7 Days of TikTok: My journey to daily videos

7 Days of TikTok: My journey to daily videos

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Trying TikTok for the First Time
  3. Using Trend Talk to Find Trending Sounds
  4. Importance of Catching Trends at the Right Time
  5. Analyzing the Performance of TikToks
  6. Tips for Creating Compelling First Text Boxes
  7. Using TikTok's Native Camera vs. External Sources
  8. Incorporating Personal Voiceovers and Mix of Content
  9. Dealing with Discouragement and Delayed Engagement
  10. The Results: Gained Followers and Future Plans

Article: Trying TikTok for the First Time


TikTok has taken the social media world by storm, but as a social media marketer and educator, I hadn't yet jumped on the bandwagon. However, in the spirit of embracing new platforms, I decided to give TikTok a try for a week. In this article, I will share my experiences, the strategies I implemented, and the impact it had on my TikTok following and overall brand.

Trying TikTok for the First Time

To be honest, I wasn't initially a fan of TikTok. It didn't appeal to me personally, but I knew it was important to understand the platform's potential and reach. So, I posted my first TikTok video on a whim, without any particular strategy in mind. Surprisingly, it received decent engagement with 80 likes. This sparked my Curiosity, leading me to explore TikTok further.

Using Trend Talk to Find Trending Sounds

One of the most important aspects of TikTok is using trending sounds to stay Relevant. To help me find these trending sounds and understand what was happening on TikTok without endlessly scrolling, I used an app called Trend Talk. Trend Talk allowed me to search for sounds Based on categories and provided rankings of their performance. It was a valuable tool that helped me stay on top of trends and predict rising ones.

Importance of Catching Trends at the Right Time

TikTok moves at a rapid pace, with sounds and trends becoming old news quickly. Catching trends on the upswing or when they're peaking is crucial for maximizing engagement and potential virality. Using Trend Talk, I was able to identify trending sounds that were about to rise in popularity. Being an early adopter of these sounds often leads to greater exposure.

Analyzing the Performance of TikToks

Throughout my TikTok Journey, I experimented with various strategies and analyzed the performance of my videos. One key aspect I learned was the importance of a compelling first text box. This line of text needs to grab viewers' Attention and make them want to stick around. I found that using hooks, such as intriguing questions or thought-provoking statements, led to higher engagement.

Using TikTok's Native Camera vs. External Sources

During this experiment, I also explored the use of TikTok's native camera instead of relying on external sources for content. While I did use some pre-recorded footage, I realized that TikTok prefers content created solely within their app. Additionally, editing videos in other platforms, such as Instagram, is discouraged. Sticking to the native camera ensures better visibility and potential for greater reach.

Incorporating Personal Voiceovers and Mix of Content

To add a personal touch to my TikToks and diversify my content, I experimented with voiceovers and a mix of different types of videos. I found that using my own voice and sharing insights and tips related to social media marketing resonated well with viewers. However, I also learned the importance of Brevity and delivering value in a concise and Snappy manner.

Dealing with Discouragement and Delayed Engagement

One significant challenge I encountered on TikTok was the delayed engagement. Unlike platforms like Instagram, where likes come almost instantaneously, TikTok engagement takes time to accumulate. Initially, I felt discouraged when my videos received little to no engagement. However, I learned that TikTok's algorithm tends to deliver engagement in waves, often overnight. Patience and persistence are vital to success on this platform.

The Results: Gained Followers and Future Plans

After five days of testing TikTok, I gained a total of 29 followers, increasing my initial count of 103 to 132. While this may not seem impressive, it's important to note that gaining an average of five followers per day is a decent start. Moving forward, I plan to Continue experimenting with TikTok, expanding my sample size, and posting content consistently to Gather more substantial data on its performance.

In conclusion, my initial experience with TikTok was a mixture of curiosity, experimentation, and learning. While I discovered the challenges of conveying complex ideas in such a short format, I also witnessed the potential for engagement and growth. TikTok requires adaptability, staying on top of trends, and delivering value in a concise yet captivating manner. With time and dedication, it can become a valuable platform for brand awareness and audience growth.


  • Trying TikTok as a social media marketer and educator
  • Using Trend Talk to find trending sounds and stay on top of trends
  • Importance of catching trends at the right time for maximum engagement
  • Analyzing the performance of TikToks and optimizing first text boxes
  • Utilizing TikTok's native camera and avoiding external sources
  • Incorporating personal voiceovers and delivering value in a concise manner
  • Dealing with delayed engagement and staying persistent
  • Gained 29 followers in five days and plans for future TikTok content


Q: How important are trending sounds on TikTok? A: Trending sounds play a crucial role in TikTok's algorithm and user engagement. Using trending sounds, especially during their upswing or peak, increases the likelihood of virality and higher engagement.

Q: Can I use external sources for content on TikTok? A: While TikTok allows some external sources, it is preferred to create content solely within the app's native camera. Editing videos in other platforms, such as Instagram, may be discouraged and hinder visibility.

Q: How long does it take to see engagement on TikTok? A: TikTok's engagement tends to accumulate over time, with delayed likes and comments being a common occurrence. Patience and persistence are key in building engagement and followers on this platform.

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