Hilarious Monkey Mishaps: Bidding Farewell to Our House with Mojothemonkey!

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Hilarious Monkey Mishaps: Bidding Farewell to Our House with Mojothemonkey!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Monkeys Living in the House
    1. Odor Issues
    2. Health and Hygiene Concerns
  3. Building the Monkey House
    1. Choosing the Right Building
    2. Designing the Enclosure
  4. Benefits of a Separate Monkey House
    1. Improved Odor Control
    2. Better Health and Hygiene
    3. Enhanced Content Creation
  5. Addressing Privacy and Negative Energy
  6. Conclusion

The Benefits of Building a Separate Monkey House


In this article, we will explore the benefits of building a separate house for monkeys. For years, Carlos Mojo has allowed his monkeys, Mojo and Maya, to live inside the main house. However, due to odor and hygiene concerns, Carlos has made the decision to Create a dedicated space for the monkeys. In this article, we will Delve into the reasons behind this decision and the advantages it brings.

The Problem with Monkeys Living in the House

Odor Issues

One of the primary reasons why Carlos Mojo has decided to build a separate house for the monkeys is due to the strong odor they produce. As Mojo and Maya have grown older, their waste has become more potent and unpleasant. Despite using a Diaper Genie to manage the waste, the smell lingers and is difficult to eliminate. This odor not only affects the living conditions for Carlos but also poses challenges for visitors. The strong smell can be overpowering, making it uncomfortable for guests and compromising the overall environment of the house.

Health and Hygiene Concerns

Apart from the odor, living with monkeys inside the house can also Raise health and hygiene concerns. Monkeys carry bacteria and parasites that may pose risks to human health. Having them inside the house increases the chances of coming into contact with these potential hazards. Furthermore, the constant presence of animal waste can lead to unsanitary conditions, affecting the overall cleanliness and hygiene of the living space.

Building the Monkey House

Choosing the Right Building

When it comes to creating a separate house for monkeys, selecting the right building is crucial. Carlos Mojo is currently in the process of exploring various options for suitable structures. These buildings should provide a safe and secure space for the monkeys while also addressing the odor and hygiene issues. Factors such as size, ventilation, and ease of cleaning are essential considerations in choosing the perfect building for the monkey house.

Designing the Enclosure

In addition to selecting the building, designing the enclosure is another critical aspect of building the monkey house. The enclosure should meet the specific needs of the monkeys, ensuring they have ample space to move around and engage in natural behaviors. Providing climbing structures, enrichment activities, and access to the outdoors will help create a stimulating and comfortable environment for Mojo and Maya.

Benefits of a Separate Monkey House

Improved Odor Control

One of the major advantages of having a separate house for the monkeys is improved odor control. By keeping Mojo and Maya in their own enclosure, the strong smell of their waste can be contained within that space. This separation minimizes the impact on the main house, creating a more pleasant living environment for both Carlos and his guests.

Better Health and Hygiene

A separate monkey house also ensures better health and hygiene for everyone involved. By reducing the contact with potential bacteria and parasites, the risk of illness decreases. Additionally, having a dedicated cleaning routine for the monkey house allows for a more thorough and efficient cleaning process, ensuring a healthier living space for both humans and monkeys.

Enhanced Content Creation

Aside from addressing the odor and hygiene concerns, having a separate monkey house provides Carlos with the opportunity to create engaging content for his viewers. Through cameras and recordings, Carlos can share the adventures and daily activities of Mojo and Maya without compromising his privacy or allowing negative energy into his personal space. This separation allows Carlos to maintain a positive environment while still providing valuable content for his audience.

Addressing Privacy and Negative Energy

Another aspect to consider in building a separate monkey house is privacy and avoiding negative energy. Carlos wants to maintain a peaceful and happy space for himself and Mojo and Maya. Allowing strangers into his private living space, even through the internet, can bring unwanted negativity. By having a separate enclosure for the monkeys, Carlos can maintain a Sense of privacy and prevent any potential negative energy from entering his personal space.


In conclusion, building a separate house for monkeys brings numerous benefits to both humans and animals. From improved odor control and better health to enhanced content creation for viewers, a dedicated monkey house offers a solution to the challenges faced by Carlos Mojo. Through careful planning and design, Mojo and Maya can enjoy a safe and comfortable living space while Carlos maintains his privacy and continues to share their adventures with his audience.

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