today's Episode
  2. Getting Started with Allen AI 2.1 Opening the Search Engine 2.2 Signing In to Allen AI
  3. Creating a New Voice Assistant 3.1 Creating a New Project 3.2 Understanding Intents in Allen AI
  4. Using Functions in Allen AI 4.1 Introduction to Functions 4.2 Creating the Jump Function 4.3 Adding Commands to Functions
  5. Integrating Allen AI with Your Website 5.1 Adding the Allen Button to Your Website 5.2 Setting Up the Allen Button 5.3 Adding Integration Code to Your Website
  6. Troubleshooting and Debugging 6.1 Common Issues and Solutions 6.2 Optimizing the Jump Code 6.3 Fine-tuning the Gravity and Velocity
  7. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss how to use Allen AI to create a voice assistant for your website. We will start by understanding the basics of Allen AI and then proceed with creating a new voice assistant project. We will also explore the concept of functions in Allen AI and learn how to integrate the voice assistant into your website. Furthermore, we will address common troubleshooting and debugging issues that may arise during the development process. By the end of this article, you will have the knowledge and skills to implement Allen AI effectively.

1.1 What We Did in the Last Episode

Before diving into the details of Allen AI, let's briefly Recap what we did in the last episode. In the previous episode, we focused on creating clouds and making them move across the screen in a random manner. We also added a numbering feature to enhance the visual appeal. Due to the length of the fourth episode, we decided to separate it from the main project. This episode will now primarily focus on using Allen AI for creating a voice assistant.

1.2 Purpose of Today's Episode

The purpose of today's episode is to introduce you to Allen AI and guide you through the process of creating a voice assistant for your website. Allen AI is a powerful tool that allows you to implement natural language processing and voice recognition capabilities into your projects. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to leverage the features of Allen AI to enhance the user experience on your website.

Getting Started with Allen AI

2.1 Opening the Search Engine

To begin with, you need to open your preferred search engine. We recommend using Chrome for its compatibility and performance. Once the search engine is open, type "Allen AI" in the search bar. The official website of Allen AI should appear as the first search result. Click on the link titled "" to proceed.

2.2 Signing In to Allen AI

Upon reaching the Allen AI Website, you will be prompted to sign in. If you have a Google account, you can quickly sign up using your existing credentials. Once signed in, you will be directed to your dashboard. In the dashboard, you will find the flagship project open, which we will use as our reference throughout this Tutorial. To begin creating your own voice assistant, click on the option to create a new project. Give it a suitable title, such as "Tutorial," and create the project.

Creating a New Voice Assistant

3.1 Creating a New Project

Once you have created a new project in Allen AI, you will be presented with the project's interface. The first element you encounter is called an "intent." An intent in Allen AI represents the first WORD that triggers a response from the voice assistant. For example, if you set the intent as "hello," the voice assistant will respond with a greeting when you say "hello" to it. Play around with the intent feature to familiarize yourself with how it works.

3.2 Understanding Intents in Allen AI

One of the remarkable features of Allen AI is the capability to use functions in response to a specific intent. In your flagship project, you can find examples of this functionality. To explore this further, let's dive into the "Jump" function. The Jump function is responsible for executing a command whenever the word "jump" is detected. When you say "jump" to the voice assistant, it will play the command associated with the Jump function. Take some time to experiment with different commands and observe the corresponding responses.

Using Functions in Allen AI

4.1 Introduction to Functions

In this section, we will explore the concept of functions in Allen AI. A function is a set of instructions that the voice assistant follows when a specific intent is triggered. To create a new function, navigate to the function section and give it a suitable name, such as "Jump." Inside the function, add the necessary code to perform the desired action when the command is given. Functions play a crucial role in enhancing the interactivity and responsiveness of your voice assistant.

4.2 Creating the Jump Function

To demonstrate the functionality of functions in Allen AI, let's create a new function called "Jump." Inside the Jump function, we will add code that enables the voice assistant to execute a jump command. When the "Jump" command is given, the function will set the jumping status to True, allowing the character in your project to perform a jump action. Experiment with different commands and observe how the voice assistant responds to them using the assigned functions.

4.3 Adding Commands to Functions

In addition to the Jump function, you can create and assign various commands to your functions. These commands can trigger specific actions in your project. For example, you can create a command called "Start Game" that triggers the voice assistant to initiate a game or a specific action sequence. Experiment with different commands, and make sure they are associated with the correct functions. Adjust the commands as needed to Align with your project's requirements.

Integrating Allen AI with Your Website

5.1 Adding the Allen Button to Your Website

To integrate Allen AI with your website, you need to add the Allen button to your web page. Locate the Allen button code in your Allen AI project and copy it. Open your website's HTML and find the appropriate section where you want to place the button. Paste the copied Allen button code in that section. This button will serve as the user interface for interacting with your voice assistant.

5.2 Setting Up the Allen Button

Before the Allen button can function properly, you need to configure it with your unique API key. Each user has a different API key, so it is vital to keep yours secure. Replace the placeholder key in the button code with your actual API key. Once done, the Allen button will be associated with your voice assistant project. Adjust the appearance and position of the button as desired to ensure optimal visibility and accessibility.

5.3 Adding Integration Code to Your Website

To enable the Allen button to communicate with your voice assistant project, you need to add the integration code to your website. Locate the integration code section in your Allen AI project and copy it. Open your website's JavaScript file or add a new script tag in your HTML. Paste the copied integration code inside the script tag. This code establishes the connection between the Allen button and your voice assistant project, allowing seamless communication.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

6.1 Common Issues and Solutions

While working with Allen AI, you may encounter some common issues that require troubleshooting and debugging. Issues such as delayed response time, microphone detection, or incorrect command execution can be resolved by adjusting certain settings in Allen AI. Explore the documentation provided by Allen AI to find solutions for specific issues you may encounter during development.

6.2 Optimizing the Jump Code

During the development process, you may find the need to optimize the jump code for smoother and more accurate execution. Experiment with different values for gravity, y velocity, and character movement to find the optimal settings that suit your project's requirements. Fine-tuning the jump code will enhance the overall user experience and improve the responsiveness of your voice assistant.

6.3 Fine-tuning the Gravity and Velocity

To achieve a more realistic jump action, you can fine-tune the gravity and velocity settings in your project. Adjusting the gravity value controls how fast the character falls back to the ground, while modifying the velocity affects the Height and speed of the jump. Striking a balance between these two parameters will result in a more natural and engaging jumping experience for the user.


In conclusion, Allen AI is a powerful tool that enables you to create interactive and responsive Voice Assistants for your website. By following the steps outlined in this article, you have learned how to get started with Allen AI, create a new voice assistant project, use functions to execute commands, integrate Allen AI with your website, and troubleshoot common issues. Utilizing the features and capabilities of Allen AI, you can enhance the user experience and provide a more engaging and personalized interaction on your website.


  • Learn how to create a voice assistant using Allen AI
  • Get familiar with intents and functions in Allen AI
  • Integrate Allen AI seamlessly into your website
  • Troubleshoot and optimize your voice assistant

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Allen AI? A: Allen AI is a powerful platform that allows developers to create voice assistants using natural language processing and voice recognition technologies.

Q: How can I use functions in Allen AI? A: Functions in Allen AI enable you to define specific actions or commands based on user input. By associating functions with intents, you can create a more interactive voice assistant.

Q: Can I integrate Allen AI with my existing website? A: Yes, Allen AI provides integration codes and button elements that you can add to your website to enable seamless communication with your voice assistant project.

Q: How can I troubleshoot issues with my voice assistant? A: Allen AI provides documentation and resources to help you troubleshoot common issues such as delayed response time or incorrect command execution. You can also fine-tune the code and settings to optimize performance.

Q: What are some best practices for optimizing the jump code? A: Experimenting with gravity, velocity, and character movement parameters can help you achieve smoother and more realistic jumping actions. Fine-tuning the code will improve the overall user experience.

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