Configurer Nvidia Surround pour une expérience visuelle immersive

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Configurer Nvidia Surround pour une expérience visuelle immersive

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the External Visual System
    1. Opening the Nvidia Control Panel
    2. Setting up Multiple Displays
    3. Configuring Nvidia Surround
  3. Troubleshooting Tips
    1. Displays Not Showing Up or Showing Black
    2. Matching Display Numbers
    3. Bezel Correction and Spatial Resolutions
    4. Activating Bottom Two Monitors
  4. Changing Resolutions
    1. Configuring Orientation of Displays
    2. Setting Up the Taskbar
  5. Conclusion

💡 Highlights:

  • Learn how to set up the external visual system for touch trainers.
  • Troubleshoot common issues with monitors not showing up or displaying correctly.
  • Configure Nvidia Surround to ensure proper orientation of displays.
  • Configure the taskbar for optimal functionality.

👉 Setting up the External Visual System

To properly set up the external visual system for touch trainers, follow the steps below:

1. Opening the Nvidia Control Panel

Start by opening the Nvidia Control Panel. Right-click anywhere on your screen and select "Nvidia Control Panel" from the options menu. This will bring up the control panel, where you can make all the necessary configurations.

2. Setting up Multiple Displays

If your displays are showing black or not showing up at all, you need to set up multiple displays. To do this, go to the "Display" tab in the Nvidia Control Panel. Scroll down and find the option "Set up multiple displays." Make sure all the displays that can be activated are checked.

3. Configuring Nvidia Surround

To configure Nvidia Surround, go to the "3D Settings" in the Nvidia Control Panel. Then, go to the "Configure Surround, PhysX" tab. Check the box that says "Span displays with Surround" and click on "Configure." A menu will appear, showing the displays you want to put in Surround. Make sure all the displays are correctly identified.

💡 Pro tip: Use the identifying numbers on the displays to match them with the corresponding numbers in the configuration display menu.

👉 Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues with your external visual system, try the following troubleshooting tips:

1. Displays Not Showing Up or Showing Black

If your monitors are not showing up or displaying black, check the following:

  • Ensure all displays are checked in the "Set up multiple displays" option.
  • Verify that the Nvidia Surround is properly configured.

2. Matching Display Numbers

To match the display numbers with the correct order, follow these steps:

  • Once the displays show up with identifying numbers, match them with the corresponding numbers in the configuration display menu.
  • Ensure the displays are in the correct orientation.

3. Bezel Correction and Spatial Resolutions

During the configuration process, a menu will appear asking if you want to use bezel correction. Select "Yes" to ensure a seamless display.

  • Choose the spatial resolution that matches your touch trainer's visual system.
  • Set the resolution to control surround by adding or removing resolutions.

4. Activating Bottom Two Monitors

If the bottom two monitors are not activated, follow these steps:

  • Go to the "Set up multiple displays" option under the "Display" tab in the Nvidia Control Panel.
  • Check the checkboxes for the monitors that aren't activated.
  • Apply the changes and confirm to keep the applied changes.

👉 Changing Resolutions

To modify the resolutions of your monitors, follow these instructions:

1. Configuring Orientation of Displays

To configure the displays in the correct orientation, use the following steps:

  • Go to the "Set up multiple displays" option in the Nvidia Control Panel.
  • Drag the main monitor to the bottom-left corner and Align it with the long three monitors.
  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to adjust the position in 50-pixel increments.
  • Drag the smaller monitor to the corner of the 1-3 position.

2. Setting Up the Taskbar

To position the taskbar correctly, do the following:

  • Open the Nvidia Control Panel.
  • Go to the "Desktop" tab and check the option for maximizing windows across all displays.
  • Right-click on the taskbar and unlock it.
  • Drag the taskbar to your main touch monitor.
  • Lock the taskbar by right-clicking on it.

📝 Conclusion

By following these steps, you can successfully set up and troubleshoot the external visual system for touch trainers. Remember to ensure all monitors are correctly configured and that the taskbar is in the optimal location for your needs. Enjoy a seamless visual experience with your touch trainer.

For more information and resources, visit the following websites:

🙋 Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why are my displays not showing up or displaying black?

A: This issue can occur if the displays are not properly configured in the Nvidia Control Panel. Make sure all displays are checked and the Nvidia Surround is correctly set up.

Q: How do I match the display numbers with the configuration display menu?

A: After the displays show up with identifying numbers, match them with the corresponding numbers in the configuration display menu. Ensure they are in the correct order.

Q: What is bezel correction, and why is it important?

A: Bezel correction is used to seamlessly align the edges of the displays, creating a smooth visual experience. It prevents any interruptions caused by the bezels of the monitors.

Q: How do I activate the bottom two monitors?

A: In the Nvidia Control Panel, go to the "Set up multiple displays" option under the "Display" tab. Check the checkboxes for the monitors that aren't activated, apply the changes, and confirm to keep the applied changes.

Q: How do I change the resolution of my monitors?

A: In the Nvidia Control Panel, go to the "Change resolution" option. Select the desired resolution, such as "4983x910 bezel corrected," and apply the changes. Ensure all monitors have the same resolution for a consistent visual experience.

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