Automate your emails effortlessly

Automate your emails effortlessly

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Sync Mail Sync
  2. Features of Sync Mail Sync
  3. Login and Registration Process
  4. Backend Architecture: Sync Loop
  5. APIs in Sync Loop
    • Database Connection
    • SQL Queries
    • Generate Email API
    • Get Emails API
    • Prompts APIs
    • User-related APIs
    • STRING Cleaner
    • String to Int Converter
  6. Frontend Application: Flutter
  7. Database Schema
  8. Postman API Dashboard
  9. Conclusion

Introduction: Sync Mail Sync

Sync Mail Sync is an AI email generator that allows users to generate email content Based on a subject and keywords. The application uses Google's spam API to generate the email body, ensuring that the content meets high standards. With standard login and sign up features, users can easily access and utilize the capabilities of Sync Mail Sync.

Features of Sync Mail Sync

  • AI-powered email generation
  • Login and registration functionality
  • Prompt selection for email generation
  • Copy button for easy access to generated emails
  • Storage of generated emails in MySQL database
  • User-friendly dashboard interface

Login and Registration Process

To start using Sync Mail Sync, users can quickly log in using the standard login process. The backend of Sync Mail Sync is built using Sync Loop, which allows for seamless authentication and account creation. Users can sign up with their email and name, and the system will validate and insert the user details into the database. Once logged in, users can access the various features of the application.

Backend Architecture: Sync Loop

Sync Loop is at the Core of Sync Mail Sync's backend architecture. It handles multiple APIs and ensures smooth communication between the front end, Google's spam API, and the MySQL database. The backend is designed to handle the generation of emails based on user inputs and store them securely for future access.

APIs in Sync Loop

Database Connection

Sync Loop establishes a database connection with the necessary URL and JDBC connection parameters. This connection allows for efficient and secure communication with the MySQL database.

SQL Queries

Sync Loop utilizes six SQL queries for various operations. These include creating a user, fetching emails, fetching prompts by ID, fetching all prompts, inserting generated emails, and the login endpoint query. These queries handle crucial operations related to user authentication, email generation, and data retrieval.

Generate Email API

The generate email API is responsible for generating email content based on a prompt ID, subject, and keywords provided by the user. It fetches the prompt body from the database and appends the user's keywords to it. The API sends an HTTP request to Google's spam API, which responds with the generated email. The response is then cleaned, stored in the database, and returned to the user.

Get Emails API

The get emails API retrieves all previously generated emails for a specific user. By providing the user ID, users can access their history of generated emails and review them as needed.

Prompts APIs

Sync Loop offers APIs to manage prompts, including fetching all available prompts and fetching a specific prompt by ID. These APIs ensure that users have a range of prompts to choose from for email generation.

User-related APIs

User-related APIs handle user creation and login processes. The Create user API validates and inserts user details into the database, while the login API verifies user credentials and returns the user's name and ID if successful.

String Cleaner

The string cleaner is a utility Java function that removes unwanted characters from the generated email. It ensures that the email content is clean and devoid of unnecessary formatting or artifacts.

String to Int Converter

Due to programming language constraints, the frontend application built using Flutter requires string headers for API requests. The string to int converter function allows for the conversion of these headers into integer format, enabling seamless communication between the frontend and backend.

Frontend Application: Flutter

Sync Mail Sync's frontend application is built using Flutter, a programming language that allows for the development of cross-platform mobile applications. The Dart language is used to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface that seamlessly communicates with Sync Loop's backend APIs.

Database Schema

The database schema used in Sync Mail Sync consists of three main tables: emails, users, and prompts. The emails table stores all generated emails, including the email text, ID, keywords, user ID, and subject. The users table stores user information, such as email, name, and ID. Lastly, the prompts table contains information about the available prompts for email generation.

Postman API Dashboard

The Postman API dashboard provides comprehensive access to all the APIs and endpoints available in Sync Mail Sync. Users can make API requests, view responses, and test the functionality of the application. This platform ensures seamless integration and efficient API management.


Sync Mail Sync offers a powerful AI email generation solution with a user-friendly interface. By leveraging Google's spam API and Sync Loop's backend architecture, users can easily create professional email content based on specific prompts. With its robust features and efficient communication with the MySQL database, Sync Mail Sync takes email generation to the next level.


  • AI-powered email generation with Google's spam API
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive dashboard
  • Seamless login and registration process
  • Extensive SQL queries for efficient data operations
  • Prompt selection for personalized email content
  • Protection against unwanted characters with the string cleaner utility
  • Cross-platform Flutter application for optimal user experience
  • Secure storage of generated emails in the MySQL database
  • Convenient access to all APIs through the Postman dashboard


Q: How does Sync Mail Sync generate email content? A: Sync Mail Sync uses an AI-powered approach with Google's spam API to generate high-quality email content based on prompts and user-provided keywords.

Q: Can I access previously generated emails? A: Yes, Sync Mail Sync allows users to access all previously generated emails. Simply provide the user ID, and the system will return the relevant email history.

Q: What programming language is used in the frontend application? A: The frontend application of Sync Mail Sync is built using Flutter, which utilizes the Dart programming language for cross-platform mobile application development.

Q: Is my data secure in Sync Mail Sync? A: Yes, Sync Mail Sync ensures the security of data by securely storing generated emails in the MySQL database. User authentication and data privacy are given utmost importance in the application.

Q: How many prompts are available for email generation? A: Sync Mail Sync provides a variety of prompts for users to choose from. These prompts are constantly updated and expanded to cater to different email content requirements.

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