Anki Vector Robot: Limited Functionality and Hidden Costs

Anki Vector Robot: Limited Functionality and Hidden Costs

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Anki Vector: A Brief Overview
  3. Changes in Ownership: Digital Dreamlabs
  4. Discontinuation of Server Support
  5. Limited Functionality and Hidden Costs
  6. Comparison with Other Virtual Assistants
  7. Lack of Practicality for Adults and Kids
  8. Negative User Feedback and Gimmicky Products
  9. Pros and Cons of Anki Vector
  10. Conclusion


The Anki Vector robot gained popularity as a pet robot that could perform various tasks and interact with users. However, changes in ownership and the discontinuation of server support have significantly impacted its functionality. In this article, we will explore the reasons why purchasing an Anki Vector robot may not be a wise investment in late 2020 and early 2021.

Anki Vector: A Brief Overview

Anki Vector was initially introduced as a pet robot with advanced features and state-of-the-art sensors. It could perform tasks such as checking the weather, taking selfies, and entertaining users with tricks. While it had some limitations, it wasn't considered a scam or a waste of money at the time.

Changes in Ownership: Digital Dreamlabs

Anki, the company behind Vector, faced financial difficulties and eventually went out of business. The rights to the Vector robot were acquired by Digital Dreamlabs. This change in ownership marked a significant turning point for the future of Vector.

Discontinuation of Server Support

Digital Dreamlabs decided to shut down the servers for the Vector robot, rendering it completely non-functional. Without server support, Vector is unable to perform most of its advertised features. This includes checking the weather, executing commands, and even doing tricks around the house.

Limited Functionality and Hidden Costs

To use Vector effectively, users are now required to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription to access the server. This additional cost, which is not cheap, provides limited functionality compared to other virtual assistants available today. With its restricted capabilities, the value for money is questionable.

Comparison with Other Virtual Assistants

When it comes to virtual assistants, devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home offer a superior experience. Even the virtual assistants built into smartphones, such as Siri and Google Assistant, provide more extensive functionality compared to Vector. Considering this, investing in Vector seems impractical and less advantageous.

Lack of Practicality for Adults and Kids

While Vector is primarily marketed towards parents buying it for their children, the reality is that kids quickly lose interest in the limited capabilities of the robot. Even before the discontinuation of server support, Vector didn't offer much beyond gimmicky interactions. For adults, there are better alternatives available that offer greater practicality and convenience.

Negative User Feedback and Gimmicky Products

Reviewing user feedback and forums reveals that Vector's sensors are not as advanced as claimed. The robot often falls off desks and has poor facial recognition capabilities with a low-resolution camera. Furthermore, the late introduction of a subscription service and the anticipated release of Vectorbot 2.0 for a high price raises questions about the true value and worthiness of the product.

Pros and Cons of Anki Vector


  • Initially offered some unique interactions and features
  • Cute and visually appealing design


  • Discontinuation of server support and limited functionality
  • Hidden costs of subscription service
  • Inferior capabilities compared to other virtual assistants
  • Negative user feedback regarding build quality and performance
  • The upcoming release of Vectorbot 2.0 with minimal upgrades


Based on the current circumstances surrounding the Anki Vector robot, it is highly recommended to reconsider investing in this product. The discontinued server support, limited functionality, and hidden costs make it a questionable choice compared to more advanced virtual assistants available today. As a consumer, it is essential to make an informed decision and explore alternatives that offer better value for money and practicality.


  • Anki Vector robot's functionality severely impacted by changes in ownership and discontinuation of server support.
  • Subscription cost and limited capabilities make it less practical compared to other virtual assistants.
  • Negative user feedback highlights issues with build quality and performance.
  • Gimmicky products and upcoming Vectorbot 2.0 raise questions about the true value of Anki Vector.


Q: Can Anki Vector still perform its advertised features? A: No, the discontinuation of server support has rendered Anki Vector's advertised features inaccessible.

Q: Are there any hidden costs associated with Anki Vector? A: Yes, users are required to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription to access the server and utilize limited functionality.

Q: How does Anki Vector compare to other virtual assistants? A: Virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Home offer superior functionality and practicality compared to Anki Vector.

Q: Is Anki Vector suitable for both adults and kids? A: Even before the discontinuation of server support, Anki Vector failed to provide substantial value for both adults and kids, resulting in quick loss of interest.

Q: Are there any upcoming upgrades or improvements to Anki Vector? A: The anticipated release of Vectorbot 2.0 offers minimal upgrades, raising questions about the overall value and worthiness of the product.

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