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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Code Editor
  3. Importing the OpenAI Library
  4. Passing the API Key
  5. Defining the Prompt
  6. Making the API Call
  7. Printing the Response
  8. Best Practices for API Key Security
  9. Using Environmental Variables
  10. Explaining the Prompt Format


In this lesson, we will be creating a simple chatbot using the ChatGPT API. We will walk through the necessary steps to set up the code editor, import the OpenAI library, pass the API key, define the prompt, make the API call, and print the response. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for API key security and introduce the prompt format.

Setting up the Code Editor

To begin, we need to set up our code editor. Open your preferred code editor and Create a new file. Save it into a newly created folder for organization purposes.

Importing the OpenAI Library

Next, we need to import the OpenAI library into our code. This library should already be installed on your computer. Ensure that the library is accessible by importing it at the beginning of your code.

Passing the API Key

To utilize the OpenAI API, we need to pass our API key. Retrieve your secret API key from the OpenAI Website. Keep in mind that your API key should be kept secret and Never uploaded to public platforms like GitHub. For simplicity, we will directly include the key in our code editor, but it is recommended to use environmental variables for increased security.

Defining the Prompt

The prompt is the input we provide to the chatbot. For this example, let's use the topic of dinosaurs. The prompt format involves sending a series of user and assistant-generated messages as part of the conversation. We will create a list of messages, each containing a role (either "user" or "assistant") and the content of the message.

Making the API Call

Now that we have our prompt defined, we can make the API call. Using the OpenAI library, utilize the openai.ChatCompletion.create() method. Set the model parameter to the desired model, such as "gpt-3.5-turbo". Pass the messages list as the parameters to specify the conversation flow.

Printing the Response

After making the API call, we will receive a response from OpenAI. The response object will contain a choices field, which includes an array of possible responses. In this example, we will only display the first response. Print the content of the message to see the output of the chatbot.

Best Practices for API Key Security

It is crucial to keep your API key secure to prevent unauthorized usage and potential financial costs. Avoid uploading your key to public platforms like GitHub. Instead, consider using environmental variables or other secure methods for storing and accessing your API key.

Using Environmental Variables

Environmental variables provide a secure way to store sensitive information, such as API keys. We will cover this topic later in the course, providing an even safer approach to working with keys.

Explaining the Prompt Format

The prompt format for the ChatGPT API involves sending a list of specific messages that make up a conversation. Each message is a dictionary containing a role (user or assistant) and the content of the message. This format allows for a dynamic and interactive conversation with the chatbot.

Note: The following Paragraph is a 25,000-word article generated Based on the table of Contents provided above.

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