Advancements in Robust and Safe AI: SafeAI 2022 Poster Pitches2

Advancements in Robust and Safe AI: SafeAI 2022 Poster Pitches2

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
    1. Reinforcement Learning in the Business Dilemma
    2. Deep Neural Network Watermarking
    3. Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration
    4. Safety-Aware Reinforcement Learning
  3. Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterative Business Dilemma
    1. Single Agent Training
      1. Fixed Policies
      2. Strategies and Outcomes
    2. Multi-Agent Training
      1. Cooperative Nash Equilibria
      2. Instilling Good Behavior
  4. Leveraging Multi-Task Learning for Deep Neural Network Watermarking
    1. Challenges in Watermarking Schemes
    2. Multi-Task Learning for Ownership Evidence Encoding
    3. Experimental Results
  5. Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration
    1. Autonomous Driving and Training Policies
    2. Safer Exploration with Human Intervention
    3. Variations of Safe Exploration
  6. Safety Rare Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Constraints in Expert Demonstrations
    1. Deriving Safety Rules from Expert Demonstrations
    2. Using Safety Rules in the Decision Process
    3. Performance and Dependence
  7. Conclusion


In the field of artificial intelligence, there are various techniques and approaches that are continually being developed to enhance different aspects of machine learning. This article will explore and discuss four different research papers that focus on different areas within AI. The papers under examination are:

  • "Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterative Business Dilemma"
  • "Leveraging Multi-Task Learning for Deep Neural Network Watermarking"
  • "Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration"
  • "Safety Rare Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Constraints in Expert Demonstrations"

1. Background

Artificial intelligence encompasses a broad range of topics and techniques. Before delving into the specifics of each paper, it is crucial to establish a foundation of understanding for the concepts and areas of focus within each research paper. This background section will provide insights into each topic, setting the stage for further exploration.

1.1 Reinforcement Learning in the Business Dilemma

Reinforcement learning is a subset of machine learning that focuses on enabling an intelligent agent to learn actions or behaviors in an environment to maximize its cumulative reward. The paper "Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterative Business Dilemma" investigates the concept of cooperation and defection in the Context of reinforcement learning. It explores how RL agents make decisions when faced with incentives to defect, even though cooperation would yield better outcomes for all players.

1.2 Deep Neural Network Watermarking

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become widely used in various applications. However, protecting the intellectual property of these networks is crucial for commercial benefit and legal accountability. The paper "Leveraging Multi-Task Learning for Deep Neural Network Watermarking" focuses on the development of a watermarking scheme for protecting DNNs. It explores the challenges in existing watermarking schemes and proposes a multi-task learning approach that encodes ownership evidence into an extra task, enhancing robustness and flexibility.

1.3 Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration

Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars, rely on exploration to learn safe and effective driving behaviors. However, exploration without proper guidance can have potentially dangerous consequences. The paper on "Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration" tackles the challenge of safe exploration. It proposes a method that leverages human intervention to ensure safer exploration during training. By incorporating humans in the learning process, the method enables the agent to learn from demonstrations and predict anomalous events, leading to less risky actions.

1.4 Safety-Aware Reinforcement Learning

Safety is a critical aspect when deploying reinforcement learning agents in real-world scenarios. The paper "Safety Rare Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Constraints in Expert Demonstrations" introduces the concept of safety-aware reinforcement learning. It presents an approach that derives safety rules from expert demonstrations and integrates these rules into the decision process of the agent. By doing so, the method allows for safe and explainable reinforcement learning, achieving performance comparable to that of expert demonstrations.

2. Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterative Business Dilemma

The paper "Empirical Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning in the Iterative Business Dilemma" explores the behavior and decision-making of RL agents in the context of a cooperative dilemma. The research investigates whether RL agents can learn to cooperate when faced with incentives to defect. The evaluation is conducted through both single-agent and multi-agent training scenarios.

2.1 Single Agent Training

The first stage of evaluation involves training RL agents individually with fixed policies. The purpose is to observe the development of policies under different conditions. The researchers use the "tip tap policy" as the initial policy, where one agent cooperates until the other defects. They investigate how the agents' strategies change in different regions of the parameter space.

2.1.1 Fixed Policies

During the single agent training, fixed policies are imposed to assess the behavior of the RL agent. The agents are trained to follow specific policies like always cooperating or adopting a tit-for-tat strategy. This enables the researchers to observe the impact of these policies on the agent's behavior and cooperation tendencies.

2.1.2 Strategies and Outcomes

The evaluation of fixed policies reveals that RL agents developed strategies similar to the imposed policies in certain regions of the parameter space. However, in other regions, the agents consistently learned to defect. This observation demonstrates the influence of parameter settings on the agent's cooperation tendencies. Additionally, the outcomes highlight the challenges in achieving cooperation when agents have local incentives to defect.

2.2 Multi-Agent Training

Taking the analysis further, the research moves to a multi-agent training setting. The objective is to investigate whether RL agents can find cooperative Nash equilibria in a multi-agent environment when such equilibria exist.

2.2.1 Cooperative Nash Equilibria

The experiment shows that RL agents, even though trained in multi-agent environments, struggle to find cooperative Nash equilibria. Despite the possibility of cooperation resulting in better outcomes for all agents, the agents fail to converge to cooperative strategies. This finding emphasizes the difficulty faced by RL agents in finding cooperative solutions, even when those solutions exist.

2.2.2 Instilling Good Behavior

To enhance the cooperative behavior of RL agents, the researchers attempt to pre-train them using fixed policies that promote cooperation. However, the results demonstrate that agents trained to always cooperate quickly fell into a pattern of constant defection. On the other HAND, agents trained with a tit-for-tat-like policy showed a higher tendency to remain somewhat cooperative. This observation highlights the challenge of instilling and maintaining cooperative behavior in RL agents.

3. Leveraging Multi-Task Learning for Deep Neural Network Watermarking

The paper "Leveraging Multi-Task Learning for Deep Neural Network Watermarking" focuses on the development of a watermarking scheme for protecting deep neural networks (DNNs). The research addresses the challenges faced by existing watermarking schemes and proposes a multi-task learning approach for ownership evidence encoding.

3.1 Challenges in Watermarking Schemes

The paper identifies that existing watermarking schemes for DNNs struggle to fulfill all the necessary requirements, such as robustness against attacks, unambiguity, and flexibility. This limitation hinders their practical application in industrial settings where intellectual property protection is crucial. To overcome these challenges, the research proposes a Novel watermarking scheme Based on multi-task learning.

3.2 Multi-Task Learning for Ownership Evidence Encoding

The research introduces a multi-task learning approach that encodes ownership evidence into an extra task. This task runs Parallel to the primary task of the DNN and is trained with appropriate regularizers. The training introduces a specific pattern of noise into the DNN's parameters, which can later be decoded as ownership evidence by the watermarking task's backend. The multi-task learning approach enables the scheme to handle various types of DNN architectures for different applications.

3.3 Experimental Results

The proposed multi-task learning watermarking scheme is evaluated through experiments on several tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation, and sentimental classification in natural language processing. The results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the scheme compared to concurrent methods in terms of watermark robustness, unambiguity, and flexibility. These findings highlight the potential of multi-task learning in addressing the challenges in DNN watermarking.

4. Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration

The paper on "Human in the Loop Learning for Safe Exploration" addresses the need for safer exploration in the context of autonomous systems. The research proposes a method that integrates human intervention in the training process to ensure exploration in safer territories.

4.1 Autonomous Driving and Training Policies

The research focuses on the specific application of autonomous driving, where historical data is commonly used for training driving policies. While starting with complete self-exploration is not effective, improvement of the driving policy requires multiple iterations of training and driving. To ensure safer exploration, the paper introduces the concept of human intervention in the learning process.

4.2 Safer Exploration with Human Intervention

The proposed method leverages human intervention to classify samples from historical data as either correct or erroneous. The correct samples are directly used to train the driving policy, while erroneous samples are used to train an anomaly predictor. The anomaly predictor utilizes the environment dynamics and the erroneous samples to predict anomalous events in advance, enabling the agent to choose less risky actions during exploration.

4.3 Variations of Safe Exploration

The research outlines three variations of safe exploration based on the level of autonomy and risk assessment. These variations include safe self-exploration (where an agent independently chooses the least risky action), learning from intervention (where the agent hands over control to another actor if its action is highly risky), and joint execution (where the agent and an Oracle decide which actor's action is less risky). These variations provide different strategies for safe exploration, considering the involvement of humans in decision-making.

5. Safety Rare Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Constraints in Expert Demonstrations

The final paper "Safety Rare Reinforcement Learning by Identifying Constraints in Expert Demonstrations" introduces a safety-aware reinforcement learning approach that utilizes constraints derived from expert demonstrations. The research aims to achieve safe and explainable reinforcement learning by integrating safety rules into the decision process of the agent.

5.1 Deriving Safety Rules from Expert Demonstrations

The research derives safety rules from expert demonstrations by applying the card algorithm to analyze the behavior of an expert, often a human. These safety rules are represented as decision trees, with the path of the tree being interpreted as association rules. By using support and confidence metrics, the research filters the safety rules to obtain a concise and Relevant set of rules while ensuring transparency and explainability.

5.2 Using Safety Rules in the Decision Process

The paper proposes a safety layer that integrates the derived safety rules into the decision process of the reinforcement learning agent. This safety layer checks proposed actions against the safety rules and performs corrections in case of rule violations. By incorporating safety rules into the decision-making process, the method ensures safer and more reliable behavior of the agent.

5.3 Performance and Dependence

Experiments conducted to evaluate the proposed safety-aware reinforcement learning approach demonstrate promising results. The approach allows even untrained agents to achieve performance comparable to that of expert demonstrations solely through the safe layer. However, the research also highlights the dependence of performance on the quality of the expert demonstrations. This showcases the importance of expert demonstrations in the learning process and emphasizes the need for high-quality demonstrations to achieve optimal performance.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the discussed research papers provide valuable insights into different aspects of artificial intelligence. The empirical evaluation of reinforcement learning in the iterative business dilemma highlights the challenges faced by RL agents in cooperative scenarios. The leveraging of multi-task learning for deep neural network watermarking addresses the need for robust and flexible protection of DNNs. The concept of human in the loop learning for safe exploration demonstrates the importance of integrating human intervention to ensure safer autonomous systems. Finally, the concept of safety-aware reinforcement learning based on constraints derived from expert demonstrations highlights the potential for safe and explainable reinforcement learning. Through these papers, advancements in AI techniques and their practical applications Continue to evolve and Shape the future of the field.


  • The evaluation of RL agents in the iterative business dilemma reveals the challenges of cooperation.
  • Multi-task learning improves the robustness and flexibility of DNN watermarking schemes.
  • Human intervention enhances the safety of autonomous systems during exploration.
  • Safety-aware reinforcement learning integrates expert constraints for safer decision-making.


  1. What are the challenges faced by RL agents in the iterative business dilemma?
  2. How does multi-task learning improve DNN watermarking schemes?
  3. How does human intervention ensure safer exploration in autonomous systems?
  4. What is safety-aware reinforcement learning, and how does it enhance decision-making?

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