Automate Code Documentation with Bido CLI

Automate Code Documentation with Bido CLI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using the Bido CLI
  3. Documenting a Folder
  4. Output and Sample Files
  5. Customizing the Documentation Prompt
  6. Bido CLI Requirements
  7. Upgrading to the 10x Plan
  8. Choosing the CLI Model
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources

📃 Introduction

At Bido, we are thrilled to introduce our latest automation feature that allows you to effortlessly document an entire repository or set of files. In this article, we will guide you through the process of using the Bido CLI to automatically generate comprehensive documentation for your codebase.

🖥️ Using the Bido CLI

To get started with the automation process, you will need to have the Bido CLI installed. The Bido CLI is an essential tool for interacting with our platform and executing various automation tasks. You can find the CLI on our GitHub repository under the "automations" project.

📁 Documenting a Folder

The first automation we will discuss is the "documentation" automation. This automation uses a script called to iterate through a specified folder. To document a folder, simply provide the folder name as an argument when running the script.

Creating Documentation

Let's walk through an example. Suppose we want to document the folder "local_code_ai". We can execute the following command: local_code_ai

This command will create a new folder called "doc_local_code_ai" and generate documentation for each file within the specified folder.

Output and Sample Files

After running the automation, you will find the generated documentation in the corresponding folder. Let's take a look at the sample output in the "local_code_ai" folder.

One of the generated files is "create_detailed_index". This file provides a summary of the code, including parsed programming languages, dependencies, functions, comments, and assumptions. The documentation is written in markdown format and includes references to external resources.

📝 Customizing the Documentation Prompt

Bido offers a highly sophisticated prompt for documenting your code. This prompt allows you to provide a brief overview, note dependencies, classes, modules, functions, code blocks, comments, edge cases, and assumptions related to your code.

If you wish to make any changes to the prompt, you can easily customize it according to your preferences. You can even specify the programming language for the documentation. Additionally, you have the option to integrate the documentation within the code itself or create it as a separate folder.

💻 Bido CLI Requirements

Before using the Bido CLI, there are a few housekeeping things you need to consider. Firstly, ensure that you have the Bido CLI installed on your system. For larger files, it is recommended to upgrade to our 10x plan, which allows submission of files up to 240,000 characters in length.

To check your current CLI configuration, type the command Bido config DL. This command will display your current settings.

🔒 Upgrading to the 10x Plan

If you have longer files to document, upgrading to our 10x plan would be beneficial. The 10x plan allows you to submit larger files for documentation. Make sure to select the appropriate plan that suits your needs.

⚙️ Choosing the CLI Model

With Bido's CLI, you have the flexibility to choose between the basic and advanced models. The basic model offers essential features, while the advanced model provides additional functionalities and customization options. You can switch between the models by editing the configuration file using the command Bido config DL -e.

📢 Conclusion

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into using Bido's automation feature to automatically document your codebase. The Bido CLI, along with the "documentation" automation, simplifies the process of generating comprehensive documentation. Feel free to give it a try and share your feedback with us.

📚 Resources

  1. Bido GitHub Repository
  2. Bido CLI Documentation


  • Bido introduces automated code documentation.
  • The Bido CLI is necessary for utilizing the automation feature.
  • Use the "documentation" automation to generate code documentation.
  • Customizable documentation prompt with options for various code elements.
  • Upgrade to the 10x plan for larger file submissions.
  • Choose between the basic and advanced models for the CLI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Bido to document multiple files or an entire repository at once? A: Yes, you can use the Bido CLI to document an entire folder or repository by providing the corresponding folder name as an argument.

Q: Can I customize the structure of the generated documentation? A: Absolutely! Bido's automation allows you to customize the documentation prompt, organize it as per your requirements, and select the desired programming language.

Q: Is the Bido CLI available for all programming languages? A: Yes, the Bido CLI can be used with any programming language as it parses different programming languages to generate the documentation.

Q: How can I switch between the basic and advanced models of the CLI? A: You can easily switch between the basic and advanced models by editing the configuration file using the command Bido config DL -e.

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