Analyzing the Growth of Penny Stock $SES: What You Need to Know

Analyzing the Growth of Penny Stock $SES: What You Need to Know

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Current Market Scenario
  3. The Significance of Holding Positions on SES
  4. Overview of SPS Trading
  5. My Trade on DW T - A Quick Recap
  6. Importance of Pre-Market Hours
  7. Crude Oil and its Impact on DWT
  8. Analyzing the Direction Change in DWT
  9. Should You Trade SDS?
  10. The News Behind SDS's Surge
  11. Evaluating the Potential for Continued Rally
  12. The Role of Risk Management
  13. Understanding Overbought Conditions
  14. Potential Corrections and Pullbacks in SDS
  15. Conclusion


Should You Hold Your Position on SES?

Hey, what's going on team? It's Ricky with Tech But Solution. Today, I want to address the frequently asked question of whether you should hold your position on SES. Before I dive into this topic, I want to clarify that the opinions and insights I'll be sharing are entirely Based on my personal experience and analysis. If you have different views or would like to express your thoughts, please feel free to drop a comment down below. Remember, we're here to have a healthy discussion, so let's keep an open mind.

To start off, let's take a look at the current market scenario. The trading landscape can be complex and ever-changing, making it crucial to stay informed and adapt to the market conditions. The more aware you are of the market trends, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions. So, let's Delve into the factors surrounding SES and why its position is a matter of interest to many traders.

Before we delve into SES, let me provide a quick recap of my recent trade on DW T. On the one-day one-minute Chart, I managed to make a profit of $2,279.31. The key to my success in this trade was focusing on the direction leading up to pre-market hours. Utilizing platforms like TD Ameritrade, which offer trading during pre-market hours, I observed a significant sell-off in crude oil, which had a direct impact on DWT, the inverse ETN. As crude oil continued to sell off, DWT gained Momentum and reached its peak at $5.90. However, the direction changed when crude oil started making higher highs and broke above the overall SMA line. This shift in direction prompted me to exit my positions.

Now, let's shift our Attention to SES. The recent news about SES's acquisition of Australian Future Energy has garnered a lot of attention. However, it's important to note that this news isn't the first of its kind, and many similar announcements have failed to materialize into tangible results. As traders, we need to exercise caution and not get carried away by the hype surrounding such announcements. While it's great for those who know how to trade momentum stocks, beginners often find themselves in a state of confusion, uncertain about the right course of action.

One of the most common questions traders have is whether SDS's rally will Continue. To assess this, we need to analyze the price movement on both short-term and long-term charts. While the 20-day one-hour chart can give us some Insight, it's even more valuable to look at the 180-day four-hour chart. Imagine you have $100,000 that you've worked hard to save over 20 to 30 years. Would you be willing to invest it in SDS considering its descending price points, reverse doctorates, and poor earnings? Does the recent news outweigh the risks associated with an overbought stock? These are important questions to consider before making any Hasty decisions.

I want to emphasize that it's crucial to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position. If you find a trade to be too risky or if you're unsure about its sustainability, it's perfectly fine to step back and observe. Trading should Never be driven by hope; it requires a calculated risk management strategy. Pump and dump scenarios, like the surge in SDS, can be enticing, but they often come with significant risks. While some traders may capitalize on such moves, the majority end up losing money due to poor risk management.

In conclusion, the decision to hold your position on SES should be based on a careful analysis of the current market scenario, risk factors, and your own personal trading strategy. Remember, a successful and consistent trading approach is more desirable than a single profitable trade. So, approach each opportunity with a cool, calm, and collected mindset. Stay informed, manage your risks, and always strive to understand the dynamics of the market.


  • Understanding the market trends and adapt accordingly to make informed decisions.
  • Recap of a successful trade on DW T, emphasizing the importance of pre-market hours.
  • Analysis of the news surrounding SES's acquisition and the risks associated with similar announcements.
  • The significance of assessing both short-term and long-term charts to determine the sustainability of SDS's rally.
  • Encouragement to prioritize risk management over the allure of pump and dump scenarios.


  1. What is the significance of holding positions on SES?
    • Holding positions on SES should be evaluated based on the current market scenario, risk factors, and individual trading strategies.
  2. How can pre-market hours impact trades?
    • Pre-market hours provide an opportunity to observe price movements and assess trends, enabling traders to make informed decisions.
  3. Why is it important to consider both short-term and long-term charts when analyzing stock movements?
    • Analyzing both short-term and long-term charts provides a comprehensive understanding of a stock's performance and potential sustainability.
  4. What are the risks associated with pump and dump scenarios like SDS's surge?
    • Pump and dump scenarios often attract inexperienced traders and can lead to significant losses if proper risk management strategies are not in place.
  5. How should traders approach their decision-making process in the stock market?
    • Traders should prioritize staying informed, managing risks, and maintaining a consistent and well-informed trading approach.

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