Google Bard vs Microsoft ChatGPT: AI大戦の幕開け!

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Google Bard vs Microsoft ChatGPT: AI大戦の幕開け!

テック巨人であるGoogleとMicrosoftがAIの未来をかけて直接対決しています。午後になり、Microsoftが自社の検索エンジンにチャットGPTを統合すると発表し、それに続いてGoogleが明日のチャットとAIに関するイベントを予定しています。では、どちらが勝利するのでしょうか?ヤフーファイナンスのテックレポーターであるAli garfinkelさんが参加してくれました。Aliさん、Microsoftからの発表についてどう思いましたか?実は、少しゲームをしましょう。私がMicrosoftとGoogleのそれぞれの長所と短所を説明し、あなたたちはどちらが勝つか選んでいただきます。いいですか?わかりました、それでは始めましょう。まずはGoogleについて。Microsoftの話に入る前に、Googleがすでに自社のチャットGPTの競合製品であるBardを発表しており、検索が目的である限り、Googleはまだ絶対的な主導権を持っています。私たちは何かを検索すると言わずに、「Googleで検索する」と言います。しかし、Googleはこの点で遅れを取っています。私が今朝匿名の情報源から聞いたところによると、Bardは急いで開発されたとのことで、Bardが優れているか、または少なくともチャットGPTと同じくらい優れていなければ、Googleは厳しい状況になるでしょう。それがGoogle、そしてGoogleの長所と短所です。さて、Microsoftの長所は、長年にわたるオープンAIへの投資と、すでにBingに統合を発表していることから、Microsoftは絶対的な先行者です。また、チャットGPTは現在、生成型AIにおいて言語のアドバンテージを持っています。また、MicrosoftがチャットGPTを統合できるアプリケーションの世界も明白です。365やAzureなどが挙げられますが、Googleも同様にそうですが、エコシステムがうまく構築されていません。ただし、短所は次のとおりです。目標が検索である場合、Bingの検索市場シェアは現在9%であり、Microsoftはかなり遅れを取っています。また、Microsoftの先行者の地位がどれだけ重要かは明確ではありません。以上が両者の状況です。あなたはどちらを信じますか?私から先に意見を述べさせていただきます。私は断然Microsoftを選びます。チャットGPTのための先行者のアドバンテージ、Teslaを考えてみてください。時価総額は6000億ドル以上で、GMとFordは530億ドルと570億ドルの間です。Microsoftはわずか数か月で1億人のユーザーを獲得しました。これはInstagramよりも早く、TikTokよりも早いです。既に、不動産業者はチャットGPTを使って物件のリストや法律文書を作成しています。これは数か月ではなく、Aliが述べたように数年間のアドバンテージです。Microsoftは早くから何十億ドルもの投資を行い、そしてSatya Nadellaは今日早朝に「これはMicrosoft CEOになった以来、最も興奮していること」と言いました。Googleの唯一のアドバンテージは「Google」という動詞です。Aliが示した数値を見る限り、Bingは80%以上を持つGoogleに比べて大きなアドバンテージを持っています。はい、私も同じ意見です。このタイムラインを考えると、Googleは巨大な競合相手であるチャットGPTとMicrosoftに遅れていますが、過去の成功とCEOのサンダー・ピチャイが昨日のメモで述べたように、GoogleはGoogleがすでに行っている勝利について考える必要があります。GoogleはAIへの投資をかなりの期間行ってきました。彼らのチャット部分には遅れがありますが、私は彼らが勝者になると思います。私たちの友人であるLaura Martさんは、Googleにはイノベータの問題があると指摘していますが、それはかなり長い間続いているものです。

H2 Proof that Google is still the dominant leader in search H2 Microsoft's advantage in generative AI H2 Google's innovative track record H2 The timeline of the competition H2 Microsoft's commitment and investment in AI H3 The linguistic advantage of Google in search H3 Bard - Google's competitor to chat GPT H3 The pressure on Bard's performance H3 Microsoft's head start in open AI H3 The integration of chat GPT into Bing H3 Microsoft's ecosystem of applications H3 The search market share of Bing H4 The importance of search market share H4 The significance of Microsoft's head start

Proof that Google is still the dominant leader in search

Google has been the frontrunner in the Search Engine industry for a long time. When we need to search for something, we don't say "let's search for it," we say "let's Google it." This linguistic advantage showcases Google's dominance in search. However, Google has fallen behind in the race to develop a competitor to chat GPT. They have announced Bard as their alternative, but there is pressure on Bard to outperform chat GPT. If Bard falls short or is not as good as chat GPT, it may negatively impact Google's position.

Microsoft's advantage in Generative AI

Microsoft, on the other HAND, has a head start in generative AI due to their long-standing investment in open AI. They have already made the announcement of integrating chat GPT into their search engine, Bing. This integration gives Microsoft an advantage in the world of applications where they can plug chat GPT into. Microsoft's ecosystem, including 365 and Azure, provides a well-established platform for chat GPT. While Google also has its ecosystem, it is not as well-equipped as Microsoft's.

Google's innovative track Record

It is important not to count Google out despite their late entry into the chat GPT competition. Google has a history of innovation and success in AI. Many of the technologies used in chat GPT and other AI services were invented at Google. They have been investing in AI for a significant amount of time and have a track record of coming out on top. Although they may have an innovator problem, they shouldn't be underestimated.

The timeline of the competition

When considering the timeline of this competition, Google is behind in the chat GPT race against Microsoft. Microsoft's chat GPT has already gained significant traction and is being used in various industries such as real estate and legal sectors. Microsoft's early commitment and investment in chat GPT give them a significant advantage over Google. It is not just a matter of a few months; it is about several years of advantage that Microsoft has built.

Microsoft's commitment and investment in AI

Microsoft's commitment to AI and chat GPT is evident through their substantial investment and the support of their CEO, Satya Nadella. They have invested billions of dollars and view chat GPT as one of the most exciting developments since Nadella became the CEO. This level of commitment and enthusiasm positions Microsoft as a strong contender in the competition.

The search market share of Bing

While Microsoft has the advantage in generative AI, their search engine, Bing, currently holds only a 9% market share. This puts Microsoft significantly behind Google, which dominates the search market with over 80% share. The low market share of Bing raises questions about the impact of Microsoft's head start in the competition.

The importance of search market share

Search market share carries great significance as it directly correlates with the number of users and potential customers. Google's vast search market share gives them a massive advantage in terms of reach and influence. Microsoft's relatively low search market share creates a challenge for them to catch up and compete effectively.

The significance of Microsoft's head start

It remains unclear how much Microsoft's head start in integrating chat GPT into Bing will matter in the long run. While it gives them an advantage, the competition is fierce, and Google has the resources and capabilities to catch up quickly. Microsoft will need to capitalize on their head start and continue to innovate to maintain their position in the market.


  • Google has a linguistic advantage in search.
  • Microsoft has a head start in generative AI.
  • Microsoft's ecosystem provides a strong platform for chat GPT.


  • Google is playing catch-up in the chat GPT competition.
  • Bing has a low search market share.
  • The impact of Microsoft's head start is uncertain.

【FAQ】 Q: What is chat GPT? A: Chat GPT is a generative AI language model developed by OpenAI. It aims to mimic human-like conversations and provide natural language responses to queries.

Q: What is Bard? A: Bard is Google's competitor to chat GPT. It is an AI language model designed for chat-based interactions and search-related tasks.

Q: Which company is currently leading in search market share? A: Google is the dominant leader in search with over 80% market share. Microsoft's search engine, Bing, currently holds a 9% market share.


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