Android's AI Revolution: New IDE and Powerful AI Models

Android's AI Revolution: New IDE and Powerful AI Models

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jet Brains Fleet: The vs code of Jet Brains
  3. Pros and Cons of Jet Brains Fleet
  4. Introducing Cotton Candy: The Plotting Library for Cotlin
  5. Limitations of Cotton Candy in Android Development
  6. Google's Gemini AI Model: A Competitor to GPT-4
  7. Variants of Gemini AI Model
  8. Google's AI Core: Simplifying Integration of AI Models
  9. Conclusion
  10. Premium Android Courses for Skill Enhancement

Jet Brains Fleet: The VS Code of Jet Brains

In recent news, Jet Brains has announced a new IDE called Fleet, which is being touted as the VS Code of Jet Brains. This lightweight IDE aims to provide a single code editor solution for developers working with various languages. With immediate startup and support for a wide range of configurations and workflows, Fleet aims to make collaboration easier for developers. Moreover, it offers enhanced auto-completion and the ability to work both on local machines and in a cloud environment. However, while Fleet may be favorable for certain types of development, it may not be optimized for Android development, considering its unresolved reference issues and lack of support for heavy functionalities such as layout inspection and emulators.

Pros of Jet Brains Fleet:

  • Lightweight and quick startup
  • Enhanced auto-completion
  • Support for various languages and configurations
  • Collaboration-friendly features

Cons of Jet Brains Fleet:

  • Unresolved reference issues in Android development
  • Limited support for heavy functionalities in Android development

Introducing Cotton Candy: The Plotting Library for Cotlin

Cotlin, a popular programming language, was missing a convenient plotting library until now. Jet Brains has introduced Cotton Candy, a plotting library that allows developers to easily create graphs in a simple and idiomatic way. With Cotton Candy, developers can generate graphical representations of data without being dependent on UI-specific code. This makes the library highly suitable for cross-platform development using Cotlin Multiplatform.

However, it's important to note that currently, Cotton Candy lacks direct support for Android development with Jetpack Compose. While the library enables the creation of raw data for plots, there is no built-in functionality for displaying the plots in a Compose UI. Nevertheless, Jet Brains has expressed their intention to address this limitation and provide a solution for integrating Cotton Candy with Jetpack Compose in the future.

Google's Gemini AI Model: A Competitor to GPT-4

One of the most significant updates in December was the announcement of Google's AI model, Gemini. Positioned as a direct competitor to GPT-4, Gemini offers optimized on-device usage and easy integration for Android developers. Unlike its predecessor, GPT-4, Gemini boasts superior performance and aims to make AI more accessible to developers.

Gemini comes in three variants: the Ultra Model, the Pro Model, and the Nano Model. The Ultra Model offers extensive capabilities for complex tasks, while the Pro Model is optimized for a wide range of applications. The most exciting variant, the Nano Model, is designed specifically for Google's pixel devices, enabling on-device AI functionality even without an internet connection. With the availability of Gemini, developers will have a powerful AI Tool at their disposal, revolutionizing the capabilities of Android apps.

Pros of Google's Gemini AI Model:

  • Optimized for on-device usage
  • Easy integration in Android apps
  • Provides a developer-friendly API
  • Accessible AI functionality without heavy knowledge of AI models

Cons of Google's Gemini AI Model:

  • Limited direct support for Android development with Compose UI

Google's AI Core: Simplifying Integration of AI Models

Alongside the Gemini AI Model, Google also introduced AI Core, a new Android system service. Currently accessible only on the Google Pixel 8 Pro device, AI Core aims to simplify the integration of AI models in Android apps. This system service offers a streamlined management experience for AI models, enhanced safety features, and easier access to models such as Gemini Nano.

In conclusion, these recent developments in the Android world reflect the continuous efforts to make development workflows more efficient and accessible. Jet Brains Fleet introduces a lightweight IDE option, Cotton Candy fulfills the need for a plotting library in Cotlin, and Google's Gemini AI Model and AI Core bring powerful AI capabilities to Android developers. Stay tuned for further advancements in these areas, as the Android ecosystem evolves to meet the demands of modern app development.

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  • Jet Brains announced Fleet, a lightweight IDE that aims to be the VS Code of Jet Brains.
  • Cotton Candy, a plotting library, fills the gap in Cotlin's development toolkit.
  • Google's Gemini AI Model competes with GPT-4 and offers on-device usage for Android.
  • Variants of Gemini include Ultra, Pro, and Nano, with each catering to different requirements.
  • The introduction of AI Core simplifies the integration and management of AI models in Android apps.
  • Premium Android courses available for skill enhancement.


Q: Can I use Jet Brains Fleet for Android development? A: While Jet Brains Fleet offers a lightweight and versatile IDE, it may not be optimized for Android development due to unresolved reference issues and lack of support for heavy functionalities. Android Studio remains the recommended IDE for Android development.

Q: Will Cotton Candy support Android development with Jetpack Compose? A: Currently, Cotton Candy does not directly support Jetpack Compose in Android development. Developers can use Cotton Candy to generate raw data for plots, but a built-in solution for displaying these plots in a Compose UI is not available yet. Jet Brains has expressed their intention to address this limitation in future updates.

Q: How can I integrate Google's Gemini AI Model into my Android app? A: Google's Gemini AI Model provides a developer-friendly API, making it easy to integrate AI functionality into Android apps. You can refer to the documentation and code examples provided by Google to learn how to leverage Gemini's capabilities in your own applications.

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