ai-forever / sage-fredt5-large
Total runs: 488
24-hour runs: 3
7-day runs: -45
30-day runs: -660
Model's Last Updated: 4월 03 2024

Introduction of sage-fredt5-large

Model Details of sage-fredt5-large




The model corrects spelling and punctuation errors and typos by bringing all the words in the text to the norm of the Russian language. Corrector had been trained based on the model FRED-T5-large . An extensive dataset with “artificial” errors was taken as a training corpus: the corpus was assembled on the basis of the Russian-language Wikipedia and transcripts of Russian-language videos, then typos and spelling errors were automatically introduced into it using the library SAGE .

Public references
Input Output
И не чсно прохожим в этот день непогожйи почему я веселый такйо И не ясно прохожим в этот день непогожий, почему я веселый такой.
Каждй день воттак делой, и спена балеть нибудет. А вотак каждый день ниделай Каждый день вот так делай и спина болеть не будет. А вот так каждый день не делай.
Основая цель мероприятия практическая отработка навыков по оказанию помощи гражданам, попавшим в ДТП а также повышение и совершенствование уровня профессиональной подготовки сотрудников МЧС при проведении аварийно-спасательных работ по ликвидации последствий дорожно-транспортных проишествий сокращение временных показателей реагирования. Основная цель мероприятия — практическая отработка навыков по оказанию помощи гражданам, попавшим в ДТП, а также повышение и совершенствование уровня профессиональной подготовки сотрудников МЧС при проведении аварийно-спасательных работ по ликвидации последствий дорожно-транспортных происшествий, сокращение временных показателей реагирования

Below are automatic metrics for determining the correctness of the spell checkers. We compare our solution with both open automatic spell checkers and the ChatGPT family of models on all four available datasets:

  • RUSpellRU : texts collected from ( LiveJournal ), with manually corrected typos and errors;
  • MultidomainGold : examples from 7 text sources, including the open web, news, social media, reviews, subtitles, policy documents and literary works;
  • MedSpellChecker : texts with errors from medical anamnesis;
  • GitHubTypoCorpusRu : spelling errors and typos in commits from GitHub ;


Model Pr. (spell) Rec. (spell) F1 (spell) Pr. (punc) Rec. (punc) F1 (punc) Pr. (case) Rec. (case) F1 (case)
sage-fredt5-large 57.3 68.0 62.2 86.7 46.1 60.2 92.1 67.8 78.1
sage-fredt5-large (ft) 88.4 80.9 84.5 88.2 85.3 86.8 95.5 94.0 94.7
sage-ai-service 90.3 86.3 88.2 90.3 86.6 88.4 95.2 95.9 95.6
gpt-3.5-turbo 33.6 58.5 42.7 85.9 64.6 73.7 84.9 73.9 79.0
gpt-4 54.9 76.7 64.0 84.0 82.3 83.2 91.5 90.2 90.9


Model Pr. (spell) Rec. (spell) F1 (spell) Pr. (punc) Rec. (punc) F1 (punc) Pr. (case) Rec. (case) F1 (case)
sage-fredt5-large 43.4 49.7 46.3 21.8 21.3 21.6 58.8 23.9 34.0
sage-fredt5-large (ft) 80.3 75.1 77.6 69.0 66.5 67.7 78.6 80.0 79.3
sage-ai-service 81.6 77.7 79.6 70.2 67.5 68.8 80.5 80.5 80.5
gpt-3.5-turbo 18.8 48.1 27.1 42.0 31.8 36.2 47.1 51.3 49.1
gpt-4 25.4 68.0 37.0 57.8 54.3 56.0 54.0 67.5 60.0


Model Pr. (spell) Rec. (spell) F1 (spell) Pr. (punc) Rec. (punc) F1 (punc) Pr. (case) Rec. (case) F1 (case)
sage-fredt5-large 35.2 54.5 42.8 19.2 13.2 15.7 48.7 36.8 41.9
sage-fredt5-large (ft) 72.5 72.2 72.3 74.6 66.4 70.3 79.3 85.1 82.1
sage-ai-service 71.3 73.5 72.4 75.1 69.2 72.0 80.9 72.8 76.6
gpt-3.5-turbo 14.7 45.9 22.3 69.9 52.3 59.8 26.4 41.8 32.3
gpt-4 37.8 72.3 49.6 81.4 64.3 71.9 73.0 62.1 67.1


Model Pr. (spell) Rec. (spell) F1 (spell) Pr. (punc) Rec. (punc) F1 (punc) Pr. (case) Rec. (case) F1 (case)
sage-fredt5-large 46.0 46.6 46.3 22.7 18.3 20.2 12.0 13.2 12.6
sage-fredt5-large (ft) 67.5 53.2 59.5 48.5 38.0 42.6 37.3 50.0 42.7
sage-ai-service 70.8 56.3 62.7 48.9 35.8 41.4 32.9 45.3 38.1
gpt-3.5-turbo 23.7 38.7 29.4 37.6 23.3 28.7 19.6 35.9 25.3
gpt-4 27.0 52.8 35.7 45.9 32.6 38.2 25.7 36.8 30.2
How to use
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("ai-forever/sage-fredt5-large")
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("ai-forever/sage-fredt5-large", device_map='cuda')

sentence = "И не чсно прохожим в этот день непогожйи почему я веселый такйо"
inputs = tokenizer(sentence, max_length=None, padding="longest", truncation=False, return_tensors="pt")
outputs = model.generate(**, max_length = inputs["input_ids"].size(1) * 1.5)
print(tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True))

# ["И не ясно прохожим в этот день непогожий, почему я весёлый такой?"]
  • The model is intended to be fine-tuned on sets with natural errors for better performance. The realized model is a pre-train and pre-train task is different from the usual spell checking in terms of density of the noise in a corpus and its origin;
  • Complex formatting may cause some trouble in output generation.

Model FRED-T5-large , on the basis of which our solution is made, and its source code are supplied under the MIT license. Our solution comes with MIT license also.

  • File size: 3.3 Gb;
  • Framework: pytorch
  • Version: v1.0
  • Developer: SberDevices, AGI NLP

Runs of ai-forever sage-fredt5-large on

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24-hour runs
3-day runs
7-day runs
30-day runs

More Information About sage-fredt5-large Model

More sage-fredt5-large license Visit here:


sage-fredt5-large is an AI model on that provides sage-fredt5-large's model effect (), which can be used instantly with this ai-forever sage-fredt5-large model. supports a free trial of the sage-fredt5-large model, and also provides paid use of the sage-fredt5-large. Support call sage-fredt5-large model through api, including Node.js, Python, http.

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sage-fredt5-large is an online trial and call api platform, which integrates sage-fredt5-large's modeling effects, including api services, and provides a free online trial of sage-fredt5-large, you can try sage-fredt5-large online for free by clicking the link below.

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sage-fredt5-large install

sage-fredt5-large is an open source model from GitHub that offers a free installation service, and any user can find sage-fredt5-large on GitHub to install. At the same time, provides the effect of sage-fredt5-large install, users can directly use sage-fredt5-large installed effect in for debugging and trial. It also supports api for free installation.

sage-fredt5-large install url in

Url of sage-fredt5-large

sage-fredt5-large Url

Provider of sage-fredt5-large


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