Becoming a Viral Fake K-pop Idol with Face Filters

Becoming a Viral Fake K-pop Idol with Face Filters

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Rise of Face Builders on Social Media
  3. Catfishing with Filters: A Disturbing Trend
  4. Streamers and the Illusion of Perfection
  5. Creating a Fake Identity: My Experiment as a Kpop Idol Trainee
  6. Choosing the Right Name for My Trainee Friend
  7. Setting Up the Instagram Account
  8. Navigating the World of Kpop Companies
  9. The Challenges of Convincing Others
  10. Adjusting My Plan: Fooling Others Instead
  11. The Power of Social Media: Building a Following
  12. Ian's Journey as a Kpop Idol Trainee
  13. Dealing with Doubters and Haters
  14. The Impact of Filters and Face Tuning
  15. Reflections on the Experiment
  16. Conclusion

The Rise of Face Builders on Social Media

In today's digital age, the power of filters and face tuning has become increasingly prevalent on social media platforms. It's no longer a secret that people can dramatically alter their appearance with just a few taps on their screens. From Snapchat to Instagram, individuals are using these tools to Create a seemingly Flawless version of themselves, effectively deceiving their audience. But where do we draw the line between harmless fun and manipulative catfishing?

Catfishing with Filters: A Disturbing Trend

One disturbing trend that has emerged is the use of face filters to completely alter one's appearance. People are now able to present themselves as an entirely different person, attracting Attention and followers who are none the wiser. This phenomenon has not only affected the everyday user but has also infiltrated the world of influencers and streamers, leaving us questioning the authenticity of what we see online.

Streamers and the Illusion of Perfection

Many streamers have hopped on the bandwagon of using filters throughout their entire broadcasts. By presenting themselves as cute dolls or flawless beings, they gain a significant following and, subsequently, more followers. This illusion of perfection has become a powerful tool in their Quest for popularity. But at what cost?

Creating a Fake Identity: My Experiment as a Kpop Idol Trainee

Inspired by the widespread use of filters and the success of influencers, I decided to conduct an experiment of my own. I wanted to see if I could convincingly create a fake identity as a Kpop idol trainee using only face filters and artistic manipulation. The goal was to test the limits of deception on social media and determine how easily people could be fooled.

Choosing the Right Name for My Trainee Friend

To begin my experiment, I needed to choose a name for my fictional trainee friend. I tried using a Korean Name Generator but quickly realized that pronouncing and authentically sounding Korean names would be a challenge for me. Instead, I decided to go with an English name, one that would be more believable since my friend was supposedly born in Canada.

Setting Up the Instagram Account

With a name in HAND, I proceeded to create an Instagram account for my trainee friend. I followed the typical steps of setting up a profile, providing a backstory, and selecting an appropriate profile picture. I wanted to ensure that the account appeared legitimate and had enough details to convince potential followers.

Navigating the World of Kpop Companies

In choosing the Kpop company my friend would train under, I had to consider believability and reputation. SM standards for visuals were deemed unattainable for me, while YG already had a saturation of talented groups. Ultimately, I settled on JYP as it seemed like a reasonable choice, although I hoped they wouldn't sue me for using their name.

The Challenges of Convincing Others

My initial aim was to gain around 4,000 followers for my friend, which would be approximately 10% of my Current follower count. However, I soon realized that convincing people of my friend's existence would be a challenging task. While gaining followers wasn't too difficult, making it convincing was another story altogether.

Adjusting My Plan: Fooling Others Instead

As my original plan faltered, I decided to switch gears and target other people instead. I enlisted the help of my followers, asking them to pose as fans of my fake persona and leave comments on Ian's pictures. The hope was that their enthusiastic support would create an illusion of a genuine following, further fooling those who stumbled upon the account.

The Power of Social Media: Building a Following

Surprisingly, my followers wholeheartedly embraced the task of supporting my fake persona. They quickly flooded Ian's account with comments and followed him, helping him gain a substantial number of followers. It was a testament to the power of social media and how easily people could be influenced by a collective effort.

Ian's Journey as a Kpop Idol Trainee

With the support pouring in, Ian started to share his journey as a Kpop idol trainee. He posted dance covers, glimpses of everyday life, and even encountered a chance meeting with a member of JYP in an elevator. The mix of authenticity and creative artistry kept the interest of his growing following.

Dealing with Doubters and Haters

Not everyone was convinced by Ian's authenticity, and doubts began to surface in the comments. Some questioned his resemblance to a popular YouTuber, while others simply dismissed him as unappealing. Handling doubts and haters became a challenge, but Ian's loyal supporters came to his defense.

The Impact of Filters and Face Tuning

Throughout the experiment, the reliance on filters and face tuning was abundantly clear. Ian's carefully edited photos prompted discussions about the discrepancy between digital appearance and reality. It highlighted society's obsession with perfection and the lengths people go to achieve it, even through deceptive means.

Reflections on the Experiment

As the experiment progressed, I couldn't help but reflect on the implications of my actions. What started as a Curiosity-driven endeavor turned into a thought-provoking exploration of the power of deception and the influence of social media. It shed light on the blurred lines between reality and fiction in today's interconnected world.


In conclusion, my experiment as a fake Kpop idol trainee allowed me to Delve deep into the realm of filters, manipulation, and the influence of social media. It was an eye-opening experience that challenged my own perceptions and reminded me of the responsibilities we hold when presenting ourselves online. While the experiment had its flaws, it ultimately highlighted the need for authenticity and transparency in a digital landscape dominated by illusions.


  • The use of face filters and face tuning has become pervasive on social media, creating an illusion of perfection.
  • Streamers often rely on filters throughout their broadcasts, attracting followers with their seemingly flawless appearance.
  • The experiment involved creating a fake identity as a Kpop idol trainee using only face filters and artistic manipulation.
  • Building a convincing fake identity was challenging, but with the help of dedicated followers, a significant following was achieved.
  • The experiment raised questions about the impact of filters and face tuning on society's Perception of beauty and authenticity.


Q: How successful was the experiment in creating a fake identity as a Kpop idol trainee? A: While the experiment gained a significant following, the authenticity of the fake identity remained questionable to some. The experiment highlighted the challenges of convincing others and blurred the lines between reality and fiction.

Q: What were the main limitations and ethical considerations of the experiment? A: The experiment raised ethical concerns regarding deception and manipulation. It also faced limitations in terms of the authenticity of the created identity and the potential harm it could cause to individuals who genuinely aspired to be Kpop idols.

Q: What lessons were learned from the experiment? A: The experiment shed light on the power of filters, the influence of social media, and the need for authenticity in a digitally-driven world. It acted as a reminder of our responsibilities when presenting ourselves online and the impact our actions can have on others.

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