Add a New Asus Router to Your AI Mesh Network

Add a New Asus Router to Your AI Mesh Network

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Asus AI Mesh?
  3. Benefits of Asus AI Mesh
  4. Asus AI Mesh Setup
    • 4.1 Using the Mobile App
    • 4.2 Using the Web-Based Version
  5. Choosing the Right Asus Router for AI Mesh
  6. Firmware Update
  7. Factory Resetting the New Node
  8. Connecting the New Node to the Mesh Network
    • 8.1 Wireless Connection
    • 8.2 Ethernet Backhaul Option
  9. Daisy Chaining vs. Star Pattern
  10. Adding Multiple Nodes
  11. Configuring the Mesh Network
  12. Tips for Optimizing Asus AI Mesh Performance
  13. Conclusion

Adding Another Asus Router to Your Asus AI Mesh Setup

Are You looking to extend your Wi-Fi coverage while maintaining a seamless network experience? Adding another Asus router to your existing Asus AI Mesh setup might be the solution you need. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding a new router to your mesh network and explore the benefits of Asus AI Mesh. So, let's dive in and get started!

1. Introduction

In today's digital age, a reliable and robust Wi-Fi network is essential for smooth connectivity. Traditional Wi-Fi extenders can sometimes Create separate networks, causing confusion and inconvenience. However, Asus AI Mesh offers a unique solution by allowing you to create a unified network using multiple Asus routers. By connecting these routers together, you can extend your Wi-Fi coverage seamlessly. In the following sections, we will walk you through the process of adding an Asus router to your AI Mesh network and discuss the steps involved. But before we get into the technicalities, let's understand the concept of Asus AI Mesh and its benefits.

2. What is Asus AI Mesh?

Asus AI Mesh is a technology that enables you to create a mesh network using multiple compatible Asus routers. Unlike traditional Wi-Fi extenders, Asus AI Mesh ensures a seamless network experience by presenting a single network name (SSID) to all your devices. This means that as you move around your home or office, your devices will seamlessly switch between routers without the need to manually connect. With Asus AI Mesh, you can eliminate Wi-Fi dead zones and enjoy reliable connectivity throughout your entire space.

3. Benefits of Asus AI Mesh

Adding another Asus router to your AI Mesh setup offers several benefits. Here are some key advantages of using Asus AI Mesh:

  • Seamless Connectivity: With Asus AI Mesh, all your devices will connect to the same network, providing a seamless experience as you move around your space.

  • Wi-Fi Coverage Extension: By adding routers strategically, you can extend your Wi-Fi coverage to previously unreachable areas, eliminating dead zones.

  • High Performance: Asus routers are known for their performance, and by leveraging their capabilities in an AI Mesh setup, you can enjoy reliable and fast Wi-Fi connectivity.

  • Easy Setup: Asus provides user-friendly tools, including a mobile app and web-based interface, to simplify the setup process, making it accessible to users of all technical levels.

Now that we understand the advantages of Asus AI Mesh, let's explore the step-by-step process of adding a new router to your existing AI Mesh network.

4. Asus AI Mesh Setup

Adding a new Asus router to your AI Mesh network can be done using either the mobile app or the web-based interface. Both methods are straightforward and offer similar functionality. Let's look at each option in Detail.

4.1 Using the Mobile App

The Asus mobile app is a convenient tool for setting up and managing your AI Mesh network. Here's how you can add a new router using the mobile app:

  1. Ensure that all the firmware on your existing routers is updated to the latest version. This ensures compatibility and optimal performance.

  2. Factory reset the new router you want to add to your network. This step allows the existing routers to detect and configure the new addition.

  3. Plug in the new router and wait for it to power up.

  4. Open the Asus app and navigate to the "AI Mesh" section.

  5. Click on "Get Started" and follow the on-screen instructions.

  6. The app will search for the new router and add it to your existing network.

  7. After the setup is complete, restart the entire mesh network for all changes to take effect.

4.2 Using the Web-Based Version

If you prefer using a web-based interface, Asus provides a browser-based setup option as well. Here's how you can add a new router using the web-based version:

  1. Ensure that all the firmware on your existing routers is updated to the latest version.

  2. Factory reset the new router you want to add to your network.

  3. Connect your computer to the new router either via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

  4. In your web browser, enter "" or the default IP address (usually "") to access the Asus router setup page.

  5. Enter your login credentials.

  6. Navigate to the firmware update section and check for any available updates.

  7. Once the firmware is up to date, go to the AI Mesh settings and click on "Get Started."

  8. Follow the on-screen instructions to search for and add the new router to your existing network.

  9. Restart the entire mesh network for the changes to take effect.

By following these steps, you can successfully add a new Asus router to your AI Mesh network, expanding your Wi-Fi coverage and ensuring a seamless network experience.

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