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5月 26 2023
Tiblio AI 製品情報

Tiblio AIとは何ですか?

Tiblio AIは、あなたが最も好きなことをする間に、人生を変えるようなオプション収入を最大化するための攻撃的で自動化された投資システムです。

Tiblio AIの使い方は?

Tiblio AIを使用するには、まずアカウントにサインアップし、ブローカーアカウントを接続します。システムは市場を分析し、目標とリスク許容度に合わせた個別の投資戦略を生成します。

Tiblio AIのコア機能




Tiblio AIの使用例







Tiblio AIのFAQ

Tiblio AIとは何ですか?

Tiblio AIはどのように機能しますか?

Tiblio AIの主な特徴は何ですか?

Tiblio AIを利用できるのは誰ですか?


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Feb 2023 - Feb 2025 すべてのウェブサイトのトラフィック



Tiblio AI Sign Up and Start!

Tiblio AI is software that you connect to your trading account that will harvest option income for you automatically. The software is completely automated and once hooked up and turned on, it will sell stock options automatically. This video demonstrates how easy it is to start. Just sign in, connect, configure and go. Sign up on our site: https://tiblio.ai Please note: in the video, you see our internal Tiblio AI test account. This account is configured to show some brokerages that are not available to members. Currently, Tiblio AI is authorized to connect to Tradier Brokerage and we are working rapidly toward the integration of TradeStation. While we do have the integration with TD Ameritrade, they are in the middle of moving to Schwab and so it is unknown if we will be able to make that available to you. If you want to use Tiblio AI on your brokerage account, we suggest looking into Tradier Brokerage and TradeStation. Both of these brokers allow our software to work hard for you! A common question that we get is: How much money do I need in order to take advantage of Tiblio AI? Answer: The more the merrier! However, you will do well with at least $20,000. The bare minimum is enough capital to sell one cash secured put option. The complete transcript is included here: --- Welcome to Tiblio A.I. Log in with your Google account, one with M.F.A. enabled. Connect to your brokerage account. Click “Create Sandbox” to create a paper money account. You can use this to evaluate Tiblio A.I. . Tiblio A.I. is integrated with Tradier Brokerage. "Trade Station" is coming soon. You can see several accounts connected here. Review the main A.I. configuration settings. "Buying Power" limits how much of your account value the A.I. will trade with. The rest of the settings allow you to control the options that are sold, and how the A.I. takes profit and scales into full position size. Please review all configuration settings. Now add equities. Set the weight. The percentage of the buying power allocated to this equity. The rest of these settings are optional and override the main A.I. configuration settings. Toggle on "send orders" and toggle off "pause all activity". Tiblio A.I. will begin sending orders to your broker. Review the activity tab to see what the A.I. has been doing. Review your open positions. You can also see everything through your broker's software. When you’re ready, sign up for a paid plan to remove restrictions. That's all there is to it! Hit the like button and share this with your friends. Comment below or message us through our site. Thank you for watching. Risk Disclosure Options, Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

3月 16 2023

Tiblio AI Beats XLF+XLC by 10x - Delivering 1.3% returns compared to 0.10% from XLF+XLC

This is week 5 following along with Tiblio AI as it invests my account for me in XLF and XLC. So we compare the returns of the account to the combined returns of XLF+XLC (the positions are split 50/50). My account is up 1.3% compared to only 0.10% for the underlyings. THAT IS AMAZING - as I lifted only one finger to close one trade which is explained in the video. The key take aways: 1. We can't time the market 2. Don't worry about capturing small wins or avoiding small losses 3. Flow with the market 4. When the move is there, Tiblio AI will capture profit 5. Bring in lots and lots of option premium! Enjoy your Cinco-De-Mayo! I hope you're celebrating and visiting with friends and family this weekend and I'll see you again next week! Tiblio AI Invests For Free $10,000 Allocated - Automate Your Investing: https://tiblio.ai Prefer to have the data but run the strategy yourself? Use Tiblio's Screeners. Tiblio Data Analysis and Market Screeners at https://tiblio.com Risk Disclosure Options, Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

5月 05 2023

Build Your Elite Portfolio

I've liquidated my account and it is time to switch things up. Let's use this opportunity to talk about selecting stocks for an elite portfolio. One that has the potential to out perform. This webinar kicks off the stock selection process and will cover: * Commitment to follow the plan * Having conviction * Our portfolio goals * Timing the market * Repeatable trades * The 20 Mile March * Diversification * Portfolio Theory * Using Tiblio screeners to help Other Topics Covered ** Considerations for Portfolio Size and Scaling ** Implied Volatility and Potential Options Income Returns ** Liquidity in terms of share volume and weekly options ** Profitability of the company and other fundamentals Equity selection is critical to the success and optimization of any investment strategy. If you're new to investing, have trouble figuring out which equities to invest in, or are just plain curious about how I go about deciding for myself, then this webinar is for you! Join at https://tiblio.com Software that operates the Wheel Strategy for you at https://tiblio.ai Results playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRzT3UKBznZVjQh2Fu7tof8Sy_3F_tNmr 20 Mile March Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8UqexKK_3A 20 Mile March Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062120999/ Wheel Strategy Screener: https://tiblio.com/research/wheel-strategy Tiblio Discord: https://discord.gg/9meekXYYGr Tiblio on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tiblioinc Kevin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/miningtheta

7月 21 2023


Tiblio AI 埋め込みを起動する

ウェブサイトバッジを使用して、Toolify Launchに対するコミュニティからのサポートを促進しましょう。ホームページやフッターに簡単に埋め込むことができます。

Tiblio AI: オプション収入を最大化する自動投資システム。