Automate Data Entry with A Full Tutorial

Automate Data Entry with A Full Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Common Processes in Data Entry 2.1. List Building 2.2. Data Enrichment 2.3. Finding Additional Information
  3. Building Automations with
  4. Use Case 1: List Building 4.1. Using LinkedIn to Find Prospects 4.2. Creating a Custom Scraper Template 4.3. Adding Information to a Google Sheet
  5. Use Case 2: Data Enrichment 5.1. Qualifying Individuals from LinkedIn Profiles 5.2. Creating a Scraper Template for Individual Profiles 5.3. Adding Qualifying Individuals to a Google Sheet
  6. Use Case 3: Finding Information Online 6.1. Extracting Additional Information from Google Search 6.2. Combining Formulas to Create Search Links 6.3. Using Scrapers to Extract Information from Search Results 6.4. Adding Extracted Information to a Google Sheet
  7. Conclusion
  8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Building Automations for Efficient Data Entry

In today's fast-paced world, manual data entry can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, there are tools available that can help automate these tasks, allowing You to save time and increase productivity. One such tool is, a powerful automation tool that can streamline your data entry processes.

The Common Processes in Data Entry

Data entry tasks often revolve around three main processes: list building, data enrichment, and finding additional information.

List Building

List building involves creating a prospecting list Based on specific criteria. For example, you may be asked to find all podcasters in Los Angeles who are in the tech industry. Traditionally, this task would involve manually searching for and copying each person's information into a spreadsheet. However, with, you can automate this process and save time.

Data Enrichment

Data enrichment involves extracting additional information from existing data. For example, you may have a list of LinkedIn profile links for potential hires and need to find their Current company name and how long they have been working there. With, you can automate this process and extract the desired information quickly.

Finding Additional Information

Sometimes, you need to search online and Gather additional information Relevant to your project. For instance, you may have a list of restaurant names and addresses and need to find reviews, ratings, service options, and other details for each restaurant in a specific zip code. can help you automate this process and gather the information you need efficiently.

Building Automations with is an automation tool that allows you to build custom workflows or use pre-built workflows designed specifically for data entry. Its most useful feature is the scraper, which can extract data from web pages and add it to Google Sheets, Airtable, or Notion.

To get started with, you need to install the Pardin Chrome extension. Once installed, you can Create custom automations called playbooks. These playbooks consist of actions performed by various apps, such as scraping data from web pages and adding it to spreadsheets.

Use Case 1: List Building

Let's explore the first use case, which is list building. Suppose a client wants you to find all podcasters in Los Angeles who are in the tech industry. Traditionally, this task would involve manually searching for each person on LinkedIn, copying their information, and pasting it into a spreadsheet. However, with, you can automate this process and save time.

  1. Using LinkedIn to Find Prospects: Start by searching for podcasters on LinkedIn using specific keywords and filters. For example, you can search for "podcasters" in Los Angeles in the tech industry.

  2. Creating a Custom Scraper Template: Once you have narrowed down your search results, you can create a custom scraper template in This template will specify which elements to scrape from each LinkedIn profile, such as name, LinkedIn link, image, and headline.

  3. Adding Information to a Google Sheet: After creating the scraper template, you can use it to extract the desired information from each LinkedIn profile and add it to a Google Sheet. This eliminates the need for manual copying and pasting.

By automating the list building process, you can quickly gather a large number of prospects for mass outreach or create a targeted list for personalized messages.

Use Case 2: Data Enrichment

Data enrichment involves extracting additional information from existing data. For example, you may have a list of LinkedIn profile links for potential hires and need to find their current company name and how long they have been working there. can automate this process and save you valuable time.

  1. Qualifying Individuals from LinkedIn Profiles: Start by opening each LinkedIn profile from the list and qualifying the individuals based on specific criteria. For example, you may want to collaborate with podcasters who meet certain qualifications.

  2. Creating a Scraper Template for Individual Profiles: Once you have identified the qualified individuals, create a scraper template in to extract the desired information from each profile. This template will specify which elements to scrape, such as name, position, employer, and work period.

  3. Adding Qualifying Individuals to a Google Sheet: After creating the scraper template, use it to extract the information from each profile and add it to a Google Sheet. This allows you to easily manage and organize the qualified individuals for further processing.

By automating the data enrichment process, you can quickly extract the desired information from a large number of LinkedIn profiles and focus on qualifying individuals instead of copying and pasting information.

Use Case 3: Finding Information Online

Sometimes, you need to search online and gather additional information relevant to your project. For example, you may have a list of restaurant names and addresses and need to find reviews, ratings, service options, and other details for each restaurant in a specific zip code. can help you automate this process and gather the information you need efficiently.

  1. Extracting Additional Information from Google Search: Start by combining the restaurant names and addresses and searching for each combination on Google. Use formulas and URL encoding to generate search links that retrieve the desired information.

  2. Using Scrapers to Extract Information from Search Results: Create a scraper template in to extract the additional information, such as reviews, ratings, service options, and menu, from the search results. This template will specify the elements to scrape from each search result.

  3. Adding Extracted Information to a Google Sheet: After creating the scraper template, use it to extract the information from each search result and add it to a Google Sheet. This allows you to organize and analyze the gathered information easily.

By automating the process of finding information online, you can save a significant amount of time and quickly gather the necessary data for your project.


Automating data entry tasks can significantly improve your productivity and efficiency. With, you can streamline the processes of list building, data enrichment, and finding additional information. By leveraging automation tools, you can save time, reduce errors, and focus on more important aspects of your work.

Remember to adapt and adjust the automations to fit your specific needs and workflows. The examples provided in this article are just starting points, and offers a wide range of customization options to meet your unique requirements.

Embrace automation and harness the power of technology to supercharge your data entry workflows and become more productive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Does support other platforms besides Google Sheets? A: Yes, supports other platforms such as Airtable and Notion. You can choose the platform that best suits your needs.

Q: Can I customize the scraper templates in A: Absolutely! allows you to create custom scraper templates to extract the specific data you need from web pages. You can define the elements to scrape and map them to the desired fields in your spreadsheet.

Q: How long does it take to learn and build automations with A: Learning and building automations with is relatively quick and easy. Although it may take some time to familiarize yourself with the tool initially, creating automations becomes a straightforward process once you grasp the concepts.

Q: Can I limit the number of results or entries to extract in A: Yes, allows you to specify the number of results or entries you want to extract. You can define the limit to ensure you gather the desired amount of data without overwhelming your resources.

Q: Is suitable for both small and large data entry projects? A: Yes, can handle both small and large data entry projects. Whether you have a few entries or thousands, can automate the process and save you time and effort.

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