Automate Your Social Media with an AI-Powered Assistant!

Automate Your Social Media with an AI-Powered Assistant!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Building a Fully Automatic Social Media Assistant 2.1. Step 1: Finding NFL News Sources 2.2. Step 2: Setting up Browse AI 2.3. Step 3: Integrating Browse AI with 2.4. Step 4: Adding GPT-3 Module 2.5. Step 5: Tweeting with Twitter Module
  3. Conclusion


In today's digital age, social media has become one of the most powerful tools for businesses to connect with their audience and market their products or services. However, managing social media can be time-consuming and overwhelming, requiring constant effort to create engaging content. But what if there was a way to automate this process and have a fully automatic social media assistant? In this article, we will explore how to create a fully automatic social media assistant with the help of GPT-3, a cutting-edge AI Tool. By leveraging GPT-3, we can scrape the internet for news, generate social media posts, and automatically tweet them on a set schedule.

Building a Fully Automatic Social Media Assistant

Step 1: Finding NFL News Sources

To begin, we need to find reliable NFL news sources that we can use to create content for our social media assistant. In this example, we will use "The Ringer" as our news source, but you can choose any website that is Relevant to your niche. The goal is to find websites that consistently publish new articles or blog posts related to your target audience's interests.

Step 2: Setting up Browse AI

Next, we will set up Browse AI, a powerful AI-driven tool that allows us to extract data from any website, even if they don't have an open API. To get started, install the Browse AI Google Chrome extension. Once installed, navigate to the website from which you want to extract data. Click on the Browse AI extension icon and create a new robot. You have two options: extract data from the current page or monitor the page for changes. For our example, we will choose to monitor the page for changes, specifically new blog posts. Capture the necessary data fields, such as article titles and URLs, and set up the monitoring schedule. By doing this, Browse AI will automatically scrape the website for new articles and update the data for our social media assistant.

Step 3: Integrating Browse AI with

Now that Browse AI is set up, it's time to integrate it with, a workflow automation platform. In, create a new Scenario for your social media assistant and add the Browse AI module. Configure the module to watch for task execution completion, ensuring that it runs every day at a specified time. This way, Browse AI will automatically scrape the designated website for new articles and update the data in the scenario.

Step 4: Adding GPT-3 Module

With the news data from Browse AI in place, it's time to leverage GPT-3 to generate social media posts based on that data. Add the GPT-3 module to your scenario and connect it to your OpenAI account. Choose the appropriate GPT-3 model, such as Text DaVinci 3. In the Prompt, instruct GPT-3 to create a custom tweet using the captured data from Browse AI. You can specify which data fields to use, such as article titles or descriptions, and give a brief instruction to make the tweet unique and engaging. Adjust the temperature parameter to control the creativity of the generated tweets. A higher value like 0.9 will add flare and uniqueness to the posts.

Step 5: Tweeting with Twitter Module

Finally, we need to connect our social media assistant to our Twitter account and automate the tweeting process. Add the Twitter module to your scenario and authenticate your account. Use the output from the GPT-3 module as the text for the tweet. Additionally, include the URL of the article obtained from Browse AI to provide a link for your followers to access the full content. By running the scenario, the social media assistant will automatically generate tweets based on the captured data and post them on Twitter.


In this article, we have learned how to create a fully automatic social media assistant using GPT-3 and Browse AI. By automating the process of finding news articles, generating social media posts, and Scheduling tweets, we can save time and effort while maintaining an active and engaging social media presence. Automating these tasks allows us to focus on more important aspects of our business and maximize our productivity. With the power of AI, the possibilities for automating social media management are endless. So why not leverage these tools to grow and market your business effectively? Try implementing a social media assistant and see the difference it can make.


  • Learn how to create a fully automatic social media assistant
  • Leverage GPT-3 and Browse AI to scrape the internet for news and generate social media posts
  • Automate the tweeting process and save time and effort
  • Maximize productivity and focus on more important aspects of your business


Q: How do I find relevant news sources for my social media assistant? A: Look for websites or blogs that regularly publish content related to your target audience's interests. Choose sources that provide reliable and up-to-date information.

Q: Can I use multiple news sources for my social media assistant? A: Yes, you can use multiple news sources to diversify your content and appeal to a broader audience. Set up multiple robots in Browse AI to scrape data from different websites.

Q: Can I schedule tweets for different times of the day using this social media assistant? A: Yes, you can customize the schedule for when the social media assistant generates and posts tweets. Set the desired time and frequency in the scenario settings.

Q: Can I use this method for platforms other than Twitter? A: Absolutely! The same concept can be applied to other social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram. Adapt the modules and workflows accordingly.


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