Apprenez de nouvelles langues avec votre tuteur IA. Parlez librement, sans jugement et recevez des commentaires instantanés sur la grammaire et le vocabulaire. Pratiquez et appliquez vos compétences dans des scénarios réels ou créez vos propres sujets.
Téléchargez l'application Univerbal sur votre téléphone portable. Sélectionnez une langue à apprendre et commencez à parler de n'importe quel sujet que vous souhaitez. Recevez des commentaires instantanés de votre tuteur IA pour améliorer vos compétences linguistiques.
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Écoute des médias sociaux
Forget “babe”, these ways to call your cutie are so much cooler ❤️ Love is in the air this month 🌬️ and they say that if you speak someone’s language, you speak to their heart. If you tried to learn with your partner already you probably saw they’re not very patient 🙃 and probably can’t explain why something is the way it is. So if you want to get fluent and surprise them, practice with #AI! Your AI Tutor is there whenever you have some time to talk 💪 🤓 Guided beginner mode if you’re starting out 🧑🎓 More complex conversations for advanced learners 🎙️ Hands-free mode as if you’re on speaker ✍️ Instant feedback and corrections Check it out for a 7 day free trial on #univerbal #univerbalapp #internationalcouple #petnames #languagelover #bilingualfamily
Univerbal Demo - January 2024
Introducing the brand new Univerbal. Formerly Quazel, Univerbal is the AI Language Tutor in your pocket. Practice speaking through conversations personalized to your interests and level. Progress based on your skills and switch to Tutor Mode to ask your tutor questions at any time. Get fluent at
How do you say these Christmas words in your language?
Spanish, French, Romanian, Swiss German, Greek and Italian! Which will you learn next? Learn a new language with AI 🤖 Check out if you need a conversation partner!
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