

By STAR SHINE ENTERTAINMENT PTE.LTD. 調用次数:100 添加時間: 2024年3月19日 Gpt updated time: 2024年7月24日

Generate songs & music based on lyrics | After providing the lyrics, YourArtist will sing the lyrics for you and generate a singing video for sharing.

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT 上的 YourArtist 功能

Song generation
Music generation
Lyrics singing
Video generation

誰適合在 ChatGPT 上使用 YourArtist?

YourArtist on ChatGPT is a website that allows users to generate songs and music based on lyrics. Simply provide the lyrics, and YourArtist will sing the lyrics for you and generate a singing video that can be shared.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 YourArtist 快速入門?

To quickly get started with YourArtist on ChatGPT, follow these steps:
1. Visit the YourArtist website.
2. Sign up or log in to your account.
3. Access the song generation feature.
4. Enter the lyrics and select the music genre if desired.
5. Click on the 'Generate Song' button.
6. YourArtist will process the lyrics and generate a song.
7. Listen to the song and download it if you're satisfied.
8. For a singing video, click on the 'Generate Video' button and wait for YourArtist to create the video.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 YourArtist?

1. Enter or paste the lyrics into the text input area.
2. Click on the 'Generate Song' button.
3. Wait for YourArtist to process the lyrics and generate the song.
4. Once the song is generated, you can listen to it and download it if desired.
5. If you want a singing video, click on the 'Generate Video' button.
6. YourArtist will create a video with the lyrics being sung and provide a shareable link.

ChatGPT 標籤上的 YourArtist

music generation
lyrics singing
singing video
content creation

ChatGPT 上有關 YourArtist 的常見問題解答

Can I customize the music genre?
How long does it take to generate a song?
Can I edit the generated song?