Ace CBSE AI Exam: Sample Paper 2023

Ace CBSE AI Exam: Sample Paper 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About the Author
  3. AI Exam Marking Scheme
  4. Part A: Employability Skills
    • Internal Motivation
    • Types of Stress
    • Double Clicking
    • Overheating of Laptops
    • Selling Earrings and Empowering Villages
    • Understanding Employees' Work
  5. Part B: AI Applications
    • Navigation AI Applications
    • Incorrect Statement Identification
    • Natural Language Processing in Search Engines
    • App Permissions and User Agreement
  6. Advantages and Disadvantages of AI
    • Enhanced Data Predictions
    • AI Bias and Privacy Concerns
    • Making Informed Decisions
    • Need for Information in AI Decision Making
  7. Templates and Methods in AI
    • Problem Statement Template
    • Neural Network Layers
    • Best Project Methods
    • Sustainable Development Goals
    • Algorithm Identification
  8. Evaluation and Performance Metrics
    • Predictions and Reality
    • Confusion Matrix and False Positives/Negatives
    • Text Classification and Topic Identification
    • NLP Data Types
    • TF-IDF and Document Vectors
  9. AI and Society
    • AI's Impact on Farmers and Village Growth
    • Protecting Data and Ensuring Privacy
    • Understanding Unemployment and AI's Role
    • Entrepreneurs and Business Management
    • Effective Time Management Techniques
  10. Types of Intelligences and AI Applications
    • Different Types of Intelligences
    • Identifying AI-Based Machines and Applications
    • The Bag of Words Algorithm in AI
    • Using AI for Weather Predictions
    • Understanding Overfitting in AI Models



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a popular and fascinating topic in recent years. With its potential to revolutionize various industries and improve our daily lives, it is crucial to understand the different aspects and applications of AI. In this article, we will explore various topics related to AI, including employability skills, AI applications, evaluation methods, AI's impact on society, and more.

About the Author

Before we dive into the details, let's first understand who is guiding us through this AI Journey. The author of this article is an NLP expert with a degree in Artificial Intelligence from IIT Hyderabad. With experience working for a US-based startup, the author is well-equipped to provide insights and guidance on the subject of AI.

AI Exam Marking Scheme

To comprehend the structure and expectations of an AI exam, it is essential to understand the marking scheme. While the details of the marking scheme may vary, it generally involves assigning specific marks to different sections of the question paper. In this section, we will skip exploring the marking scheme and proceed to solving actual exam questions.

Part A: Employability Skills

One of the fundamental aspects of AI is employability skills. This section focuses on the skills required to excel in the field of AI and how they can be applied in various scenarios. We will cover topics such as internal motivation, different types of stress, the concept of double-clicking, and the consequences of overheating laptops.

Internal Motivation

Motivation plays a significant role in driving individuals to achieve their goals. When it comes to AI, we encounter two types of motivation: internal and external. Internal motivation refers to the drive that Stems from within an individual. For instance, in the given Scenario of Pranjali, who independently manages her badminton classes, homework, and school, we can conclude that her actions are driven by internal motivation.

Types of Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and understanding its causes is crucial for effective management. In the Context of AI, we can identify different factors that can cause stress. By using the method of elimination, we can conclude that undergoing a rashar or having an organized academic life are not significant causes of stress. The correct answer, in this case, is the availability of holidays to enjoy with family.

Double Clicking

The term "double clicking" refers to the action of quickly clicking the left pause button twice. It is a familiar action performed while using electronic devices. As the name suggests, it involves pressing the button twice rapidly. This action is commonly associated with executing specific functions or commands swiftly, without the need for elaborate explanations.

Overheating of Laptops

Laptops, like any electronic device, can overheat if used excessively or without proper care. The internal parts of a laptop can get damaged due to overheating. If a laptop is left plugged in even after being fully charged, it can generate heat, potentially leading to overheating. Users must be cautious and unplug their devices once they are fully charged to prevent any damage.

Selling Earrings and Empowering Villages

Entrepreneurship and AI have the potential to empower individuals and communities. In the given scenario, a young woman named Ayushi helps a village grow by making earrings and providing employment opportunities to local women. By buying jute from local farmers and hiring women to assist her in making earrings, Ayushi contributes to the village's growth. This approach helps generate income and fosters a Sense of community employability.

Understanding Employees' Work

Effectively managing employees is an essential skill for entrepreneurs and business owners. By dedicating time to understand what employees have accomplished throughout the day, managers can gain valuable insights and ensure that tasks are completed efficiently. By doing so, the business can thrive, as exemplified by Mary's daily hour-long Sessions with her employees to gauge their progress and offer support.

Part B: AI Applications

In this section, we will explore various AI applications and their significance in different domains. From navigation AI applications to the identification of incorrect statements, we will Delve into the specifics. Additionally, we will discuss the role of natural language processing in search engines and the implications of app permissions on data privacy.

Navigation AI Applications

AI-based applications that assist with navigation have become integral to our daily lives. However, it is important to note that these applications, such as Ola and Uber, largely rely on platforms like Google Maps for navigation guidance. While they contribute to convenient transportation, they do not independently guide users.

Incorrect Statement Identification

Machine learning and AI algorithms rely on accurate information to make predictions or decisions. When considering the identification of incorrect statements, it is crucial to understand the basic concepts of AI, machine learning, and deep learning. Through a simple Diagram, we can determine that deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence and machine learning, while machine learning is a subset of deep learning. This knowledge helps identify incorrect statements and gain a comprehensive understanding of the AI landscape.

Natural Language Processing in Search Engines

Search engines have the ability to predict and understand user queries as they Type, thanks to natural language processing (NLP) algorithms. By analyzing the context and intended meaning behind search queries, search engines can provide more accurate and Relevant results. This is achieved through analyzing the entire picture, rather than relying solely on the exact search words. NLP plays a crucial role in enhancing search engine functionality and improving the overall user experience.

App Permissions and Data Privacy

When users install applications on their smartphones, they are often prompted to grant permissions for various functionalities. While users may accept these permissions without fully realizing the implications, it is essential to understand the level of access granted to these applications. For example, granting access to the gallery, contacts, and other features can potentially compromise data privacy. It is crucial for users to be aware of the permissions they grant and their potential impact on data security.

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI

As with any technological advancement, AI comes with its own set of pros and cons. In this section, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages associated with AI implementation. From enhancing data predictions to addressing concerns about AI bias and privacy, we will discuss the various implications of AI in different domains. Additionally, we will emphasize the importance of having access to accurate information and how it impacts decision-making.

Enhanced Data Predictions

One of the significant advantages of AI is its ability to make accurate predictions based on vast amounts of data. By analyzing Patterns and trends, AI models can provide insights that help businesses and individuals make informed decisions. This capability enables organizations to optimize their processes, improve efficiency, and enhance overall performance.

AI Bias and Privacy Concerns

While AI has tremendous potential, there are concerns surrounding bias and data privacy. AI algorithms rely on data provided by humans, which can lead to biases being embedded in the learning process. It is crucial to address and mitigate these biases to ensure fair and unbiased decision-making. Additionally, the access and use of personal data raises privacy concerns. Users must be vigilant and aware of how their information is being utilized and shared in the AI landscape.

Making Informed Decisions

The ability to make accurate and informed decisions is crucial in various domains. AI models heavily rely on data to generate insights and predictions. Without access to reliable and comprehensive information, AI cannot perform at its full potential. Therefore, it is essential to have access to high-quality and relevant data to ensure optimum AI performance.

Need for Information in AI Decision Making

AI models learn and make decisions based on the data they are provided. The quality and quantity of data directly impact the accuracy and effectiveness of AI decision-making. Without sufficient and accurate information, AI models cannot make well-informed decisions. Therefore, providing AI models with extensive and relevant data is crucial for their success.

Templates and Methods in AI

In this section, we will explore various templates and methods used in AI for different purposes. From problem statement templates to understanding neural networks, we will cover the essentials. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of data relevancy and authenticity in AI projects and the role of artificial intelligence in achieving sustainable development goals.

Problem Statement Template

When working on AI projects, defining the problem statement is crucial for effective problem-solving. Following a problem statement template helps structure the problem-solving process. By considering aspects such as what, who, where, and how, a comprehensive problem statement can be formulated, which acts as a roadmap for the project.

Neural Network Layers

Neural networks play a vital role in AI models, as they simulate the behavior of neurons in the human brain. Comprising input, output, and Hidden layers, neural networks process and analyze data to produce desired outputs. The hidden layer, also known as the processing layer, is responsible for performing calculations and transformations that contribute to the AI model's decision-making process.

Best Project Methods

The success of an AI project relies heavily on effective project management methods. Structured approaches such as problem scoping, data collection and exploration, modeling, and evaluation play a crucial role in ensuring successful AI project outcomes. By following these methods, researchers and developers can streamline the project workflow and achieve optimal results.

Sustainable Development Goals

AI has the potential to contribute to sustainable development goals outlined by the United Nations. By leveraging AI technology, individuals and organizations can address various social and environmental challenges. From empowering local communities through entrepreneurship to making informed decisions for sustainable growth, AI plays a significant role in achieving these goals.

Algorithm Identification

In the field of AI, identifying the most suitable algorithm for a given task is crucial. With numerous algorithms available, understanding their characteristics and applications enables researchers and developers to choose the best approach for their specific project. By aligning the problem statement with the suitable algorithm, optimal results can be achieved.

Evaluation and Performance Metrics

In the realm of AI, evaluating model performance is essential for ensuring accurate and reliable results. In this section, we will dive into various evaluation methods and performance metrics used in AI. From analyzing predictions and reality to utilizing the confusion matrix, we will explore the intricacies of evaluating AI models. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of precision, recall, and the F1 score in assessing model performance.

Predictions and Reality

Evaluating AI model performance involves comparing predictions made by the model with the ground truth, also known as reality. Understanding the correlation between predictions and reality helps determine the accuracy and effectiveness of the AI model. False positives and false negatives can occur when predictions do not Align with reality, highlighting the importance of accurate evaluation.

Confusion Matrix and False Positives/Negatives

The confusion matrix is a handy tool for assessing the performance of AI models. It represents the accuracy and efficiency of the model by categorizing predictions as true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives. By identifying false positives and false negatives, developers can analyze and rectify model discrepancies to improve overall performance.

Text Classification and Topic Identification

Text classification is a significant application of AI, enabling the categorization of textual data into predefined categories or topics. Natural language processing techniques and AI algorithms analyze text content to classify it accurately. By understanding the context and intent behind text data, AI models empower users to find information efficiently and enhance customer support services.

NLP Data Types

Natural language processing in AI applications focuses on analyzing and interpreting human language. When it comes to the data used in NLP, it primarily revolves around text and speech. By processing and understanding text data, AI models can generate valuable insights and derive meaning from unstructured textual information. NLP plays a crucial role in improving search engine functionality and enhancing user experiences.

TF-IDF and Document Vectors

TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) is an essential concept in NLP and AI. It measures the importance of a specific term in a document or corpus by considering its frequency across multiple documents. By calculating TF-IDF values, AI models can effectively analyze and rank terms based on relevance and significance. Document vectors, on the other HAND, represent the unique features and characteristics of each document, aiding in document clustering and categorization.

AI and Society

The impact of AI on society cannot be understated. From its transformative effects on various industries to its role in shaping our everyday lives, AI has become an integral part of society. In this section, we will explore AI's impact on farmers and village growth, data protection, unemployment, and the significance of AI skills for entrepreneurs. Additionally, we will discuss effective time management techniques and their relevance in the fast-paced world of AI.

AI's Impact on Farmers and Village Growth

AI has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and empower farmers. By using AI models for weather predictions, farmers can make informed decisions about planting crops at the right time. This technology helps minimize losses due to adverse weather conditions and contributes to the growth of agriculture-dependent communities.

Protecting Data and Ensuring Privacy

As AI evolves, data privacy and protection become crucial considerations. Users must exercise caution when granting permissions to applications that access personal data. Data security and privacy should be at the forefront of AI implementations to ensure the trust and confidence of users. Encrypting hard drives, using secure web browsers, and practicing safe data handling techniques are essential in safeguarding personal information.

Unemployment and AI

As AI continues to advance, concerns regarding unemployment have emerged. However, it is essential to understand that AI can Create jobs in new domains and industries. While some jobs may be automated, the demand for individuals with AI skills is increasing. AI can complement human capabilities and unlock new opportunities for employment, thereby transforming the job market.

Entrepreneurs and Business Management

Entrepreneurial skills are essential for individuals venturing into the AI field. Entrepreneurs play a vital role in driving innovation and creating business opportunities. By fulfilling customer needs, reducing prices, and contributing to society, entrepreneurs can leverage AI to achieve business success. Effective business management, including understanding employees' work and managing time efficiently, is paramount in the entrepreneurial journey.

Effective Time Management Techniques

Time management skills are crucial in the fast-paced world of AI. Entrepreneurs and professionals in the field must plan their activities to optimize productivity. By following structured approaches such as organizing tasks, prioritizing them, maintaining control over time, and tracking progress, individuals can effectively manage their time and accomplish their goals.

Types of Intelligences and AI Applications

Human intelligence can manifest in various forms, and AI can replicate these intelligences to a certain extent. In this section, we will explore different types of intelligences and their relevance to AI. From mathematical and logical intelligence to interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence, we will discuss the diversity of human capabilities and their applications in AI.

Different Types of Intelligences

Human intelligence spans across various domains and capabilities. From mathematical and logical reasoning to interpersonal and intrapersonal understanding, humans exhibit diverse types of intelligence. Musical Intelligence, Existential intelligence, and kinetic intelligence are among the many facets of human intellect. Understanding these intelligences is crucial when considering their integration with AI applications.

Identifying AI-based Machines and Applications

Differentiating between AI-based machines and conventional applications can be challenging. However, certain characteristics can help identify whether a machine or application is AI-based. The ability to make predictions, decisions, and learn from mistakes are Core features of AI. Machines that possess these capabilities and demonstrate them in practice can be regarded as AI-based.

The Bag of Words Algorithm in AI

The bag of words algorithm is a fundamental technique used in AI and natural language processing. It involves creating a vocabulary or dictionary of words that appear in a given set of documents. Alongside the vocabulary, the algorithm also captures the frequency of each word within the documents. This approach is instrumental in text classification and analysis.

Using AI for Weather Predictions

AI models have shown promise in accurately predicting weather conditions, enabling individuals and communities to prepare for adverse situations. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and historical weather data, AI models can forecast the probability of heavy rain or other weather events. Such technological advancements aid farmers, industries, and individuals in planning their activities effectively.

Understanding Overfitting in AI Models

Overfitting occurs when an AI model performs exceedingly well on the training data but fails to generalize to new data. This phenomenon is akin to "memorizing" the training data without understanding the underlying patterns. It is important to address overfitting through proper model evaluation, appropriate data selection, and regularization techniques to ensure reliable performance.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of various topics and concepts related to AI. From understanding employability skills and AI applications to exploring evaluation methods and the impact of AI on society, we have covered a wide range of subject matter. AI continues to Shape our world, and staying informed about its intricacies is crucial for individuals and businesses to leverage its full potential.


  • Understand the different aspects and applications of AI.
  • Gain insights into employability skills and AI applications.
  • Explore evaluation methods and performance metrics in AI.
  • Understand the impact of AI on society and entrepreneurial skills.
  • Learn effective time management techniques in the field of AI.
  • Explore different types of intelligences and their relevance to AI.
  • Learn about the Bag of Words algorithm in AI and its applications.
  • Understand the challenges of overfitting in AI models.
  • Stay informed about the strengths and limitations of AI in various domains.
  • Embrace the potential of AI and its transformative impact on industries and daily life.


Q: What is the role of natural language processing in search engines?
A: Natural language processing enables search engines to understand the context and intent behind user queries. It allows them to provide more accurate and relevant search results by considering the whole picture rather than just the exact search words.

Q: How does AI impact farmers and village growth?
A: AI can empower farmers by providing accurate weather predictions, allowing them to make informed decisions about planting crops at the right time. This technology contributes to the growth of agriculture-dependent communities by minimizing losses due to adverse weather conditions.

Q: What are the advantages of AI in making informed decisions?
A: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to generate insights and predictions, helping individuals and organizations make well-informed decisions. By identifying patterns and trends, AI enhances data predictions and improves decision-making processes.

Q: How can AI help entrepreneurs in business management?
A: AI can assist entrepreneurs in various aspects of business management, including understanding employees' work, optimizing time management, and making data-driven decisions. By leveraging AI technologies, entrepreneurs can enhance their business strategies and achieve success.

Q: What are the different types of intelligences relevant to AI applications?
A: Human intelligence encompasses various domains, including mathematical and logical reasoning, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal understanding, musical talent, and more. AI can replicate these intelligences to certain extents, enabling applications in diverse fields.

Q: How can AI models contribute to weather predictions?
A: By leveraging machine learning algorithms and historical weather data, AI models can forecast weather events and probabilities. This helps individuals, farmers, and industries in planning activities based on reliable weather predictions.

Q: What is the bag of words algorithm in AI?
A: The bag of words algorithm is a technique used in natural language processing. It involves creating a vocabulary or dictionary of words from a given set of documents and analyzing word frequencies. This approach is utilized in text classification and analysis.

Q: What are the implications of overfitting in AI models?
A: Overfitting occurs when an AI model becomes too specialized in the training data, resulting in poor generalization to new data. It is important to address overfitting to ensure reliable performance of AI models. Techniques such as proper model evaluation and regularization can help combat overfitting.

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