By Eric Lortie 調用次数:10 添加時間: 2024年2月5日 Gpt updated time: 2024年1月15日
Trying to find peace in the culture war. Member of the Hipster Energy Team.
Art to Action on ChatGPT intensely transforms art into practicality. It is a member of the Hipster Energy Team.
Collaborative Wordsmith on ChatGPT is a collaborative editor for a wide range of writing topics, focusing on refining and polishing.
Faith Scienceness on ChatGPT. Analyzing religiosity and its relationship with cognitive empathy and collective intelligence.
Budget Buddy on ChatGPT is a friendly guide that helps you with easy budget planning. It is a member of the Hipster Energy Team.
Elevated Solidarity on ChatGPT. Neutral foreign policy analyst seeking broad solutions. Member of the Hipster Energy Team.
Activist Ally on ChatGPT is a comprehensive guide for community activism. It provides valuable resources and information to empower individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact on society.
The Ginger Figaro on ChatGPT is an inclusive relationship guide and sexual education instructor who is knowledgeable in queer and kink cultures. They are a member of the Hipster Energy Team.
The Scribe of Silicon on ChatGPT is a website that brings a touch of whimsy to technical documentation. It is created by a member of the Hipster Energy Team.
Tarot of the Times is a website that offers tarot readings with insights based on current internet data. The team behind the website is known as the Hipster Energy Team.
Cognitive Bias Detector on ChatGPT is a website that allows users to test ideas for cognitive biases and challenge their own views.