Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Changing the Chat UI from Django to React
- Background
- Motivation
- Plan
- Building the View and React Application
- Creating the View
- Adding React Components
- Testing the Integration
- Serializing the Chat Data
- Creating the Chat Serializer
- Passing Serialized Data to React
- Building the Chat UI in React
- Creating the Message List
- Adding User and AI Message Components
- Implementing the Input Bar
- Styling the Chat Interface
- Remaining Work and Next Steps
- Conclusion
Changing the Chat UI from Django to React
In this coding session, we will be porting the existing chat user interface (UI) that we built using Django and Pegasus to React. Pegasus offers two front-end build options - React and HDMX - and we want to ensure that users who choose React can also use the chat UI.
The motivation behind this decision is to provide flexibility and compatibility for developers using Pegasus. By creating a React version of the chat UI, we can cater to different preferences and allow for seamless integration with various build options.
To begin with, we will Create a view for the chat page in Django and link it. Following that, we will build a React application that will replace the chat interface in the existing UI. We will then focus on replicating the interactive functionality, including the use of Django Rest Framework APIs and React components. The ultimate goal is to successfully port the chat UI from Django to React.
Building the View and React Application
Creating the View
To start, we will create the URL view scaffolding in Django. This involves adding a single chat view to the chat URLs file. We will also update the template for the single chat view to include a div with a unique ID that will allow React to take over the chat interface.
Adding React Components
Next, we will create a new folder for the chat in the Pegasus assets directory and copy the necessary JavaScript files from the existing setup. We will then modify the chat application file to render the chat components in React. This includes creating a chat application function that will return the chat interface components such as the message list and input bar.
Testing the Integration
To test the integration of React components with the Django view, we will log the chat data in the console and ensure that it is successfully passed from Django to React. We will also map the chat messages and render them using separate components for human and AI messages.
Serializing the Chat Data
Creating the Chat Serializer
In order to pass the chat data from Django to React, we need to serialize the chat object as a JSON structure. We will create a chat serializer using Django Rest Framework and define the fields to be included in the serialized data, such as the chat ID, user ID, message content, etc.
Passing Serialized Data to React
Once the chat serializer is implemented, we will update the Django template to include the serialized data using the JSON script tag. This will make the serialized chat data available as a Hidden div on the page, which can then be accessed by React.
Building the Chat UI in React
Creating the Message List
To render the chat messages in React, we will map through the serialized messages and create individual components for each message. We will differentiate between user and AI messages using conditional rendering and assign appropriate CSS classes.
Adding User and AI Message Components
We will create separate components for user and AI messages, each with their own styling and content rendering. These components will receive the message data as props and render the necessary elements, such as user icons and message content.
Implementing the Input Bar
To enable user input in the chat interface, we will create an input bar component in React. This will include an input field for typing messages and a send button for submitting them. The functionality to send messages and update the chat interface will be implemented in later steps.
Styling the Chat Interface
To improve the visual appeal and usability of the chat interface, we will Apply CSS styling to the various components. This will involve choosing appropriate fonts, colors, and layouts to ensure a Cohesive and engaging user experience.
Remaining Work and Next Steps
While we have made significant progress in porting the chat UI from Django to React, there are still some important tasks remaining. These include implementing the functionality to Type and send messages, updating the chat interface in real-time using Django Rest Framework APIs, and ensuring seamless integration with the existing Django backend.
In this coding session, we successfully changed the chat UI from Django to React. We took a step-by-step approach, building the necessary views, serializing the chat data, and creating React components for the message list and input bar. While there is still work to be done, we have laid a solid foundation for the chat UI in React and set the stage for further development and integration with the Django backend.
- Porting the chat UI from Django to React
- Integrating React components with Django views
- Serializing chat data using Django Rest Framework
- Creating React components for the message list and input bar
- Styling the chat interface for an improved user experience
Q: Why did You decide to change the chat UI from Django to React?
A: We wanted to provide flexibility and compatibility for developers using Pegasus by offering a React version of the chat UI.
Q: What is the purpose of serializing the chat data?
A: Serializing the data allows us to pass the chat object as a JSON structure from Django to React, enabling seamless integration between the two frameworks.
Q: How are user and AI messages differentiated in the React UI?
A: We use conditional rendering to differentiate between user and AI messages. Separate components are created for each message type, allowing for customized styling and content rendering.
Q: What is the next step after porting the chat UI to React?
A: The next steps involve implementing functionality to send and update messages in real-time, integrating with Django Rest Framework APIs, and ensuring seamless integration with the backend.