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Plateforme pour créer et déployer rapidement des APIs personnalisées.
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Sep 06 2024
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Qu'est-ce que APIGen ?

APIGen est une plateforme qui permet aux développeurs de créer et déployer des API REST personnalisées en utilisant des prompts, des bases de données ou des spécifications OpenAPI. Elle automatise la logique métier interne, les tests et la gestion DevOps.

Comment utiliser APIGen ?

Pour utiliser APIGen, entrez un prompt décrivant l'API que vous souhaitez, puis personnalisez les routes et points de terminaison générés avant de déployer ou de télécharger le code.

Fonctionnalités de base de APIGen

Générer des APIs à partir de prompts textuels ou de spécifications

Gestion des tests et DevOps intégrée

Prend en charge les protocoles d'authentification et de sécurité

Modification dynamique et déploiement instantané

Les cas d'utilisation de APIGen


Créer une API logistique pour la gestion des produits et l'optimisation des itinéraires


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AI in Education, RMAIIG Sept 2024

RMAIIG hosted an in-person meeting on Mon, Sep 9th, at 6:00 PM MDT in Boulder on “AI in Education. Chapter Markers ================= 00:47 Axel Reitzig - St. Vrain Valley School District 18:44 Bobby Hodgkinson - Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, CU Boulder 40:42 Lee Frankel-Goldwater - Environmental Studies, CU Boulder 1:00:44 Audience Q&A The world of education is going through a massive transition as Generative AI tools come into more common use and schools struggle with how to respond. Should students be allowed to use AI? Encouraged to use AI? Required to use AI? What are the upsides and drawbacks? What are sensible guidelines and policies to implement? In this meeting we covered the whole gamut of opportunities, issues and challenges in this fascinating space. Susan Adams facilitated the meeting. Susan is a professional development trainer who specializes in guiding faculty and higher education institutions on integrating AI across curriculum and departments. ======================== Our first speaker, Axel Reitzig, examined the rapid impact of AI on public K-12 education, exploring both the challenges and opportunities it presents. His talk discussed how schools can leverage AI to enhance operational efficiency and instructional methods, and how educators can effectively teach students about AI while providing them opportunities to create with it. Axel Reitzig is the Executive Director of Innovation at the St. Vrain Valley School District's Innovation Center, where he focuses on developing dynamic, high-quality programs and fostering strategic partnerships to integrate cutting-edge technologies across the district and beyond. He collaborates with staff, coordinates innovative programming, and participates in leadership at district, state, and national levels. Our second speaker, Bobby Hodgkinson, Associate Teaching Professor in CU’s Aerospace Engineering Sciences Department, focused on AI agents developed by his group and colleagues at CU Boulder. His talk covered sentiment analysis tools, lab report grading assistants, and AI teaching assistants, while also addressing ethical and compliance considerations. Bobby discussed the opportunities and challenges in AI education, proposed the formation of a new AI in Education subgroup, and concluded with his course policies and advice for students on preparing for a future where AI will be integral to their careers. Our final speaker, Lee Frankel-Goldwater, Assistant Teaching Professor in Environmental Studies at CU Boulder, discussed the broader context of GenAI in higher education and offered insights into what the future may hold. Thanks to our pizza sponsor! APIGen is a platform that handles the entire API lifecycle in mere minutes. From design and creation to testing, deployment, and consumption, APIGen allows anyone to build fully functional backend services with as much or as little control over actual code as wanted –– the APIs work out of the box. We launched fairly recently, and you can learn more at apigen.com. Thanks to Mark Johnson for his awesome graphic design help! Video edit by Jacana Productions : https://www.jacanaproductions.com

Sep 13 2024

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APIGen: Plateforme pour créer et déployer rapidement des APIs personnalisées.
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