Automate Sales with Custom AI Agents

Automate Sales with Custom AI Agents

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the No Code Project Management Interface
  3. Managing a Team of AI Agents
  4. Automating Business Processes
  5. Using Deep Industry Insight to Build Custom Agents
  6. Unique Features of Cheat Layer
  7. Training and Iterating Agents
  8. Utilizing Superbase for Long-term Memory
  9. Storing Embeddings and Calculating Distances
  10. The Value of Growing Data Sets
  11. How to Set Up Agents in Cheat Layer

Setting Up the No Code Project Management Interface

Cheat Layer is a revolutionary no code platform that allows users to easily manage a team of AI agents with its project management interface. In this tutorial, we will guide You through the process of setting up Cheat Layer and using it to automate your business tasks. With Cheat Layer, you don't need to be a Python developer or have extensive technical knowledge. You can build useful AI agents for your business in simple language, just like managing a team of engineers or software developers.


In today's fast-paced business world, automation is key to staying ahead of the competition. Cheat Layer offers a unique solution to automate your business processes by utilizing AI agents. These agents can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, from sales support to personal assistance. With Cheat Layer, you can now automate your business and distill your deep industry insight into custom agents that will accelerate your company's growth.

Managing a Team of AI Agents

Cheat Layer allows you to easily manage a team of AI agents, just like you would manage a project. The intuitive project management interface makes it simple to assign tasks, track progress, and iterate agents with your deep industry insight. You can even email agents directly, allowing you to set up autoresponders for sales support and personal assistance entirely in simple language. With Cheat Layer, managing a team of AI agents has Never been easier.

Automating Business Processes

One of the key features of Cheat Layer is its ability to automate your business processes. By training AI agents to perform mundane daily tasks, you can free up your time to focus on more important matters. The unique features of Cheat Layer, such as editing tasks, real-time results, and web hook triggers, make it easy to automate your workflow. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and let Cheat Layer handle them for you.

Using Deep Industry Insight to Build Custom Agents

Cheat Layer allows you to leverage your deep industry insight to build custom agents tailored to your business needs. With access to all the building blocks in simple phrases, you can give your agents long-term secure persistent memory. This means that your agents will not only learn over time but also improve themselves Based on your industry-specific knowledge. Imagine having an agent that knows exactly how to convert customers to your business, giving you a competitive edge.

Unique Features of Cheat Layer

Cheat Layer offers several unique features that set it apart from other AI agent management platforms. The ability to edit tasks allows users to actively participate in solving roadblocks. This way, users can guide the agents in simple language, making them more effective and valuable for the business. Cheat Layer also provides access to Superbase, a no code free open-source database, which allows you to maintain and build deep business knowledge from your agents over time.

Training and Iterating Agents

With Cheat Layer, training and iterating agents is a breeze. The platform provides users with the tools to train agents in simple language and continuously improve their performance. By recording successful responses from customers, agents can learn what works well and adapt accordingly. This iterative process ensures that your agents grow and learn on their own, becoming more valuable assets to your business over time.

Utilizing Superbase for Long-term Memory

Superbase, the no code free open-source database integrated with Cheat Layer, plays a crucial role in storing and preserving the knowledge acquired by your AI agents. By using Superbase, your agents can maintain conversations and learn from them over time. The vector database feature allows agents to store embeddings and compare conversations using numbers, making it easier to calculate distances and analyze data. This long-term memory capability is essential for the growth and development of your agents.

Storing Embeddings and Calculating Distances

By storing embeddings in the vector database, Cheat Layer enables agents to learn and understand text and conversations on a deeper level. This unique feature allows agents to quickly calculate distances between Texts and generate more accurate responses. As a result, your agents become more intelligent and efficient in their tasks, providing better support and assistance to your customers.

The Value of Growing Data Sets

The data generated by your AI agents in Cheat Layer's Superbase becomes a valuable asset for your business. By maintaining conversations for hundreds of thousands of leads in Parallel, your growing data set provides insights and knowledge that can be utilized to further automate your business. The data collected allows you to train new language models in the future, ensuring that your agents Continue to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances.

How to Set Up Agents in Cheat Layer

Setting up agents in Cheat Layer is a straightforward process that anyone can follow. By accessing the agents management dashboard and configuring agent settings, users can easily install Superbase and connect it to Cheat Layer. Once the setup is complete, agents can be launched and enabled to perform various tasks, such as scientific research, personalized outbound emails, and autoresponding. With Cheat Layer, you can automate your business and unleash the full potential of AI agents.


  • Cheat Layer is a no code platform that allows users to manage a team of AI agents in a project management interface.
  • You can automate your business and build custom agents using Cheat Layer's unique features and deep industry insight.
  • Cheat Layer provides a user-friendly interface for training and iterating agents, making them more valuable over time.
  • Superbase, a no code free open-source database, ensures long-term memory for your agents, allowing them to learn and improve.
  • The data generated by your agents in Cheat Layer's Superbase creates a valuable growing data set that can be utilized for automating your business.


Q: Can I use Cheat Layer without any technical knowledge? A: Yes, Cheat Layer is designed to be user-friendly and does not require extensive technical knowledge. It allows you to build AI agents in simple language without the need to be proficient in Python coding.

Q: How can Cheat Layer help automate my business processes? A: Cheat Layer allows you to train AI agents to perform various tasks, such as sales support, personal assistance, and autoresponding. By automating these tasks, you can save time and focus on more important aspects of your business.

Q: Can I customize and iterate the AI agents in Cheat Layer? A: Yes, Cheat Layer provides tools for users to edit tasks and guide the agents in simple language. This allows you to tailor the agents to your specific business needs and continuously improve their performance.

Q: How does Superbase contribute to the functionality of Cheat Layer? A: Superbase is an integral part of Cheat Layer, providing a no code free open-source database that stores and maintains the knowledge acquired by your AI agents. It allows for long-term memory and the storage of valuable data sets for your business.

Q: Can I use the data generated by my agents in Cheat Layer for future language models? A: Yes, the data stored in Superbase can be utilized to train new language models in the future. This ensures that your agents continue to adapt and improve, even as new technologies and models emerge in the AI field.

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