Avoid These 20 Common Grammar Mistakes!

Avoid These 20 Common Grammar Mistakes!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Common Grammar Mistakes
    1. Much vs Many
    2. Singular vs Plural Nouns
    3. Using Apostrophes
    4. Subject-Verb Agreement
    5. Using "Before" vs "Ago"
    6. Correct Possessive Adjectives
    7. Correcting Adjective Forms
    8. Using "Since" vs "For"
    9. Describing Time Periods
    10. Proper Question Formation
  3. Conclusion

Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Correct Them

Are You feeling unsure about your grammar skills? Do you often make mistakes when it comes to grammar rules? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this article, we will discuss some common grammar mistakes and how to correct them. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of these grammar rules and be able to avoid these mistakes in your writing and speech.

1. Much vs Many

One of the most common grammar mistakes is the incorrect use of "much" and "many." These two words both refer to a large quantity of something, but the difference lies in their usage. "Much" is used for uncountable nouns, while "many" is used for countable nouns. For example, instead of saying "There are so much people," it should be corrected to "There are so many people."

2. Singular vs Plural Nouns

Another common mistake is the incorrect agreement between singular and plural nouns with their corresponding verbs. It's important to ensure subject-verb agreement in order for the sentence to make Sense. For example, saying "There is three books in the box" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "There are three books in the box." If there was only one book, then it would be correct to say "There is one book in the box."

3. Using Apostrophes

Apostrophes play a crucial role in grammar, specifically when it comes to possessive adjectives. For example, saying "That's she's handbag" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "That's her handbag." In this case, the possessive adjective "her" is used to indicate ownership.

4. Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is another area where grammar mistakes commonly occur. It's important to make sure that the verb agrees with the subject in terms of singular or plural form. For example, saying "Jane are studying in the library" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "Jane is studying in the library." In this case, the singular noun "Jane" requires the singular verb "is."

5. Using "Before" vs "Ago"

The proper use of "before" and "ago" can often be confusing. When referring to a period of time or an event that occurred, it is important to use the correct word. For example, saying "We met three years before" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "We met three years ago." If you want to use "before" correctly, you can say "We met three years before we got married," where "before" refers to a specific event.

6. Correct Possessive Adjectives

Using the correct possessive adjective is important for proper grammar. For example, saying "Zara's bag is red" is correct because it indicates that the bag belongs to Zara. The correct usage of the possessive adjective "her" is essential in conveying ownership or possession.

7. Correcting Adjective Forms

Using the appropriate adjective form is crucial for accuracy in communication. The use of the "-ed" form indicates a state or a feeling, while the "-ing" form refers to the cause. For example, saying "I was boring in class" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "I was bored in class." Here, the adjective "bored" indicates the effect of the class being boring.

8. Using "Since" vs "For"

Knowing when to use "since" or "for" is important for conveying the duration of time. When referring to a specific time, "since" should be used. For example, saying "I have been a teacher since three years" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "I have been a teacher for three years." On the other HAND, if you want to specify a particular year, you can say "I have been a teacher since 2015."

9. Describing Time Periods

When describing a time period, it's important to use the correct form of the noun. For example, saying "I have completed the five months course" is incorrect. The correct sentence should be "I have completed the five-month course." There is no need to add an "s" at the end of "months" as it is already describing the course.

10. Proper Question Formation

The formation of questions is another area where grammar mistakes often occur. It's essential to use the correct structure to form a question. For example, saying "Where can I buy a wedding dress?" is correct. The question word "where" is followed by the auxiliary verb "can," the subject "I," and the main verb "buy." This structure ensures proper question formation.

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of common grammar mistakes and how to correct them. By practicing these grammar rules, you can improve your English skills and communicate more effectively. Remember, grammar is a fundamental aspect of language, and mastering it will greatly enhance your language skills. So, keep learning and practicing to become a confident English speaker and Writer.


In conclusion, mastering grammar rules is essential for effective communication in the English language. By understanding and avoiding common grammar mistakes, you can improve your writing and speaking skills. Remember to pay Attention to the correct usage of words, subject-verb agreement, possessive adjectives, adjective forms, and question formation. With practice and consistency, you'll become more proficient in English grammar and be able to express yourself accurately. So, start applying these grammar rules in your daily conversations and written work for better results.


  • Learn to avoid common grammar mistakes and improve your writing and speaking skills.
  • Understand the difference between "much" and "many" when referring to quantities.
  • Ensure subject-verb agreement for singular and plural nouns.
  • Properly use apostrophes to indicate possession.
  • Use "before" for specific events and "ago" for time periods.
  • Master the correct possessive adjectives for a better understanding of ownership.
  • Choose the correct adjective form to accurately describe states or causes.
  • Differentiate between "since" and "for" when indicating time duration.
  • Use the appropriate noun form when describing time periods.
  • Practice proper question formation for effective communication.


Q: Why is it important to avoid common grammar mistakes? A: Avoiding grammar mistakes helps improve your communication skills and ensures clarity in your message. It also enhances your credibility and professionalism in both written and spoken English.

Q: Can practicing grammar rules help me become a better English speaker and writer? A: Absolutely! Grammar is a foundational aspect of language, and by mastering grammar rules, you can express yourself accurately and confidently. Regular practice will improve your overall language proficiency.

Q: What are some common grammar mistakes that non-native English speakers often make? A: Non-native English speakers often struggle with subject-verb agreement, correct adjective forms, and using articles and prepositions accurately. These are areas that require attention and practice to overcome common mistakes.

Q: Are there any online resources or tools available to help me improve my grammar skills? A: Yes, there are many online resources, grammar courses, and grammar-checking tools available to assist you in improving your grammar skills. These resources can be accessed easily and provide valuable guidance and practice exercises.

Q: How can I ensure that I consistently Apply correct grammar rules in my writing and speech? A: Consistency comes with practice and awareness. By consciously focusing on grammar rules, proofreading your written work, and seeking feedback from others, you can identify and correct any mistakes. Regular practice will help you internalize the correct grammar patterns and make them second nature.

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