Master Mobile Photography: Shoot Like a Pro on Your Phone
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Importance of Proper Controls Setup
- Adjusting Camera Sensitivity
- Adjusting Joystick Sensitivity
- Setting Joystick Type to Fixed
- Disabling Tank Autoturn
- Configuring Reverse Inversion
- Left-Handed Mode
- Turning Off Flip Consumables
- Enabling Ammo Bar
- Using the Second Fire Button
- Utilizing Lookout Area and Free Look
- Button Layout Configuration
- Shooting Techniques for Moving Targets
- Control Settings for Computers
- Conclusion
Optimizing Controls for Better Gameplay Experience
Do You ever wonder why some players have such high stats and epic battles while others struggle to achieve the same level of success? While knowing all the ins and outs of the game is important, having your controls set up correctly can make a significant difference. If your win rate is below 60%, chances are your controls are either not set up correctly or not set up at all. In this article, we will guide you through the process of optimizing your controls for a better gameplay experience.
Importance of Proper Controls Setup
Before diving into the details of control settings, let's first understand why having a proper controls setup is crucial. Your controls serve as the interface between you and the game, enabling you to navigate, aim, and shoot effectively. A well-optimized controls setup can enhance your reaction time, accuracy, and overall performance on the battlefield. Neglecting control settings can lead to frustration, missed shots, and ultimately, lower win rates.
Adjusting Camera Sensitivity
The first step in optimizing your controls is adjusting the camera sensitivity. The camera sensitivity determines how responsive your view movements are. This setting is a matter of personal preference, as everyone has different comfort levels. It is recommended to start by setting your camera sensitivity to around 85% and fine-tune it according to your liking. Keep in mind that smaller screens usually require lower sensitivity for better control.
Adjusting Joystick Sensitivity
Similar to camera sensitivity, joystick sensitivity plays a crucial role in controlling your tank's movements. Unfortunately, there is no specific hack or shortcut for finding the perfect joystick sensitivity. It all comes down to trial and error until you find a sensitivity that feels comfortable and allows precise control of your tank.
Setting Joystick Type to Fixed
To ensure optimal control, it is important to set the joystick type to "fixed." This option keeps the joystick in a fixed position on the screen, which offers stability and ease of use during battles. Other joystick types can be inconvenient and may hinder your ability to aim and shoot accurately.
Disabling Tank Autoturn
By default, the tank autoturn feature is enabled. However, it is recommended to disable this feature for better control over your tank's movements. When tank autoturn is off, your tank will only move in the direction you intend, allowing you to make precise movements and easily Align your shots.
Configuring Reverse Inversion
Reverse inversion refers to the reversing of tank movements when the player's input is in the opposite direction. It is recommended to turn off reverse inversion, as it can cause confusion and make gameplay less intuitive. However, if you have been playing with reverse inversion enabled and are comfortable with it, you can leave it on.
Left-Handed Mode
If you are left-handed and find it more comfortable to play the game using your left hand, you can enable the left-handed mode. This option switches the control layout to accommodate your preferred hand placement. Remember, there is no judgment here, and choosing the mode that feels most natural to you is essential for optimal gameplay.
Turning Off Flip Consumables
Flip consumables is a feature that allows you to activate consumables on your tank with a click of a button. However, if you are left-handed, this feature can be quite awkward to use. It is recommended to turn off flip consumables to avoid any inconvenience during battles.
Enabling Ammo Bar
Enabling the ammo bar is a simple yet handy configuration. After changing your ammo type, the menu will stay open, saving you the time and effort of repeatedly opening the menu to check your ammo type. This feature streamlines your gameplay and ensures that you always have the right ammunition loaded for different situations.
Using the Second Fire Button
Many players believe that the second fire button is only beneficial for those using three or four fingers to control their tank. However, even if you play with just two fingers, utilizing the second fire button can significantly improve your shooting accuracy, especially when targeting moving opponents. Assigning the second fire button to a separate button allows you to quickly switch between auto aim and manual aim, giving you more control over your shots.
Utilizing Lookout Area and Free Look
The lookout area feature allows you to scan your surroundings without moving your tank's turret. This is particularly useful for observing enemy movements and preparing for strategic maneuvers. Additionally, by using the free look feature while aiming at an enemy's vulnerable spot, you can lock onto the weak point and take precise shots while still on the move. This advanced technique adds an extra layer of versatility to your gameplay.
Button Layout Configuration
Creating a button layout that suits your preferences is crucial for comfortable gameplay. While there is no one-size-fits-all configuration, it is recommended to follow a similar layout to the one shown in the video. However, feel free to adjust the button placement in the training room to ensure accuracy and comfort. By paying Attention to button accuracy and comfort, you can fine-tune your layout until it feels natural and effortless.
Shooting Techniques for Moving Targets
Shooting at moving targets requires a different approach compared to stationary ones. To improve your accuracy, we will discuss two common scenarios:
Scenario 1: Target Maneuvering Back and Forth - In this scenario, you need to predict the moment when the target starts moving forward. Aim slightly in front of their turret and take the shot when they start moving. Practice and experience will help you develop a feel for the right timing.
Scenario 2: Fast-Moving Target at a Distance - When an enemy tank is swiftly moving at a long distance, you need to lead your crosshair by aiming ahead of the tank. Shoot at the exact moment when the tank reaches the projected aim point. This technique requires practice and familiarity with the projectile's flight speed and trajectory.
With time and practice, you will develop a knack for shooting moving targets accurately and consistently.
Control Settings for Computers
If you are playing the game on a computer, there are specific control settings to consider. It is recommended to set the aiming mode to manual for more precise aiming control at different distances. Additionally, if your mouse has side buttons, you can assign them to regular and gold ammo for quick access. As for HE shells, assigning them to the E key on the keyboard can simplify their usage during battles.
Optimizing your controls is a crucial step towards improving your gameplay and achieving higher win rates. By adjusting camera sensitivity, joystick sensitivity, and fine-tuning various settings, you can enhance your control over your tank and increase your chances of success on the battlefield. Experiment with different settings, practice shooting techniques, and find the control layout that feels most comfortable to you. Remember, good controls alone won't guarantee victory, but they are an essential aspect of becoming a skilled player.
- Optimizing controls is crucial for improving gameplay and achieving higher win rates.
- Adjusting camera sensitivity and joystick sensitivity can enhance control over your tank.
- Setting joystick type to fixed and disabling tank autoturn ensure precise movements and alignment.
- Configuring reverse inversion and left-handed mode accommodates individual preferences.
- Enabling ammo bar and utilizing the second fire button streamline shooting accuracy.
- Lookout area and free look offer greater situational awareness and precise targeting.
- Creating a button layout that suits your preferences is essential for comfortable gameplay.
- Practice shooting techniques for moving targets to boost accuracy.
- Specific control settings for computers can further enhance aiming control.
- Optimized controls alone are not enough; skills and strategies also play a crucial role.