Avoid the Gray Jacket Problem with Proper AI Prompt Architecture

Avoid the Gray Jacket Problem with Proper AI Prompt Architecture

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Gray Jacket Problem
  3. Large Language Models
  4. Average Responses from Language Models
  5. Prompt Architecture
  6. Importance of Prompt Architecture
  7. Future of Prompt Architecture
  8. Social Media Intern Gone Wrong
  9. Identifying Stock Responses
  10. Conclusion

The Gray Jacket Problem: Why Average Responses from Language Models are Not Enough

Have You ever found yourself in a situation where you end up wearing the same clothes as someone else? It's an embarrassing and uncomfortable feeling, especially when you're both on the same panel at a conference. This is what happened to me at a recent conference on AI and fundraising. But it got me thinking - this situation is a lot like what happens when we rely on large language models like GPT-3 and ChatGPT for our content needs.

The Gray Jacket Problem

Let me explain what I mean by the gray jacket problem. Imagine you and another person both walk into a department store and see a delightful gray jacket on the rack. You both try it on, thinking it looks great on you. But when you both Show up to the conference wearing the same jacket, you realize that you're not as unique as you thought.

The same thing can happen with language models. When we use these models to generate content, we're essentially pulling from the same pool of responses as everyone else who uses the model. This results in what I call the gray jacket problem - we end up with content that is average and unremarkable.

Large Language Models

Large language models like GPT-3, GPT-4, ChatGPT, Claude, and Lambda have become popular tools for generating content. These models have been trained on vast amounts of data, including the entire corpus of the internet, Quora, and more. They use this data to generate responses Based on the probability of the previous words.

Average Responses from Language Models

The problem with using large language models is that they tend to generate average responses. They use a random number generator to determine the next word based on the probability of the previous words. This means that unless we can tune the model to our needs, we're going to end up with content that is just like everyone else's.

Prompt Architecture

This is where prompt architecture comes in. Prompt architecture is the process of designing Prompts that ensure the language model generates responses that are Relevant, accurate, and useful. A well-designed prompt ensures that the model generates content that is tailored to the needs and goals of the user.

Importance of Prompt Architecture

Prompt architecture is important because it allows us to harness the power of large language models without falling victim to the gray jacket problem. When we design prompts that are specific to our needs, we can generate content that is unique, engaging, and relevant to our audience. This allows us to stand out in a crowded online space.

Future of Prompt Architecture

As the use of large language models becomes more widespread, the need for prompt architects will grow. I predict that within the next three years, hiring a prompt architect will be as common as hiring a social media manager. It will become an essential role within any organization that values high-quality content.

Social Media Intern Gone Wrong

We've seen what can happen when we let interns run our social media accounts. The results can range from mildly embarrassing to downright disastrous. The same thing can happen when we let untrained staff use language models without the knowledge of how to design proper prompt architecture.

Identifying Stock Responses

One of the dangers of using large language models is that the responses generated can be easily identified as stock responses. This can lead to a decrease in engagement and a lack of trust from your audience. Prompt architecture allows us to generate responses that are unique and tailored to our specific needs, avoiding the use of stock responses.


The gray jacket problem is real, and it's something that we need to be aware of when using large language models. By focusing on prompt architecture, we can generate content that is unique, engaging, and relevant to our audience. This will ensure that we stand out in a crowded online space and build trust with our audience. So, let's toss out those gray jackets and start designing prompts that will help us Create high-quality content that sets us apart.


  • Relying on large language models can result in average and unremarkable content.
  • Prompt architecture is the process of designing prompts that ensure the language model generates responses that are relevant, accurate, and useful.
  • Prompt architecture is important because it allows us to generate content that is unique, engaging, and relevant to our audience.
  • Hiring a prompt architect will become an essential role within any organization that values high-quality content.
  • Using large language models without the proper knowledge of prompt architecture can lead to stock responses and a lack of trust from your audience.


Q: What are large language models? A: Large language models are AI-powered tools that have been trained on vast amounts of data and can generate text, speech, and other content.

Q: What is prompt architecture? A: Prompt architecture is the process of designing prompts that ensure the language model generates responses that are relevant, accurate, and useful.

Q: Why is prompt architecture important? A: Prompt architecture is important because it allows us to generate content that is unique, engaging, and relevant to our audience.

Q: What is the gray jacket problem? A: The gray jacket problem is the tendency for content generated from large language models to be average and unremarkable.

Q: What can happen if we use large language models without the proper knowledge of prompt architecture? A: Using large language models without the proper knowledge of prompt architecture can lead to stock responses and a lack of trust from your audience.

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