AI Translation Tools Evaluation: Which Understands Chinese Better?

AI Translation Tools Evaluation: Which Understands Chinese Better?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluation Criteria for AI Language Translation Tools
  3. testing Scenario 1: Daily Conversations and Email Translation
    • AI Tools tested: Bard, New Bing, ChatGPT
    • Evaluation of Daily Conversation translations
    • Evaluation of Email translations
  4. Testing Scenario 2: Literary Works Translation
    • AI Tools tested: Bard, New Bing, ChatGPT
    • Evaluation of Literary Works translations
  5. Testing Scenario 3: News Translation
    • AI Tools tested: Bard, New Bing, ChatGPT
    • Evaluation of News translations
  6. Testing Scenario 4: Marketing Translation
    • AI Tools tested: Claude, New Bing, ChatGPT
    • Evaluation of Marketing translations
  7. Conclusion and Recommendations
  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

🌎 Introduction

In today's fast-paced world, AI assistants have become an indispensable tool for many professionals, including myself. These AI assistants can assist us in various tasks such as summarizing information, optimizing content, and generating creative ideas. Among their various capabilities, their language translation ability is one of the most important factors for assessing the effectiveness of an AI Tool. After all, if an AI lacks the ability to understand and Translate languages accurately, we could simply rely on traditional translation software. In this video, I will conduct an evaluation of several commonly used AI translation tools, specifically focusing on English to Chinese translation. The tools that will be evaluated include Bard, New Bing, and ChatGPT.


  • AI assistants provide assistance in various tasks, including language translation.
  • AI tools can help save time and improve productivity.
  • Evaluating the language translation capabilities of AI tools is essential for finding the most suitable tool for individual needs.


  • AI tools may not always produce accurate or contextually appropriate translations.
  • Language translation technology is not perfect and may still require human intervention for complex translations.

🧪 Evaluation Criteria for AI Language Translation Tools

Before proceeding with the evaluation, it is important to establish the criteria upon which these AI language translation tools will be assessed. The following factors will be considered:

  1. Translation Accuracy: How accurately does the AI tool translate the given text?
  2. Language Proficiency: Can the AI tool handle complex language structures, idiomatic expressions, and contextual nuances?
  3. Fluency and Coherence: Does the translated text flow naturally and coherently in the target language?
  4. Text Length and Consistency: How well does the AI tool handle variations in text length and maintain consistency throughout the translation?
  5. Cultural Sensitivity: Does the AI tool take cultural differences into account while translating?

Now, let's proceed with the evaluation of these AI language translation tools in different testing scenarios.

🗣️ Testing Scenario 1: Daily Conversations and Email Translation

For the first testing scenario, I will evaluate the AI tools in their ability to handle daily conversations and translate emails. The tools that will be tested are Bard, New Bing, and ChatGPT. Let's assess their performance individually.

Evaluation of Daily Conversation Translations

Prompt: Send an email to the Paris Olympics Committee inquiring about accommodation and flight tickets for my trip. The AI should not only provide the translation but also output a complete email on my behalf.

  1. Bard: During this round, Bard did not accurately understand the prompt and instead provided a Chinese email, completely disregarding the translation requirement. Due to this lack of comprehension, Bard's performance will be excluded from further evaluation.

  2. New Bing: New Bing performed well in this round by providing a translated email with a suitable subject line. The content of the email was concise and straightforward, providing all the necessary information without unnecessary embellishments. Overall, New Bing's translation was clear and effective.

  3. ChatGPT: ChatGPT also generated a subject line for the email and provided a formal email body. However, the translated text was overly lengthy and included unnecessary elaborations. While the translation was grammatically correct, it did not effectively capture the essence of a simple inquiry email.

Evaluation Summary:

New Bing outperformed ChatGPT in terms of completeness and conciseness in this round. New Bing's translation was more aligned with the requirements of a simple inquiry email, making it the preferred choice.

Evaluation of Email Translations

Prompt: Translate a literary work from Chinese to English, focusing on capturing the essence and artistic qualities of the original text.

  1. Bard: Similar to its previous performance, Bard did not provide a translation and instead provided a Simplified Chinese version of the text. As a result, Bard's performance will not be assessed further in this testing scenario.

  2. New Bing: New Bing surprised us in this round by not only providing a translation but also including an accompanying image generated by Dalle, an OpenAI text-to-image tool. The translation itself by New Bing consisted of shorter sentences and occasional expressions of poetic/artistic license. While not always an exact representation of the original text, New Bing's translation effectively conveyed the sentiments and imagery of the literary work.

  3. ChatGPT: ChatGPT's translation focused more on conveying the meaning of the text through shorter sentences. It occasionally used free translations and expressed some passages in a paraphrased manner. While not as artistic in its rendition as New Bing, ChatGPT's translation was still commendable in capturing the essence of the literary work.

Evaluation Summary:

New Bing and ChatGPT both showed promise in translating literary works, with New Bing providing a more poetic and artistic interpretation of the text. However, ChatGPT's use of shorter sentences and accurately conveying the meaning of the original work also made it a viable option for literary translations.

Based on the evaluation of the AI tools in daily conversations and email translations, New Bing demonstrated more accuracy and effectiveness in both scenarios. Its ability to generate concise and contextually appropriate translations makes it the preferred choice.

Stay tuned for the evaluation in the next testing scenarios: news translation, marketing translation, and more.

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