BERT: Contextualized Word Embeddings for NLP | Tutorial 46

BERT: Contextualized Word Embeddings for NLP | Tutorial 46

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction II. What is BERT? III. How BERT is used in NLP tasks? IV. Understanding Word Embeddings V. BERT's Contextualized Word Embeddings VI. BERT's Transformer Architecture VII. BERT Base vs BERT Large VIII. Preprocessing Text with BERT IX. Generating Sentence and Word Embeddings with BERT X. Using BERT for Movie Review Classification XI. Pros and Cons of BERT XII. Conclusion XIII. FAQ


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a rapidly growing field that has gained a lot of Attention in recent years. One of the most popular language models used in NLP is BERT, developed by Google. In this article, we will explore what BERT is, how it is used in NLP tasks, and how it generates word embeddings. We will also discuss BERT's transformer architecture, the difference between BERT Base and BERT Large, and how to preprocess text with BERT. Finally, we will generate sentence and word embeddings with BERT and use it for movie review classification.

What is BERT?

BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It is a pre-trained language model developed by Google that can be fine-tuned for various NLP tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question-answering. BERT is Based on a transformer architecture and is trained on a large corpus of text data.

How BERT is used in NLP tasks?

BERT is used in NLP tasks by generating contextualized word embeddings. Word embeddings are numerical representations of words that capture their semantic meaning. BERT generates word embeddings by taking into account the context in which the word appears. This allows BERT to capture the meaning of words in a more accurate way than traditional word embeddings.

Understanding Word Embeddings:

Word embeddings are numerical representations of words that capture their semantic meaning. They are used in NLP tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question-answering. Word embeddings are generated by assigning a unique vector to each word in a vocabulary. The vector captures the semantic meaning of the word.

BERT's Contextualized Word Embeddings:

BERT generates contextualized word embeddings by taking into account the context in which the word appears. This allows BERT to capture the meaning of words in a more accurate way than traditional word embeddings. BERT generates word embeddings for entire sentences as well as individual words.

BERT's Transformer Architecture:

BERT is based on a transformer architecture, which is a neural network architecture that is widely used in NLP tasks. The transformer architecture consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder takes in a sequence of input tokens and generates a sequence of Hidden states. The decoder takes in the hidden states and generates a sequence of output tokens.

BERT Base vs BERT Large:

BERT comes in two versions: BERT Base and BERT Large. BERT Base has 12 encoder layers, while BERT Large has 24 encoder layers. BERT Large is more powerful than BERT Base but also requires more computational resources.

Preprocessing Text with BERT:

Text must be preprocessed before it can be used with BERT. This involves adding special tokens to the beginning and end of the text and padding the text to a fixed length. BERT also requires the text to be tokenized into individual words.

Generating Sentence and Word Embeddings with BERT:

Sentence and word embeddings can be generated with BERT by passing the preprocessed text through the BERT model. BERT generates a vector of size 768 for each word in the text and a vector of size 768 for the entire sentence.

Using BERT for Movie Review Classification:

BERT can be used for movie review classification by fine-tuning the pre-trained BERT model on a dataset of movie reviews. The fine-tuned model can then be used to classify new movie reviews as positive or negative.

Pros and Cons of BERT:


  • BERT generates contextualized word embeddings, which capture the meaning of words more accurately than traditional word embeddings.
  • BERT is pre-trained on a large corpus of text data, which makes it easy to fine-tune for various NLP tasks.
  • BERT is widely used in industry and has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art results on many NLP tasks.


  • BERT requires a large amount of computational resources to train and use.
  • BERT's transformer architecture can be difficult to understand and implement.


BERT is a powerful language model that is widely used in NLP tasks. It generates contextualized word embeddings that capture the meaning of words more accurately than traditional word embeddings. BERT is based on a transformer architecture and is pre-trained on a large corpus of text data. BERT can be fine-tuned for various NLP tasks and has been shown to achieve state-of-the-art results on many of them.


Q: What is a word embedding? A: A word embedding is a numerical representation of a word that captures its semantic meaning.

Q: What is BERT? A: BERT is a pre-trained language model developed by Google that generates contextualized word embeddings.

Q: What is the difference between BERT Base and BERT Large? A: BERT Base has 12 encoder layers, while BERT Large has 24 encoder layers. BERT Large is more powerful than BERT Base but also requires more computational resources.

Q: What is the transformer architecture? A: The transformer architecture is a neural network architecture that is widely used in NLP tasks. It consists of an encoder and a decoder.

Q: How is BERT used in NLP tasks? A: BERT is used in NLP tasks by generating contextualized word embeddings. These embeddings are used for tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, and question-answering.

Q: What is pre-processing text with BERT? A: Pre-processing text with BERT involves adding special tokens to the beginning and end of the text, padding the text to a fixed length, and tokenizing the text into individual words.

Q: What are the pros and cons of BERT? A: Pros of BERT include generating accurate contextualized word embeddings and being pre-trained on a large corpus of text data. Cons of BERT include requiring a large amount of computational resources and having a complex transformer architecture.

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