Create Stunning Images with Dalle 3: Step-by-Step Guide

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Create Stunning Images with Dalle 3: Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with Dolly 3
  3. Generating Images for Various Purposes
  4. Tweaking and Editing Images with Chachi B and Di
  5. Advanced Mode of Image Generation
  6. Comparison between Dolly 3 and Mid Journey
  7. Organizing and Managing Prompts with AI Prompt Library
  8. Restrictions and Limitations of Dolly 3
  9. The Power of Chat GPT in Improving Writing Skills
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the exciting new features of the GPT update that allows users to Create images directly within chat GPT using Dolly 3. Gone are the days of dealing with complex image generation prompts and the chaos of Discord groups. With simple sentences or descriptions, You can now leverage chat GPT's ability to write its own image prompts and generate stunning images. We will cover everything you need to know to get started with generating your own images using chat GPT and Dolly 3.

Getting Started with Dolly 3

The Dolly 3 update is gradually rolling out to chat GPT plus users throughout the month of October. To access Dolly 3, simply log into your chat GPT account and go to the gp4 dropdown menu. If you have access, you should be able to select the Dolly 3 option from the list. Once you've enabled Dolly 3, you can start exploring its capabilities.

Generating Images for Various Purposes

Dolly 3 opens up a world of possibilities for generating images for various purposes. Whether you need images for social media posts, business logos, Website designs, book covers, or simply visualizing characters and scenes from a story, Dolly 3 can handle it all. The best part is that all the images you create using Dolly 3 are yours to use as you wish. You don't need anyone's permission to utilize them in your projects and you can even monetize or sell them.

Tweaking and Editing Images with Chachi B and Di

While Dolly 3 does a great job of generating images, you may sometimes want to tweak or edit them to suit your specific needs. With the help of Chachi B and Di, you can request specific changes to the generated images. For example, you can ask to change the text, aspect ratio, or even the style of the image. Although the text generation may not always be perfect, it has significantly improved compared to previous iterations.

Advanced Mode of Image Generation

For those who want more control and specificity in their image prompts, chat GPT offers an advanced mode of image generation. By providing specific prompts, you can guide chat GPT to create images Based on your precise vision. This level of granular prompting allows for a closer match to your desired image. We will compare the performance of Dolly 3 and Mid Journey in generating images using various prompts.

Comparison between Dolly 3 and Mid Journey

Dolly 3 and Mid Journey are both powerful tools for image generation, but they have their strengths and weaknesses. We will compare the output of both models using the same prompts to determine which one performs better in different scenarios. Your familiarity and preferences between the two models may vary, so it's always good to experiment and find the one that suits your needs best.

Organizing and Managing Prompts with AI Prompt Library

To streamline your prompting process, it's helpful to organize and manage your favorite prompts in one place. Creating an AI prompt library using tools like Notion allows you to quickly access and reuse your preferred prompts. We will provide a template that you can use to create your own AI prompt library, making it easier than ever to keep everything organized and ready for use.

Restrictions and Limitations of Dolly 3

While Dolly 3 offers impressive image generation capabilities, it does come with certain restrictions. Violent, adult, or hateful content is not allowed to be generated. Additionally, requests for artwork designed in the style of a living artist or featuring public figures by name are declined. It's essential to be aware of these limitations when using Dolly 3 to ensure your image generation aligns with the provided guidelines.

The Power of Chat GPT in Improving Writing Skills

Beyond its image generation capabilities, chat GPT is a valuable tool for enhancing writing skills. When used smartly, it can transform a bad Writer into a good one. In this section, we will explore various prompts and techniques that will help you harness the power of chat GPT to improve your writing abilities. Avoiding common beginner mistakes and utilizing chat GPT's features effectively can elevate your writing to a whole new level.


The introduction of Dolly 3 in chat GPT opens up exciting possibilities for image generation. With the ability to create images using simple prompts and the flexibility to edit and customize them, users can create stunning visuals for various purposes. While Dolly 3 has its restrictions, its performance stands out against other image generation tools. Furthermore, chat GPT itself serves as a powerful tool for enhancing writing skills. By using prompt techniques and avoiding common mistakes, writers can unlock their full potential with chat GPT.

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