10 Tips for a Killer Graphic Design Resume

10 Tips for a Killer Graphic Design Resume

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
    1. What is an ATS?
    2. How does an ATS work?
    3. Importance of optimizing your resume for ATS
  3. Challenges with Graphic Design Resumes and ATS
    1. Truncation of data and formatting issues
    2. Rejection or filtering out of candidates
  4. Creating an ATS-Friendly Resume
    1. Keeping it simple and avoiding design elements
    2. Using simple fonts and font sizes
    3. Optimizing keywords and content
  5. Using Your Graphic Design Resume Effectively
    1. Where To use your design resume
    2. The importance of content excellence
  6. Networking and Showcasing Your Design Resume
    1. Networking before applying for roles
    2. Using LinkedIn and e-portfolios to showcase your design resume
  7. ATS Resume vs. Graphic Design Resume: Which One to Use?
    1. Factors to consider
    2. Reaching out to the employer for clarification
  8. Utilizing SNHU's Skills First Tool
    1. Introduction to Skills First
    2. How to use Skills First to Create an ATS-friendly resume
  9. Conclusion
  10. Additional Resources

Mastering Your Graphic Design Resume: A Guide to Effective Presentation


Welcome to this presentation on mastering your graphic design resume. In today's competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is essential to stand out from the crowd. However, it's equally important to understand how to optimize your resume for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), a software used by recruiters and employers to streamline the hiring process. In this guide, we will demystify the ATS, discuss the challenges faced by graphic design resumes, provide tips on creating an ATS-friendly resume, highlight effective ways to use your design resume, and explore the benefits of SNHU's Skills First tool.

Understanding the Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

What is an ATS?

An ATS, short for Applicant Tracking System, is a software application used by recruiters and employers to manage and track candidates during the hiring process. It automates the initial screening of job applicants, scanning resumes for keywords, skills, and qualifications that match the requirements of the job description.

How does an ATS work?

ATS systems analyze and parse resumes to extract Relevant information. They use algorithms to scan for keywords and rank candidates Based on the closeness of their resume match to the job requirements. This saves time and resources for companies, allowing them to efficiently filter through larger volumes of resumes.

Importance of optimizing your resume for ATS

Understanding how ATS works is crucial for career seekers. By optimizing your resume for ATS, you increase your chances of passing the initial screening and being invited for a job interview. In today's job market, where over 98.8% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS, it's essential to tailor your resume to the specific requirements of ATS and showcase your qualifications effectively.

Challenges with Graphic Design Resumes and ATS

Truncation of data and formatting issues

One of the significant challenges faced by graphic design resumes in ATS is the possibility of data truncation and formatting errors. ATS, especially less sophisticated ones, may struggle to interpret complex design elements, leading to jumbled information and an unrecognizable resume on the recruiter's end.

Rejection or filtering out of candidates

Some ATS systems have the option to automatically reject a candidate if data truncation or formatting issues occur. Recruiters may not have the time or willingness to interpret poorly parsed resumes, resulting in missed opportunities for qualified candidates. It's vital for graphic design resumes to be ATS-friendly to avoid being filtered out.

Creating an ATS-Friendly Resume

Keeping it simple and avoiding design elements

To ensure your resume is ATS-friendly, it's crucial to keep the format clean and straightforward. Avoid excessive design elements, such as headers, footers, fancy fonts, font colors, tables, columns, and boxes. Simplicity not only helps the ATS scan your resume accurately, but it also enables the employer to quickly assess your qualifications.

Using simple fonts and font sizes

Using simple and widely recognized fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri in a standard 10 to 12-point size is recommended for an ATS-friendly resume. Uncommon or decorative fonts can be harder for ATS to Read and may result in errors or omissions during the parsing process.

Optimizing keywords and content

Including keywords from the job description and focusing on the impact You had in your previous work instead of listing job duties is essential for ATS optimization. Strategic keyword placement and showcasing your unique skill set can significantly improve your chances of a higher percentage match and an invitation for an interview.

Using Your Graphic Design Resume Effectively

Where to use your design resume

The best place to use your design resume is with graphic design companies that appreciate and recognize creative design resumes. However, it's crucial to research the company and its ATS preferences before assuming that a design resume is suitable. Some companies, even those in graphic design fields, may use ATS systems that struggle with interpreting design elements.

The importance of content excellence

While design plays a crucial role, it should not overshadow the importance of content excellence. Your content needs to be unique and focused on showcasing your skills, abilities, and accomplishments. It should be readable, accessible, and professional, ensuring that it complements your design rather than hindering its effectiveness.

Networking and Showcasing Your Design Resume

Networking before applying for roles

Networking before applying for a role can enhance your chances of getting your resume directly in the hands of a contact at the company. Building connections and utilizing platforms like Handshake and LinkedIn can help you showcase your design expertise and make a lasting impression.

Using LinkedIn and e-portfolios to showcase your design resume

Posting your design resume on your LinkedIn profile and uploading it to your e-portfolio can provide excellent visibility in a professional virtual space. By including your resume alongside your work history, you make it convenient for employers to review your qualifications and design skills in one place.

ATS Resume vs. Graphic Design Resume: Which One to Use?

The decision to use an ATS-optimized resume or a visually appealing graphic design resume depends on several factors. It's important to reach out to the employer for clarification on their ATS preferences. Graphic design roles can exist in non-design-focused companies where ATS systems might struggle with design elements. Having both types of resumes ready allows you to cater to the employer's preferences.

Utilizing SNHU's Skills First Tool

SNHU's Skills First tool is an innovative tool designed to help simplify the process of creating an ATS-friendly resume. Utilizing AI technology, Skills First assists in building and formatting your resume to effectively showcase your skills and qualifications. Accessible through Brightspace or MySNHU, this tool streamlines the process and ensures your resume meets ATS requirements.


Mastering your graphic design resume is essential for maximizing your chances of success in the job market. Optimizing your resume for ATS and using it effectively in various situations will position you for success. By understanding ATS functionality, creating an ATS-friendly design resume, and utilizing SNHU's Skills First tool, you can confidently present the best version of your resume to potential employers.

Additional Resources

To further enhance your understanding and skills in crafting a winning graphic design resume, be sure to explore the following resources:

  1. SNHU Career Services: Contact their team at 888-672-1458 or email c-o-c-e career@snhu.edu for personalized assistance in resume creation and job searching strategies.
  2. ATS Resume Best Practices: Learn more about optimizing your resume for ATS by exploring comprehensive guides and tips from reputable career websites like The Muse, Indeed, and LinkedIn.
  3. Graphic Design Resume Examples: Seek inspiration from well-designed resumes created by professionals in the graphic design field. Platforms like Behance and Dribbble showcase exceptional visual resumes that can inform your own design choices.
  4. Design Portfolio Creation: Familiarize yourself with the best practices and tools needed to create an impressive online design portfolio. Platforms like Adobe Portfolio, Wix, and Squarespace offer user-friendly options to display your work effectively.

Remember, investing time and effort into perfecting your graphic design resume will pay off in your job search Journey. Good luck!

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