Intel在TreeHacks 2024 | Intel軟體

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Intel在TreeHacks 2024 | Intel軟體

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Birth of Tria
  3. Intel and AI
  4. The Hackathon Experience
  5. Education Technology and Learning Gaps
  6. Memory Loss and Mind Palace
  7. Creating AI Agents
  8. Red Bull, Celsius, and Coffee
  9. Prediction Guard and Large Language Models
  10. Neural Chat and the Intel Developer Cloud
  11. Inspiration and Impact
  12. Conclusion


Tria, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, began as a project by Stanford students who were passionate about building and hacking. The founders wanted to create a platform for students from around the world to come together, share ideas, and collaborate on fun projects. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of Tria and its impact on the AI community, as well as how Intel's presence plays a significant role.

The Birth of Tria

Tria was born a decade ago from the minds of enthusiastic students at Stanford University. These students enjoyed building and hacking projects and wanted to extend their passion to others. They envisioned a gathering where students from different backgrounds could come together for a weekend and collaborate on exciting projects.

Intel and AI

Intel recognizes the importance of AI in today's world, not just limited to traditional computing but also at the forefront of leading-edge technologies. The company aims to involve as many people as possible in shaping the future of AI. Intel considers every company an AI company, and events like Tria provide an opportunity to work with the next generation of AI practitioners.

The Hackathon Experience

At Tria, students have access to a plethora of tools, services, and materials provided by Intel to create innovative projects and learn more about AI. Intel supports projects like "temporarily scratch ML," which allows younger students to use machine learning in a no-code environment. The hackathon environment fosters creativity and learning, surpassing traditional classrooms.

Education Technology and Learning Gaps

Tria focuses on the field of Education Technology, targeting the learning gap that many students face. Students often question the applicability of their classroom learning in the real world. Hackathons like Tria provide an excellent opportunity for students to put their ideas into practice, bridging the gap between theory and hands-on experience.

Memory Loss and Mind Palace

One project at Tria tackles the challenge of memory loss. Taking inspiration from ongoing research, this project uses the concept of "Mind Palace" to help individuals associate words with visual objects. By merging psychology research with computer science, an application is being developed to aid those suffering from memory loss.

Creating AI Agents

Another project aims to build a mesh network using Laura, a hardware standard that efficiently transmits data over long distances. This project, called Neoc City, seeks to create an immersive simulated world where multiple AI agents interact and believe they are living in reality. By assigning routines, personalities, and relationships, this project explores the boundaries of AI simulation.

Red Bull, Celsius, and Coffee

Tria provides an energetic environment for participants, with sponsors like Red Bull, Celsius, and coffee available to keep the participants fueled throughout the event. These beverages help maintain focus and energy, ensuring participants can give their best during the hackathon.

Prediction Guard and Large Language Models

Prediction Guard, an AI startup, collaborates with Intel to overcome the barriers faced by enterprise companies in adopting Large Language Models. They provide a secure and private environment powered by Intel's developer Cloud and gaudi 2 machines. The goal is to offer performant and cost-effective solutions for hosting large language models, benefitting both startups and established companies.

Neural Chat and the Intel Developer Cloud

Using the Intel developer Cloud and chatbot APIs, participants at Tria are working on building custom chatbots. Neural Chat is an ongoing project that utilizes Intel's resources and expertise to create an advanced chatbot application. Intel's workshops and support have been invaluable in assisting participants with their data-intensive training processes.

Inspiration and Impact

Tria events inspire both participants and attendees. The opportunity to connect with the next generation of AI developers who are passionate about making a difference in the world is exhilarating. By supporting and fostering the growth of these individuals, the future of technology is shaped and impacted.


Tria's journey over the past ten years showcases the remarkable advancements made in the field of AI. Through collaborations with Intel, the hackathon provides a platform for students to explore, learn, and create innovative projects. The impact of Tria goes beyond the event itself, as it contributes to the development of AI practitioners who will Shape the future of technology.

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