

By KOICHI ADACHI 调用次数:100 添加时间: 2024年4月8日 Gpt更新时间: 2024年6月18日


인공지능 도구

ChatGPT 上 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付) 的功能

입력 문장을 다시 쓰어 스팸 필터를 통과하도록하고 콘텐츠를 사실 확인하며 ChatGPT를 위한 일반적인 질문을 생성합니다.

谁适合在 ChatGPT 上使用 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付)?

ChatGPT에서 안티 워드 샐러드 에디션의 아다치씨 47번 (팩트-체크)을 소개합니다. 아다치씨 47번은 입력된 문장이나 단어 집합을 다시 쓰어 검색 엔진에 스팸으로 표시되지 않도록하지만 이를 사실로 확인하고 일관된 문장으로 다시 쓰는 ChatGPT의 도구입니다. 또한 대화 내용을 기반으로 ChatGPT (GPT-4)을 위한 일반적인 질문 예제를 생성합니다.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付) 快速入门?

1. ChatGPT 플랫폼에서 아다치씨 47번 도구에 액세스하십시오. 2. 다시 쓰고 사실 확인하려는 텍스트나 단어를 입력하십시오. 3. 도구에서 생성된 수정된 출력을 검토하십시오. 4. 선택적으로 대화 내용을 기반으로한 ChatGPT의 일반적인 질문 예제를 탐색하십시오.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付)?

다시 쓰고 사실 확인하려는 텍스트나 단어를 제공된 도구에 입력하십시오. 도구는 입력을 처리하고 일관적이며 검색 엔진에 스팸으로 표시되지 않는 수정된 버전을 생성합니다. 또한 대화 내용을 기반으로한 ChatGPT의 일반적인 질문 예제를 제공합니다.

ChatGPT 标签上的 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付)

콘텐츠 다시 쓰기
스팸 탐지
사실 확인
질문 생성
인공지능 도구

ChatGPT 上有关 アダチさん47号(アンチ・ワードサラダ篇:ファクトチェック付) 的常见问题解答

아다치씨 47번 도구란 무엇인가요?



Generate hypnotic suggestive sentences and action-promoting suggestive sentences on ChatGPT based on the input text. Create general question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4) using the dialogue content.

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年4月15日 - 调用次数:20
AI Text Generation

Adachi-san 11 (Real Estate Exam and Real Estate Business) on ChatGPT. Mr. Takakazu Adachi shares his knowledge and expertise on real estate exams and real estate business accumulated over time, answering your questions. You can also access data on Adachi Corporation's blog category page 'Real Estate Intermediation Troubles'. Based on the dialogues, generic question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4) can be created.

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年4月7日 - 调用次数:10
Real Estate Education
Real Estate Business
AI Chatbot

Adachi-san 13 (SQL Server Edition) on ChatGPT provides an opportunity for users to ask questions about SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2012 and benefit from Takakazu Adachi's extensive knowledge and expertise gained during his time as a software engineer. Additionally, based on the discussions, generic question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4) can be formulated.

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年4月5日 - 调用次数:20
Database Management

Adachi-san 33rd (IT Development Languages Edition) on ChatGPT. You can ask questions about the knowledge and know-how of IT development languages (Apache Pig/ExcelVBA/HQL/Java/JSON/Node.js/Oracle_PLSQL/Perl/Ruby/R Language/Visual C++/XML) that Takakazu Adachi has accumulated during his SE career. Additionally, based on the dialogue, we can create generic question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4).

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月28日 - 调用次数:10
IT Language

Adachi-san 17 (Financial Planning Edition) on ChatGPT

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:10
Financial Planning
アダチさん12号(Oracle RDBMS篇)

Adachi-san 12 (Oracle RDBMS Edition) on ChatGPT

アダチさん12号(Oracle RDBMS篇)
KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:10
Database Management
Technical Support

This website provides the content of the booklet titled 'ASD Livability Seminar' by Mr. Koichi Adachi, the representative caregiver of the ASD Friendship Association. It also offers answers to questions related to the seminar. Based on the dialogue, this website can generate generic question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4).

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:5

Adachi-san 25 (IT Virtualization Infrastructure Edition) on ChatGPT. You can ask questions about the knowledge and expertise of Takao Adachi, accumulated during his career as an SE in IT virtualization infrastructure, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud Managed Services, IBM Cloud Marketplace, IBM SoftLayer, Microsoft Azure, Oracle VirtualBox, Salesforce, Treasure Data, and VMWare. Based on the conversation, we can also create generic question examples for ChatGPT (GPT-4).

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:10
Cloud Computing

Adachi-san Issue 28 (IT Business Knowledge: Manufacturing Edition) on ChatGPT. You can ask questions about IT business knowledge, specifically related to the manufacturing industry, based on the knowledge and know-how accumulated by Mr. Takakazu Adachi during his time as an SE. Additionally, based on the dialogue, I can also generate generalized example questions for ChatGPT (GPT-4).

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:10
IT Business Knowledge
Manufacturing Industry

Adachi-san No.7 (Simple version AI counseling) on ChatGPT

KOICHI ADACHI 2024年3月27日 - 调用次数:20
Artificial Intelligence