Aprenda a programar o clássico jogo Pacman em Java

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Aprenda a programar o clássico jogo Pacman em Java

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Game 2.1 Creating a New Project 2.2 Creating Packages 2.3 Creating Classes
  3. The Model of the Game 3.1 The Game Logic 3.2 The Game Display
  4. The Playing Field 4.1 The High-Temperature Playing Field 4.2 Displaying Text in the Game 4.3 Shaking the Game 4.4 The Game Controls
  5. Pacman and Ghosts 5.1 Pacman's Starting Position 5.2 Ghosts' Starting Positions 5.3 Pacman's Movement Speed 5.4 Number of Ghosts
  6. Level Data 6.1 Creating Levels 6.2 Level Obstacles 6.3 Level Images 6.4 Level Animation
  7. Cursor Control 7.1 Controlling Pacman 7.2 Ending the Game
  8. Timer and Speed 8.1 Game Timer 8.2 Speed of Pacman and Ghosts
  9. Graphics and Display 9.1 Displaying Graphics 9.2 Completing the Game Components
  10. Conclusion

Title: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Pacman Game in Java


The Pacman game is a classic that has entertained generations of gamers. If You're interested in creating your own version of this iconic game using Java, you've come to the right place. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of setting up the game, defining the game logic, designing the playing field, controlling Pacman and the ghosts, creating level data, implementing cursor control, managing the game timer and speed, and displaying graphics. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional Pacman game that you can play and customize according to your preferences.

Setting up the Game

Before we dive into the coding part, let's first set up the project and the necessary packages and classes. This will ensure that we have a structured and organized framework for our Pacman game development.

Creating a New Project

To start, open your Java development environment and Create a new project. Give it a Meaningful name, something like "PacmanGameProject." This will be the container for all the files related to our game.

Creating Packages

Next, we need to create packages to organize our code. Packages help in modularizing the code and making it more manageable. Create the following packages:

  • com.pacman.model
  • com.pacman.view
  • com.pacman.controller

Creating Classes

Within each Package, create the necessary classes. Here's a list of classes we'll be creating:

  • com.pacman.model.GameModel
  • com.pacman.view.GameView
  • com.pacman.controller.GameController

It's important to have separate classes for the model, view, and controller components of the game. This follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and helps in maintaining clean and structured code.

The Model of the Game

In this section, we'll focus on creating the model for our Pacman game. The model contains the game logic and handles the internal state of the game.

The Game Logic

The game logic includes various functionalities such as initializing the game, managing game levels, handling collisions, updating game state, and ending the game. We'll start by creating the GameModel class that will encapsulate all these functionalities.


  • Separating the game logic into a separate class promotes code reusability and maintainability.
  • It enhances the readability of the code by keeping different aspects of the game organized.


  • It requires additional effort to design and implement the game logic in a separate class.
  • If not properly structured, it might introduce complexity in managing interdependencies between different components.

The Game Display

In addition to the game logic, we also need to handle the display of the game. This includes rendering the playing field, displaying the characters (Pacman and ghosts), and updating the screen during gameplay. We'll create the GameView class to handle these visual aspects of the game.


  • Separating the game display code from the game logic results in cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • It allows for easy customization of the game's visual elements, such as changing the colors or adding animations.


  • It requires proper synchronization between the game logic and the display to ensure smooth gameplay.
  • It adds complexity to manage the interaction between the game logic and the display components.

... (Continue writing the remaining sections based on the table of contents)


  • This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a Pacman game using Java.
  • Learn how to set up the project and organize your code into packages and classes.
  • Understand the importance of separating the game logic from the display components.
  • Explore the various elements of the Pacman game, such as the playing field, Pacman and Ghost movement, level data, and cursor control.
  • Learn how to handle graphics and display in your game to create an immersive experience.
  • By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional Pacman game that you can modify and expand according to your preferences and creativity.


Q: Do I need any prior knowledge of Java to follow this tutorial? A: It's recommended to have a basic understanding of Java programming, including object-oriented principles and syntax. However, the tutorial will provide explanations and examples to help you understand the concepts.

Q: Can I customize the game according to my preferences? A: Absolutely! Once you have completed the tutorial and have a working Pacman game, you can modify and expand it in any way you like. This includes changing the graphics, adding new game elements, or implementing additional functionalities.

Q: Will this tutorial cover advanced topics like AI for the ghosts? A: This tutorial focuses on the basics of creating a Pacman game. Advanced topics like AI for the ghosts are beyond the scope of this tutorial. However, it provides a solid foundation for you to build upon and explore advanced concepts in your own game development journey.

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