AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?

Can you read text or content and tell if it is written by a machine? Isn’t it tough finding it? Computers are becoming efficient at writing, making it almost impossible to spot the difference. Some companies claim their special tools can catch fake writing almost every time, but is that really true?

AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?

A common belief is that the AI detectors are not that accurate. This NYTimes article shows how easy it is to fool an AI detection tool.

Finding a reliable tool to detect fake writing can be tricky. We looked into one popular tool that provides a 95% success rate. Does it actually work that well, or is it just talk?

Our review will check if the 95% accuracy claim by this tool is true. Is this detector really good, or is it just talked up too much? Keep reading to find out if this ai detector is really worth it or just a hype.

Introduction to

Rodri, my colleague, was surfing the web to find out how many AI tools have been published in the past 2 years. He was doing this for his new article on Hubspot. He actually came across this website and shared its link with me to find more about it.

The website has a few tools like “AI detection checker” & “AI humanizer”. These days, there are a lot of AI solutions and most of them are not that good. What I liked about the website was its simplest UI. I got the impression that the website is here not to make money only!

Top features of AI Detector tool 

  • Quick & fast responses
  • AI detection
  • Turning AI content into human written form
  • ChatGPT AI detection
  • Bard (Gemini) AI detection
  • Claude AI detection
  • AI Similarity vs Human written percentage
  • Prediction percentage
  • Entropy percentage
  • Perplexity percentage
  • Diversity percentage

We found that these features are really awesome. Not many AI writing detectors are able to show perplexity and prediction percentage. Besides these features, here are some other main things:

1. Comprehensive detection

The tool pinpoints my ai generated writing, catches repetitive words, phrases, and uncovers excessive use of similar sentences.

2. Depth analysis

It catches the long sentences that lack detail, helping you understand the quality of content.

3. Flexible text input

It can check texts ranging from a brief sentence to extensive documents over 1000 words without compromising detection quality.

4. Accuracy score

It provides a percentage score, estimating the likelihood of the content being AI-generated.

AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?

5. Comparative analysis

By comparing syntax, vocabulary, and semantics against known AI and human writing styles, it enhances detection accuracy.

6. Humanize AI content

AI detector provides you with an additional feature to humanize your content in a single click. An AI humanizer quickly humanizes my content, which sounds more natural. It also modifies my text by simplifying long sentences, changing complex words, and reducing formality.

AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?

This tool is great for making reading and writing more enjoyable, turning robotic text into easy, friendly language that feels like I manually wrote it. best suited for

This is great for anyone who wants to make sure their writing is real and honest. Some best suited cases are:

  • Writers can use this tool to make sure their work is original.
  • Teachers and researchers can check papers to make sure they are written by students, not computers.
  • Reporters can use this tool to check if news stories are original. It helps them find out if information is coming from real sources.
  • Students can check their essays with this tool to make sure they're writing their own work.

How you can use an AI detector online

I personally access this online tool with just a single search. You can follow these steps for quick access and personally experience it:

  • First, go to a search engine and type "AI detector". You'll see a list of tools.
  • Pick the recommended tool that has good reviews.
  • AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?
  • Or you can directly click on the website’s URL “” and find the box where you can paste your text.AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?
  • Click the "check" button and the tool will check your text automatically.AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?
  • For example, after checking my written text, the tool provides me with results showing a 0% probability of AI, presented in a full table form.AI Detector Review: Is it really up to 95% accurate?

This quick check helps you make sure your writing is original. This is the unique style of getting full record of detected text and it can also help you to keep your work genuine.

Pros of using AI-Detector

  • It can quickly detects whether text is written by humans or AI.
  • It can correctly spot AI-written text about 95% of the time.
  • It is simple, as you just put your text in and see the results.
  • It is free of cost for anyone.

Cons of using AI-Detector

  • It might not always get it right, especially with tricky texts.
  • It needs a lot of examples to learn from, which might limit its understanding in some areas.
  • Since it operates online, there's always a concern about how it handles your data.

You may also read: Detect Plagiarism and Ensure Originality

How AI detector is best among other detection tools

I found the AI detector to be better than other tools for a few reasons. First, it's really fast. It can give you results with more accuracy. It gets it right about 95% of the time. The tool is simple to use; just put in your text and see what it says.

Plus, it’s free, so anyone can use it. It even helps you learn how to tell if writing is from a computer.

Additional Source: Best 10 detect ai generated text Tools in 2024

Now it's your turn

I personally found this tool helpful, with about 95% accuracy in identifying content made by AI. It's easy to use and free, so anyone can access it. As AI technology advances, AI detection is expected to become even more precise and reliable.

Users appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness in distinguishing between human and computer-generated text. I hope this complete review benefits you in your further tasks and helps you make your content unique.

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