Amazing Hair Color Transformations with Photoshop

Amazing Hair Color Transformations with Photoshop

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Complexity of Changing Hair Color in Photoshop
    1. Natural Colors and Range
    2. Highlights and Shadows
    3. Light to Dark vs. Dark to Light
  3. The Process of Changing Hair Color
    1. Using Selective Color Adjustment Layers
    2. Adjusting Blacks and Yellows
    3. Adding Browns
    4. Creating Black Hair
    5. Adding Highlights
    6. Enhancing Black Hair
    7. Converting to Blonde Hair
    8. Fine-tuning Blonde Hair
  4. Tips for Realistic Hair Color Changes
    1. Layer Blending Techniques
    2. Incorporating Skin Tones
    3. Adding Natural Highlights
    4. Adjusting Saturation and Brightness
  5. Conclusion

The Complexity of Changing Hair Color in Photoshop

Changing hair color in Photoshop may seem like a straightforward task, but it's actually quite complex. In order to achieve a natural-looking result, several factors need to be considered. From the range of natural hair colors to the different tones in highlights and shadows, each element plays a crucial role in creating a convincing digital transformation.

Natural Colors and Range

Hair color exists within a certain range to look realistic. Trying to change hair color to something outside of this range, such as green or Blue, will result in an unnatural appearance. Understanding this limitation is key to achieving a successful hair color change.

Highlights and Shadows

One of the challenges when changing hair color is replicating the different tones found in highlights and shadows. Even in dark hair, the highlights may turn slightly brown in the sunlight. These variations need to be taken into account to Create a believable and natural-looking result.

Light to Dark vs. Dark to Light

Changing hair color from light to dark is generally easier than going from dark to light. It's almost impossible to transform black hair to blonde in Photoshop without it looking unnatural. For drastic changes like this, it's best to use wigs or other physical means. This article will focus on editing a redhead and transforming the hair to different shades of brown and black for a more realistic outcome.

The Process of Changing Hair Color

Changing hair color in Photoshop involves several steps and techniques. In this section, we will walk You through the process of transforming hair color step by step.

  1. Using Selective Color Adjustment Layers:

To begin, create a selective color adjustment layer. This tool allows you to adjust specific color ranges, such as red hair, by pushing and pulling the colors within the range.

  1. Adjusting Blacks and Yellows:

Within the selective color adjustment layer, focus on the black Channel. Pulling up the black slider will intensify the black in the hair, while pulling it down will reduce it. The yellow slider can be used to introduce a yellow tint to the hair if desired.

  1. Adding Browns:

To achieve different shades of brown, manipulate the magenta and cyan sliders within the selective color adjustment layer. Adjusting these sliders will impact the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows of the hair separately.

  1. Creating Black Hair:

To transform hair to black, create a new layer and desaturate the hair color using a hue/saturation adjustment layer. Use the eyedropper tool to select the hair color and bring the saturation down to zero. Ensure that the layer mask removes the desaturation effect from areas like the face.

  1. Adding Highlights:

For black hair, it is recommended to add white highlights to enhance the shine and realism. Create a new layer and paint white on the areas that would naturally have highlights. Change the blending mode to screen to allow the highlights to blend and lighten the hair.

  1. Enhancing Black Hair:

To further enhance the black hair, use a curves adjustment layer. Target the dark areas and adjust the output levels to add more color to those areas. Use a layer mask to limit the effect to just the hair, not the skin or background.

  1. Converting to Blonde Hair:

Transforming hair to blonde is the most challenging part of the process. Create a new layer and use a selective color adjustment layer to adjust the reds, blacks, and yellows. The goal is to lighten the hair while maintaining a natural color.

  1. Fine-tuning Blonde Hair:

To add highlights and dimension to the blonde hair, create a new layer and use the brush tool to paint white over the areas that would naturally have highlights. Change the blending mode to screen and adjust the opacity to achieve the desired effect.

Tips for Realistic Hair Color Changes

Achieving a realistic hair color change in Photoshop requires Attention to Detail and finesse. Here are some additional tips to enhance the outcome:

  1. Layer Blending Techniques:

Experiment with different blending modes, such as overlay or soft light, to seamlessly integrate the color changes with the original photo. This will help create a more natural and realistic result.

  1. Incorporating Skin Tones:

Pay attention to how the color changes Interact with the skin tones. Use layer masks to ensure that the hair color adjustments do not affect the skin in an unrealistic way. Paint skin color over areas where the original color shows through the hair for added realism.

  1. Adding Natural Highlights:

To make the hair color change more believable, introduce highlights that reflect light. This can be done by adding white or light-colored brush strokes to areas that would naturally catch the light. Adjust the blending and opacity to achieve a natural-looking result.

  1. Adjusting Saturation and Brightness:

Fine-tune the saturation and brightness levels of the hair color changes to ensure they match the overall photo. Avoid overly saturated or excessively bright hair colors, as they may appear artificial and unrealistic.


Changing hair color in Photoshop is a multi-step process that requires careful consideration of various factors. From understanding the natural color range to recreating highlights and shadows, each step contributes to achieving a convincing and realistic result. By utilizing selective color adjustment layers, blending modes, and attention to detail, you can transform hair color in Photoshop while maintaining a natural appearance. Experiment, practice, and refine your techniques to create stunning hair color transformations in your photos.


  • Changing hair color in Photoshop is a complex task that requires attention to detail and various techniques.
  • Natural hair colors have a specific range, and going outside of this range can result in an unnatural appearance.
  • Highlights and shadows play a crucial role in creating a realistic hair color change.
  • Transforming hair color from light to dark is easier than going from dark to light.
  • Selective color adjustment layers are effective for adjusting specific color ranges in the hair.
  • Adding layers and adjusting curves can enhance the realism of black hair.
  • Converting hair to blonde is the most challenging part of the process.
  • Layer blending modes and adjustments allow for fine-tuning and achieving natural-looking results.
  • Consider skin tones and incorporate natural highlights for a more convincing hair color transformation.
  • Adjust saturation and brightness levels to match the overall photo and avoid artificial-looking hair colors.


Q: How do I change hair color in Photoshop? A: Changing hair color in Photoshop involves several steps, including selective color adjustments, desaturation, adding the desired color tones, and enhancing highlights.

Q: Can I change dark hair to a lighter color in Photoshop? A: While it is possible to change dark hair to a lighter color, such as blonde, it is generally more challenging and may not look as realistic as going from light to dark.

Q: What techniques can I use to create natural-looking hair color changes? A: Layer blending modes, attention to highlights and shadows, careful adjustment of saturation and brightness, and matching hair color to skin tones are essential techniques for realistic hair color changes.

Q: How can I ensure the hair color change blends well with the original photo? A: Experimenting with different blending modes and adjusting opacity, as well as considering light reflection and texture when adding highlights, can help achieve seamless integration of the hair color change with the original photo.

Q: Are there any common pitfalls or mistakes to avoid? A: Avoid overly saturated or excessively bright hair colors, as they can appear unrealistic. It's also important to pay attention to how the hair color adjustments affect skin tones to ensure a natural result.

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