The Mystery of T.J. Watt's Frequent Holding Penalties

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The Mystery of T.J. Watt's Frequent Holding Penalties

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. TJ Watt: A Defensive Force
  3. Challenges of Holding in the NFL
  4. The Inconsistency in Officiating
  5. Terrell Austin's Perspective
  6. The Frustration of Defensive Players
  7. The Impact on Game Outcomes
  8. Defensive Player of the Year Contention
  9. The NFL's Obsession with Quarterback Protection
  10. The Corruption of Business Interests
  11. Uncalled Holding Penalties
  12. The State of Offenses and Defenses in the NFL
  13. The Lack of Deep Throws in Today's Game
  14. Adjustments in the Postseason
  15. Conclusion

TJ Watt: A Defensive Force

The NFL has been buzzing with talk about TJ Watt, who currently sits in Second place for the most sacks this season. With 14 sacks to his name, Watt has established himself as one of the league's premier pass rushers. However, along with his success comes an ongoing discussion about how he often gets held by offensive linemen. This issue has shed light on the officials' handling of holding penalties and the inconsistency in officiating. Defensive coordinators and players, including Watt himself, have expressed their frustration about the prevalence of holding and the impact it has on the game.

Challenges of Holding in the NFL

Holding is a common technique used by offensive linemen to block elite pass rushers like TJ Watt. As Steelers defensive coordinator Terrell Austin explains, these linemen will do whatever it takes to impede the progress of elite rushers. Often, holding becomes the only option to prevent these defensive forces from wreaking havoc on the opposing quarterbacks. While it may seem unfair, defensive players are resigned to the fact that holding is a part of the game, even if it goes against the rules.

The Inconsistency in Officiating

The issue of holding penalties becomes more apparent when examining the inconsistency in officiating. Oftentimes, there are blatant instances of holding during a play that go unnoticed or unmentioned by broadcasters. This inconsistency creates frustration among defensive players like TJ Watt, as they are frequently held without repercussion. Moreover, not every game receives the same level of scrutiny when it comes to calling holding penalties. Some games allow more holding to occur unchecked, while others have stricter enforcement. This inconsistency raises questions about the overall integrity of the officiating in the NFL.

Terrell Austin's Perspective

Terrell Austin, the Steelers' defensive coordinator, shares in TJ Watt's frustration when it comes to constant holding. He acknowledges that elite rushers like Watt will face continuous attempts to hold them back. Although there is little that can be done to address this issue, Austin believes in continuing to fight and overcome the challenges imposed by opponents. To emphasize his point, Austin draws a Parallel to basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal, who faced similar challenges with hacking but still excelled.

The Frustration of Defensive Players

Defensive players across the NFL, not just TJ Watt, face repeated instances of holding throughout games. The act of holding blatantly and hopelessly trying to avoid penalties has become commonplace. However, the real frustration lies in the fact that these holding infractions often go uncalled even when they are clear and impactful. This unfair AdVantage given to offensive players can greatly affect the outcome of games.

The Impact on Game Outcomes

One particular instance of holding that garnered Attention was during a crucial play in the overtime period for the Jacksonville Jaguars. A 43-yard gain was wiped out due to a holding penalty, highlighting the impact and inconsistency of officiating. Similar, if not worse, instances of holding often go unnoticed or overlooked, creating a Sense of inequality for defensive players. The consequences of these missed calls can change the course of a game, leading to frustration and discontent among defensive units.

Defensive Player of the Year Contention

Despite the challenges faced by TJ Watt and other defensive players, there is still recognition for their exceptional performances on the field. Watt is currently in contention for the Defensive Player of the Year award, with odds in his favor. His contributions, along with those of other elite defenders like Miles Garrett and Michael Parsons, have been undeniable. These players bring a level of intensity and skill to the game that sets them apart from their peers.

The NFL's Obsession with Quarterback Protection

The discussion on holding and inconsistent officiating ties into the NFL's primary goal of keeping quarterbacks healthy and the game entertaining. The league's emphasis on protecting quarterbacks has resulted in favoring offensive players, particularly through leniency when it comes to holding. The NFL wants to maintain high ratings and profitability by ensuring that quarterbacks, who are often the faces of their respective teams, do not suffer debilitating injuries.

The Corruption of Business Interests

The alignment of the NFL's business interests with the on-field product has often raised concerns about the integrity of the game. The ongoing pursuit of more revenue has sometimes led to compromises in how games are officiated. This push for increased profits can result in a lack of consistency and fairness, ultimately affecting the outcome of games. The corruption brought about by these business interests is a source of frustration for both players and fans.

Uncalled Holding Penalties

One of the consequences of the NFL's struggle to balance offensive and defensive prowess is the prevalence of uncalled holding penalties. Offensive linemen go to great lengths to prevent elite pass rushers like TJ Watt from disrupting the quarterback. This often involves holding, grabbing, and even kicking their opponents. The hope is that the officials will turn a blind eye to these infractions, allowing the offense to maintain control. Unfortunately, this tactic goes against the rules and leaves defensive players feeling disadvantaged.

The State of Offenses and Defenses in the NFL

The Current state of offenses and defenses in the NFL plays a significant role in the prevalence of holding and the overall effectiveness of game strategies. Offenses have become focused on efficiency, with a heavy reliance on short-yardage passes and high completion rates. This risk-averse approach allows defenses to crowd the intermediate passing lanes, daring offenses to throw deep. Offensive coordinators are often hesitant to take these risks, fearing that it may negatively impact their efficiency metrics.

The Lack of Deep Throws in Today's Game

The dearth of deep throws in today's NFL has become increasingly noticeable. The excitement and uncertainty that accompany a deep pass are rare occurrences in today's game, as offenses opt for shorter, safer passes. Deep throws have the potential for big gains or turnovers, adding an element of mystery and awe to the game. However, offenses seem to prioritize efficiency and completion percentages over the excitement and impact of a successful deep throw.

Adjustments in the Postseason

As teams enter the postseason and face tougher opponents, adjustments become necessary. Offenses and defenses alike must reevaluate their strategies and make calculated decisions to exploit weaknesses and counter opponents' strengths. The focus shifts away from statistical achievements towards doing what is necessary to win games. This adjustment and shift in mentality often lead to more exciting and unpredictable moments on the field.


The issue of holding in the NFL has sparked discussions about the integrity of the game and the balance between offense and defense. Players like TJ Watt express their frustration at being consistently held without appropriate penalties. The inconsistency in officiating and the NFL's obsession with quarterback protection further complicate matters. However, as the postseason approaches, adjustments in game strategies may bring about a renewed focus on excitement and unraveling the mysteries of the deep throws. Ultimately, finding a balance that maintains player safety while preserving the integrity and excitement of the game should be the NFL's ultimate goal.

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