Comment utiliser 六顶思考帽-思维模型小助手 Quickstart sur ChatGPT ?
To quickly get started with the Six Thinking Hats, follow these steps:
1. Identify the problem or topic for discussion.
2. Assign a thinking hat color to each participant.
3. Encourage participants to think from their assigned perspective.
4. Discuss and analyze the different viewpoints.
5. Use the insights gained to generate solutions or make decisions.
Comment utiliser 六顶思考帽-思维模型小助手 sur ChatGPT ?
To use the Six Thinking Hats, start by identifying the issue or problem you want to analyze. Then, assign each participant a specific thinking hat color and instruct them to think from that perspective. Encourage everyone to explore different viewpoints, share ideas, and consider different aspects of the problem. Use the Six Thinking Hats as a tool to guide the discussion and generate creative solutions.