AI Makes Flappy Bird?
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Step 1: Setting up the Game Project
- Step 2: Adding Art for Background and Bird
- Step 3: Writing a Script for Bird Movement
- Step 4: Handling Obstacle Pipes
- Step 5: Implementing Game Over and Scoring
- Step 6: Adding a Ground for the Game
- Step 7: Stopping Player Input after Game Over
- Step 8: Adding a High Score System
- Conclusion
Wyatt Chang's Journey to Create a Game with Chat GPT
In this article, we will explore Wyatt Chang's Journey to Create a game using Chat GPT, an advanced AI language model. Wyatt had a unique idea to see if Chat GPT could help him develop a Flappy Bird game without writing a single line of code. Join us as we Delve into the step-by-step process Wyatt followed and discover the successes and challenges he encountered along the way.
Wyatt Chang set out on an exciting experiment - to create a Flappy Bird game assisted solely by AI. Instead of writing code himself, Wyatt relied on Chat GPT, an AI language model, to generate the necessary scripts and instructions. This article highlights Wyatt's journey, covering the various steps he took and the outcomes he achieved with the assistance of Chat GPT.
Step 1: Setting up the Game Project
The first step in Wyatt's journey was to set up an empty game project in the Unity game engine. He followed Chat GPT's instructions to create a blank canvas and prepare it for the game's development. This step ensured that Wyatt had the necessary platform to build upon in the subsequent stages.
Step 2: Adding Art for Background and Bird
After setting up the game project, Wyatt moved on to the visual elements of the game. He used Chat GPT's generated code to import art assets for the background and the bird character. By copying and pasting the provided scripts, Wyatt successfully integrated the art assets into the game.
Step 3: Writing a Script for Bird Movement
Wyatt wanted the bird in his game to flap its wings while flying to the right. However, when he first implemented the script generated by Chat GPT, he encountered a problem. The wings of the bird did not move as expected. To address this issue, Wyatt asked Chat GPT for a fix and received updated code that resolved the wing movement problem.
Step 4: Handling Obstacle Pipes
In this step, Wyatt focused on introducing obstacle pipes into the game. Chat GPT provided instructions on hooking up the physics for the pipes and ensuring that the bird collided with them. However, Wyatt noticed an error in the code generated by Chat GPT. The pipes were supposed to remain still while the camera and bird moved to the right, but they were moving left instead. Wyatt pointed out this mistake, and Chat GPT agreed and corrected the code accordingly.
Step 5: Implementing Game Over and Scoring
As Wyatt progressed, he reached the stage where he wanted to implement a game over screen and a scoring system. He appreciated the fact that, while Chat GPT handled the coding aspects, he could focus on designing the elements of the game. Wyatt adjusted the code provided by Chat GPT to ensure the player received points when passing through the gaps in the pipes.
Step 6: Adding a Ground for the Game
Realizing the importance of a ground element to provide a consistent Sense of forward movement, Wyatt decided to add a ground to the game. He informed Chat GPT of this requirement and followed the provided instructions to create an infinite ground that the bird could crash into.
Step 7: Stopping Player Input after Game Over
To enhance the gameplay experience, Wyatt wanted to prevent the player from controlling the bird after the game over screen appeared. However, Wyatt encountered a coding error in the solution proposed by Chat GPT. He promptly informed Chat GPT of the issue, and it quickly apologized and rectified the error. Finally, the game correctly disabled player input after the game over screen appeared.
Step 8: Adding a High Score System
As Wyatt approached the final stages of his game development, he decided to add a high score system. This was an additional challenge he presented to Chat GPT. With some initial mistakes and adjustments, Chat GPT was able to generate the necessary code to implement a functioning high score system in the game.
Wyatt Chang's experiment to create a Flappy Bird game with the help of Chat GPT was a remarkable journey. Throughout the process, Wyatt relied on the AI model to generate scripts and code, while he focused on the design elements. Despite a few challenges and coding errors, Wyatt successfully developed a playable game with various features, including bird movement, obstacle pipes, scoring, and a high score system.
Chat GPT's ability to assist in game development showcases the potential of AI in various industries and creative endeavors. As technology advances, the collaboration between humans and AI will likely become more seamless, enabling individuals without coding knowledge to bring their game ideas to life.
Whether You're a game developer or simply curious about the capabilities of AI, Wyatt's journey with Chat GPT offers an insightful and engaging exploration of this cutting-edge technology. So, why not embark on your own AI-assisted game development adventure? The possibilities are endless!