Ryzen 7900X DDR5-6200 CL30 Overclock
"""xin chào mọi người, đây là Bill Zoid và hôm nay chúng ta sẽ xem xét một cách ép xung ddr5 khác lần này với Horizon 970 900x trên bo mạch chủ ASRock b650m--hdv m.2. CPU được cung cấp bởi AMD nên cảm ơn lớn đến họ vì đã gửi nó và bo mạch mạch chủ, cũng như bộ kit nhớ được mua bởi tôi, vậy nên cảm ơn lớn đến người ủng hộ của tôi đã làm cho những mua sắm đó trở nên có thể, quả là một bộ kit nhớ không kiếm Kingston Fury 2 bởi 16 GB. Nó sử dụng chip nhớ 16 gigabit MDI Hynix ít nhất là cái tôi có ở đây lý thuyết này mẫu như 6000 cl36 ở 1,35 volt bạn có thể kết thúc với_nhược điểm cao Nix a Die các chip nhớ không thật sự thay đổi nhiều, vì các bức chân chip nhớ tôi sử dụng ở đây, không thực sự như kiểu siêu như kiểu nó không được tối thiểu hóa nó chỉ đúng kiểu là một số cấu hìn nhắm cụ thể, mà tôi đang chơi với ở đây cho hệ thống như làm mát, có một quạt hồi nhiệt trên CPU vì vậy CPU thực sự chạy khá nóng đặc biệt là cho lin pack và không có làm mát thêm cho bộ nhớ nên bộ nhớ thực sự, chỉ làm mát bằng bất kì không khí rửa sạch nào của CPU cooler, vậy bất kì cách nào, hãy chúng ta cùng xem các thiết lập ở đây bộ nhớ tôi đã đẩy nó tới 6200 megabit mỗi giây.điều đó là 3,1.card gigahey nhớ thực sự có nhiều băng thông nhớ gàng quá băng thông bộ đơn bị hạn chế cả cũng là loại, và từ đó bạn cũng map để nhân đôi bộ hdv công Nếu bạn nhân vô tất cả của băng thông cùng một lúc bạn thực sự có thể tính sơ,yếu tố băng thông nhớ cao vậy và từ đó cả tên hệ số vô hướng ạ bé cần giờ King cho bạn một lợi ích về hiệu suất tổng quát và một lợi ích về hoạ hoạ giả kiên Lin dang với ơ đó 2100 megahertz infinity Fabric on ryzen 7000 mà một loại,mô hình về cốt lõ lý gần bình thường cho control, memory của bạn mà thòi gian clịneck về choke của bộ mem của bạn vắt chạy ổ bộ memory controller running at the same clock as your memory because that gives you a latency Advantage as well as just a,general performance Advantage,technically there is a two to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at,like two gigahertz there is no way to,like,cleanly transition data off of a three,gigahertz like clock region into a two,gigahertz clock region that just doesn't,work right so that whole thing with,ryzen 5000 where you want your Infinity,fabric synchronized to the memory,controller that works because your,Infinity Fabric and the memory,controller actually run at the same,clock if the clock is like you,could end up with high Nix a die memory chips,uh which wouldn't really change much,because the memory timings that I'm,using here aren't actually like super,like they're not minimized they're just kind,their vô hướng đố them uu hợng as hain valley fabric so yeah,those cu khoăih khăi with all tbộ hai volu luốt, two,teach for the ei no one the video will apply to both,even though there are some very slight,differences in terms of what kind of,timings MDI chips will do compared to Ai,chips but anyway that doesn't really,matter that much so yeah that's the spec,of the system that I'm that I'm you know,working with here for cooling there's an,air cooler on the CPU so the CPU did end,up running quite hòt especially for lin,pack and there's no extra cooling for,the memory so it the memory is basically,just cooled by whatever air washes off,of the CPU air cooler so anyway,um,let's take a look at the the settings,here so the memory I've pushed it to,6200 megabits per Second so that's 3.1,gigahertz actual like memory clock,because DDR Right double data rate the,clock is half the data rate the data,rate is 6200 megabits per second and,then you also map to multiply that by,the bus width which for two sticks of,ddr5 is 128 Bits And if you multiply all,of that together you can actually,calculate your theoretical maximum,memory bandwidth uh anyway,um yeah so 3.1 gigahertz on the memory,3.1 gigahertz on the memory controller,uh you want to have your memory,controller running at the same clock as,your memory because that gives you a,latency Advantage as well as just a,general performance Advantage,technically there is a two to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at,like two gigahertz there is no way to,like,cleanly transition data off of a three,gigahertz like clock region into a two,gigahertz clock region that just doesn't,work right so that whole thing with,ryzen 5000 where you want your Infinity,fabric synchronized to the memory,controller that works because your,Infinity Fabric and the memory,controller actually run at the same,clock if the clock is like 2,to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at,like two gigahertz there is no way to,like,cleanly transition data off of a three,gigahertz like clock region into a two,gigahertz clock region that just doesn't,work right so that whole thing with,ryzen 5000 where you want your Infinity,fabric synchronized to the memory,controller that works because your,Infinity Fabric and the memory,controller actually run at the same,clock if the clock is like you,could end up with high Nix a die memory chips,uh which wouldn't really change much,because the memory timings that I'm,using here aren't actually like super,like they're not minimized they're just kind,of generic hynix timings that,should work on both a die and MDI memory,kits so this video will apply to both,even though there are some very slight,differences in terms of what kind of,timings MDI chips will do compared to Aid, chips but anyway that doesn't really,matter that much so yeah that's the spec,of the system that I'm that I'm you know,working with here for cooling there's an,air cooler on the CPU so the CPU did end,up running quite hot especially for lin,pack and there's no extra cooling for,the memory so it the memory is basically,just cooled by whatever air washes off,of the CPU air cooler so anyway,um,let's take a look at the the settings,here so the memory I've pushed it to,6200 megabits per second so that's 3.1,gigahertz actual like memory clock,because DDR Right double data rate the,clock is half the data rate the data,rate is 6200 megabits per second and,then you also map to multiply that by,the bus width which for two sticks of,ddr5 is 128 Bits And if you multiply all,of that together you can actually,calculate your theoretical maximum,memory bandwidth uh anyway,um yeah so 3.1 gigahertz on the memory,3.1 gigahertz on the memory controller,uh you want to have your memory,controller running at the same clock as,your memory because that gives you a,latency Advantage as well as just a,general performance Advantage,technically there is a two to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at,like two gigahertz there is no way to,like,cleanly transition data off of a three,gigahertz like clock region into a two,gigahertz clock region that just doesn't,work right so that whole thing with,ryzen 5000 where you want your Infinity,fabric synchronized to the memory,controller that works because your,Infinity Fabric and the memory,controller actually run at the same,clock if the clock is like you,could end up with high Nix a die memory chips,uh which wouldn't really change much,because the memory timings that I'm,using here aren't actually like super,like they're not minimized they're just kind,of generic hynix timings that,should work on both a die and MDI memory,kits so this video will apply to both,even though there are some very slight,differences in terms of what kind of,timings MDI chips will do compared to Ai,die chips but anyway that doesn't really,matter that much so yeah that's the spec,of the system that I'm that I'm you know,working with here for cooling there's an,air cooler on the CPU so the CPU did end,up running quite hot especially for Lin,pack and there's no extra cooling for,the memory so it the memory is basically,just cooled by whatever air washes off,of the CPU air cooler so anyway,um,let's take a look at the the settings,here so the memory I've pushed it to,6200 megabits per second so that's 3.1,gigahertz actual like memory clock,because DDR Right double data rate the,clock is half the data rate the data,rate is 6200 megabits per second and,then you also map to multiply that by,the bus width which for two sticks of,ddr5 is 128 Bits And if you multiply all,of that together you can actually,calculate your theoretical maximum,memory bandwidth uh anyway,um yeah so 3.1 gigahertz on the memory,3.1 gigahertz on the memory controller,uh you want to have your memory,controller running at the same clock as,your memory because that gives you a,latency Advantage as well as just a,general performance Advantage,technically there is a two to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at,like two gigahertz there is no way to,like,cleanly transition data off of a three,gigahertz like clock region into a two,gigahertz clock region that just doesn't,work right so that whole thing with,ryzen 5000 where you want your Infinity,fabric synchronized to the memory,controller that works because your,Infinity Fabric and the memory,controller actually run at the same,clock if the clock is like you,could end up with high Nix a die memory chips,uh which wouldn't really change much,because the memory timings that I'm,using here aren't actually like super,like they're not minimized they're just kind,of generic hynix timings that,should work on both a die and MDI memory,kits so this video will apply to both,even though there are some very slight,differences in terms of what kind of,timings MDI chips will do compared to Aid, chips but anyway that doesn't really,matter that much so yeah that's the spec,of the system that I'm that I'm you know,working with here for cooling there's an,air cooler on the CPU so the CPU did end,up running quite hòt especially for lin,pack and there's no extra cooling for the,memory so it the memory is basically,just cooled by whatever air washes off,of the CPU air cooler so anyway,um,let's take a look at the the settings,here so the memory I've pushed it to,6200 megabits per second so that's 3.1,gigahertz actual like memory clock,because DDR Right double data rate the,clock is half the data rate the data,rate is 6200 megabits per second and,then you also map to multiply that by,the bus width which for two sticks of,ddr5 is 128 Bits And if you multiply all,of that together you can actually,calculate your theoretical maximum,memory bandwidth uh anyway,um yeah so 3.1 gigahertz on the memory,3.1 gigahertz on the memory controller,uh you want to have your memory,controller running at the same clock as,your memory because that gives you a,latency Advantage as well as just a,general performance Advantage,technically there is a two to one mode,for the memory controller I see,absolutely no reason to ever use that on,ryzen 7000 in my experience it doesn't,really clock any higher and it does hurt,performance so yeah at least an ambient,it really doesn't clock any higher maybe,with like sub ambient temperatures it,actually helps but if you're on like air,cooling or water cooling there is zero,reason to use the two to one mode,because you're just giving up,performance and yeah there's there's no,benefits like it doesn't clock,significantly higher enough to to like,justify the trade-off,anyway the infinity fabric I have it,clocked at 2100 megahertz the infinity,fabric on ryzen 7000 is completely,desynchronized from the memory,controller because the memory controller,like typically your memory controller,might run at like say uh at like three,gigahertz and your Infinity fabric at