Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions

Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions

By jackcheng 调用次数:80 添加时间: 2024年3月27日 Gpt更新时间: 2024年1月31日

Marks changes in academic writing for Earth Science & Ecology.

Editing & Proofreading

ChatGPT 上 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions 的功能

Marks changes in academic writing

谁适合在 ChatGPT 上使用 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions?

Academic Enhancer is a powerful tool designed to mark revisions in academic writing specifically for the field of Earth Science & Ecology.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions 快速入门?

To quickly start using Academic Enhancer, follow these steps:
1. Create an account on the website.
2. Upload your academic document.
3. Choose the options specific to Earth Science & Ecology.
4. Run the revision process.
5. Review and apply the suggested changes to enhance your writing.

如何在 ChatGPT 上使用 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions?

1. Upload your academic document in the supported file format.
2. Select the appropriate settings for Earth Science & Ecology.
3. Click on the 'Mark Revisions' button to initiate the revision process.
4. Review the marked revisions and suggested changes.
5. Make necessary modifications and save the final version of the document.

ChatGPT 标签上的 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions

academic writing
Earth Science

ChatGPT 上有关 Academic Enhancer - Marked Revisions 的常见问题解答

Can I use Academic Enhancer for subjects other than Earth Science & Ecology?